Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 878: Beluga appears

Leon's room.

Rem obeyed Mu Hantian's words and went to pack his luggage without doubting or asking. She had unconditional trust in Mu Hantian's words.


Mu Hantian turned the door handle, pushed open the door of Lai Yue Ang's room, and walked in.

"Hantian, you're finally here. After you left, Rem said Ram was dead."

"I know, but I saved Ram, but because of you unlucky child, the time has been reset again." Mu Hantian helplessly supported his forehead.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"I fought that self-proclaimed 'lazy' Bertrugius at the time, and I was about to kill him, but you were killed by his tentacles." Thinking of this, Mu Hantian was even more speechless, and sure enough , Leyue Ang was full of malice from the world.

"Okay, my fault is my back, who called me a weak chicken."

"Don't be too frustrated. This time we will leave in the afternoon. Before that, let's sort out the information."

"You're right, sort out the information first. Shortly after you left, our dragon carriage was attacked by a group of men in black robes," Leyue Ang said.

"Well, I know, that's someone from the Witch Cult, and I met it too. Then, what happened?"

"I don't know. I flipped out of the dragon carriage. I must have been in a coma. By the way, what happened to Emilia and the others?"

"I don't know. When I ran to the village, I only found Ram, and everyone in the village died. But Emilia and the others should also be the worst, because Roswaal probably didn't. Yes, if he was there, I don't think those witch sect people would be so arrogant."

"You're right, so what should we do?" Leyue Ang asked.

"Three days later, the people of the Witch Cult will definitely attack the mansion. This is a determined thing. Now hurry up and pack up. The dragon carriage of Korxiu will not be ready until evening. Now let's make a good plan."

"I understand...but..." Leyueang hesitated.

"Just leave the enemy to me, don't worry."

"Please, don't worry, I will train hard and I won't let you down."

"Ah, come on, Ang."



"Excuse me, Lord Crusius."

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing compared to the favor you owe me. By the way, is it okay if I use this favor to make you serve me?"

"Let's talk about this when it's over." Mu Hantian didn't reply immediately.

"Is that so." Crusher nodded, and then showed a look of regret. "Originally I wanted to have a drink with you, but now it seems that I have to wait for the next time."

"If I have time in the future, I will come back for a drink with you."

"It's been a long wait, Han Tian." Rem walked out through the gate, holding the luggage in his hand.

"Rem, hand over your luggage. I'll get it."

"No need, Han Tian, ​​I can do it." Rem shook his head and put his luggage on the dragon carriage on his own.

After loading everything into the car, Mu Hantian got into the driver's seat, then turned around to say goodbye to Kuerxiu: "Master Kuerxiu, thank you very much for your dragon carriage, we'll say goodbye first."

"Wait." Kurossi stopped Mu Hantian.

"Anything else? Lord Crusius."

"Although I don't know what happened to your territory, I hope you are careful, it is dangerous to travel at night."

"Because of the white whale?"

"Yes, according to the reliable information I have received, the beluga whale has recently appeared near the capital, and at night is the time when monsters are haunting. So you have to be careful, after all, no matter what happens to the territory, you have to arrive alive. make sense."

"Thank you, Lord Querxiu. I'll be fine, don't worry. Ah, yes, the marriage you mentioned last time, I'm only interested in Lord Querxiu." Mu Hantian said half-jokingly. , then whipped away.

Only Phyllis kept shouting and Crusher's cheeks were flushed.


"Okay, Froger's tree has passed."

Mu Hantian looked back at the big tree with its branches unbridled under the night sky, overlooking all living beings with an overwhelming sense of presence.

The huge tree is even bigger than the trees that were said to be thousands of years old in the original world, but in fact the tree is only a hundred years old. But maybe the growth rate of plants is very different from the world over there. It has a majestic aura that makes people feel awe.

Not in the big forest, but in the middle of the plain, a tree like this took root. As a sign of the streets of Lyfaus, there is nothing more conspicuous than this.

Crossing the large tree that was standing leisurely, the dragon carriage passed the road on the map and faced northeast. The distance with the Messers Territory is constantly shortening.

"Then just keep going along the road."

"Yeah." Rem nodded.

"Then Rem, I'll go see Ang first, and I'll leave it to you." After speaking, Mu Hantian walked into the carriage.

"Is it alright? Ang?"

"Soon. But can't there be anything to do with the dust?" The fast-running dragon carriage brought up a lot of dust, obscuring the sight.

Ang, who opened the car curtain and looked out, said helplessly: "And can't it be calmer? I feel like my body is about to fall apart."

"There's no way, who said this is the last car, I can only aggrieve you."

"I know, but I can't help complaining." Ang looked up at the sky, the flowing clouds and the slowly changing angle of the moon, which meant the passage of time.

It was much faster than before. Although there were no reinforcements, it was enough that the dragon carriage did not set off on the second day. It took half a day to cross the street, and I was able to reach the mansion on the morning of the third day, which was half a day faster than the first time.

"Hantian, I have a question." After sitting in the carriage, the bored Leyue asked.

"Go ahead."

"What is a beluga? It feels like everyone is scared."

"I don't really understand the specific situation, but it seems to be a monster like a super huge whale, and it seems to be able to fly. The king sent a crusade troop more than ten years ago, but including the leader of the sword saint, Almost the entire army was wiped out. All in all, it is a very powerful monster, and it is not a single star stronger than the dog I killed last time."

"Such a powerful monster! Is it alright for us to travel at night? Didn't Crusius say it? Night is when monsters appear frequently, and the attack is three days later, so it's okay to take a night off."

"Don't worry, the appearance of the beluga will be accompanied by fog. You see, it looks like it's going to be foggy now. Besides, the place where the beluga appears is usually the street."

"Street? But didn't we just pass a street?"

"Huh? No! Rem, speed up, we have to leave this area quickly."

"Hantian, you don't have to be so anxious. White fog is not produced by beluga whales. After all, fog is also a type of water vapor. It should be a natural reaction behind us. Hahaha!"

Hearing Lai Yueang's words, Mu Hantian always had a bad feeling in his heart for some reason. Suddenly turned out of the carriage and looked outside, there was a thick white fog around the carriage that could obstruct the view, especially the side, it was completely blank.

At this moment, staring at the blank field of vision of Mu Hantian, a sense of opacity suddenly oozes out.

It was an indistinct feeling like fog was fogging up in front of you. Mu Hantian blinked several times, but he still couldn't erase the sense of disobedience. The blank darkness was just like that, running side by side with Mu Hantian and the others.

The darkness was always creepy and inciting unease. A ball of light appeared in Mu Hantian's hand, illuminating the blank space with light to drive out the darkness.

And then, in the light that came out——,

"Damn, Ang, you unlucky child, crow mouth!"

Mu Hantian overlapped with the too large eyes that appeared in the blank.

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