Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 876: Unlucky boy - Ang

"It's over." A sword cut the last black-robed man in half, and then kicked him away.

"It's time to find Rem and Ang." Exhaling, Mu Hantian calmed himself down, and then carried Ram to the outside. Suddenly, he stopped because of a voice.

"Ah, ah, ah, my brain is trembling, and it's actually... beheading my 'finger' mercilessly with the love you were given. How cruel you are." The voice sounded, and a man walked slowly towards Mu Hantian, followed by a group of men in black robes.

It was a bony man.

He was slightly taller than Subaru and wore the exact same clothes as those in black robes, but he did not cover his face, and his body was so thin that he looked like a dead man with only bones and skin. The dark green hair is also dry and lifeless, giving the viewer the impression of being unhygienic and weak. If you hadn't seen those crazy eyes from the front.

The man seemed to have lost three fingers and was still bleeding, so it should have been a recent injury.

"Are you their boss?"

"Yes, yes, hahahaha."

"Cut, you bastard." Mu Hantian couldn't do anything, because Rem and Ang were stretched out from behind the man's body by his arms. He didn't know what it was.

"It seems that there is something wrong with my decision." Mu Hantian rescued Ram first, leaving behind the slow dragon carriage, but Rem and Ang were caught by the enemy, and he had to say that he was too careless.

"So, who are you!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm the Bishop of Witch Sect—" Bending his waist slowly and respectfully, the man told his title, then just raised his neck and looked forward.

Next, report your name.

"The one who is in charge of 'lazy'...Bertrugius Romani-Conti." The man who pointed at Mu Hantian with both hands--Bertrugius said with a smile.

His piercing laughter resounded eerily through the silent village like scratching.

"Witch Cult? What a bunch of stinky guys. It's disgusting!"

"Smells? Sloth! You're really lazy, you actually call the favor given by adults a stench! It's just that you didn't preach the gospel diligently and steadfastly, but you still use love to kill believers who yearn for love. Ah, really lazy, lazy! You are really lazy!" Inexplicably, he started to rage, and then behind the disgusting sin private education, several tentacles composed of energies appeared, attacking Mu Hantian.

"It's too slow!" Mu Hantian didn't need to hide from the incoming tentacles, because it was too slow.

He easily cut off the incoming tentacle, and Mu Hantian burned it with fire.

"It's so disgusting, tentacle monster, I'm not a horse monkey soju."

"How is it possible! Impossible, impossible, how can you cut off the tentacles, can't you see it? My power 'lazy' is the 'invisible hand' given to me by love!"

"Invisible? Are you kidding me? I can clearly see that dirty thing crawling out of your back."

"You can see it? You can actually see it! Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!" As he went crazy, the tentacles behind him began to shake.

Following the violent shaking, Rem, who was being held in his hand, woke up.

"cold day!"

"It's so noisy, it's so annoying!" Even if it was the weak and mosquito-like voice, the Witch Sect's big sin private education still gave a huge response. Countless tentacles directly separated one to grab Rem's neck, and then the other arms swarmed up.

"You must die!"

"Haha, are you really going to do it? Can you be faster than me? Hahahaha!" Bertrugius yelled, those energy tentacles tearing at Rem's limbs.

"Hurry up with you, let's try it." Mu Hantian's icy voice sounded behind him.

"What! You..." Bertrugius was shocked, because Mu Hantian in front of him began to dissipate like a bubble.

"I've been looking for an opportunity, and I finally found it just now. The magic I learned from Ah Ye is still useful." Mu Hantian said while attacking, cutting off the tentacles that bound Rem, and holding Rem in his arms. in the arms.

"Damn it, **** it, you dare to be clever, you are really lazy, give me death!" The energy tentacles kept attacking Mu Hantian.

"Boring." Although Ram was behind his back and Rem was in his hand, it was no problem for Mu Hantian.

However, Mu Hantian ignored a problem, that is... Leyue Ang!

"Uh...ah!" A scream was made by Leyue Ang, and an energy tentacle just stabbed him.

"Ah, this is bad." Mu Hantian was a little speechless, Ang, your luck is too bad, you will die like this, alas, time is going to flow back again, and so many of my exchange points are wasted in vain, I hate you.


Consciousness went back in time, and Mu Hantian fell exaggeratedly when he returned to his body.

"Wow, what's the matter, little brother?" Seeing that Mu Hantian was on the road without warning, the man standing inside the counter quickly leaned out.

Mu Hantian, who fell to the ground without even getting up, frowned and said, "It's's just that his feet slipped a bit."

"It's not so much the slippery feet, the force of the fall seems to have suddenly lost a leg. It's okay to stand or walk, right? If the parts other than common sense are gone, I won't accompany you."

"No." Mu Hantian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Just let me stop joking, how many Ringo do you want?"

"Ringuo?" Mu Ran took it from the boss, Mu Hantian clenched his fists consciously, and then... Ringuo suffered. Sweet and sour juice spread out.

"What do you want to do!" The boss's shrill cry attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

"Rem?" Feeling the clothes being pulled, Mu Hantian turned around, it was Rem.

"cold day!"

"I'm sorry when you guys are so passionate, but your intimacy here will hinder my business." Looking at the scene at the front of the store, Cadmon said as he drove the two away.

"It doesn't matter if we're here or not, it's because your business couldn't be done!" Mu Hantian complained, then looked at Rem.

"Have you finished shopping?"

"Yes." Rem nodded obediently.

"Then let's go." Mu Hantian smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Yeah." Rem also stretched out his hand and held it with Mu Hantian.

Witch Cult, laziness, right? Don't worry, I won't give you the slightest chance next time.

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