Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 888: clean up

"it is finally over."

"I'm going, little brother, you're moving too fast. There's no chance for the family to shoot." Ricardo complained.

"Don't talk nonsense, I haven't asked you why Mimi and Tibby are here."

"It's Mimi and Tibi who came by themselves." Mimi stared at Mu Hantian with a look of praise for me.

"Uh uh uh uh, okay. But the explosion just now also attracted other witch cultists. We are now taking the initiative to attack and annihilate all of them." On Si's body, this is also for insurance. Who knows if the other party has any ability to resurrect, or it is safer to turn him into ashes.

"It's really serious, little brother." Ricardo scratched his head and said seriously: "This time, let's talk about it first, don't rob my prey."

"Whatever, I don't mind if you want to contribute more." Mu Hantian shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"that would be great."


"Wow, haha, I'm finally not a soy sauce party." Ricardo was very excited to hack the last witch cultist here and shouted loudly.

"Can you be quiet?" Mu Hantian was speechless, should he be a soldier, so excited when there is a fight?

"Well, the family is too excited, sorry." Ricardo smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's go and meet with everyone first." Mu Hantian felt that at this time, he should meet with everyone to discuss what to do next.

"it is good."


"In this case, it's a good news."

With a smile on his face, Julius stepped forward to meet Mu Hantian and the others who came to meet after Petyrchius was dealt with.

The crusade's position was outside the forest, on the grasslands away from the streets. In order to prevent witch cultists hiding in the forest from discovering their existence, it is necessary to avoid large groups of people marching on the road or entering the forest.

Having said that, the leader Petyrchius is dead, and it won't be long before the remaining 'Fingers' notice the change. In subsequent actions, we should take into account both prudence and courage, and speed up.

"How is the condition of the 'Finger' base that was tracked down on the way?" Julius asked his subordinates.

"On the one hand, the unit will continue to monitor it. If something goes wrong, we will definitely contact us. However, on the other hand, it happened to meet the scout of the other side. There is a battle."

"No one was hurt, right?"

Julius slightly combed the slightly messy bangs with his hands, lightly pressed his knight sword with his hand, and said to Mu Hantian: "Relax. Although there are a few good witch cultists, they were all successfully defeated by us. Key strongholds have also been destroyed, and there should only be nine remaining 'fingers'."

"So, did any enemies escape?"

"All the elements that make you feel uneasy have been eliminated. Don't worry."

"That's good." Mu Hantian nodded reassuringly.

"So, what's the situation on your side?"

"I cut off his head, and I burned his body to ashes. It should be fine."

"I see, then have you found anything, something related to the Witch Sect."

"I found a book." Mu Hantian took out a black book from his arms and handed it to Julius: "This seems to be the 'gospel' of the Witch Cult, and everyone has a copy. I just took it out of curiosity. coming."

"It's this thing."

"you know?"

"Yeah. This book... 'Gospel' is a copy of the Witch Cultist's hand, which is evidence of being a Cult. There are rumors that this book will be sent to those who are expected to join the Witch Cult. Then, when it is delivered After that, that person will become a devout witch."

"In other words, this thing can be used for brainwashing?" Mu Hantian picked up the book and flipped through it, and found that the words in it can be roughly divided into two categories, more than 70% of which are praising the jealous witch. About ten percent of the dogma, the rest is blank.

"It's nothing to look at." Mu Hantian suddenly felt bored, is it useless at all?

"Then, there's only the simple task of dealing with the remnants of the party. If you don't finish it soon, the young lady will become a mother-in-law, so you have to hurry up. ... Ah, this is just a classic joke of the family." Ricardo scratched. He shook his head, smiling.

"How should I put it, the laugh is a bit too biased. ... In other words, it doesn't matter."

Ricardo's laughs aside for now, really need to act quickly. But unfortunately, the rest of the work is not as simple as Ricardo said.

"Because even if Petelchius is defeated, it does not mean that all problems are solved."

"It would be ugly if you were overwhelmed by the feeling that you would win, and the ship capsized in the gutter. Even if you know that the Bishop of Sin is dead, the remaining witch priests probably won't retreat..."

"The other party is a witch cultist. It's better not to use normal standards to measure them."

Phyllis and Ricardo responded as if affirming Mu Hantian's question. Others seemed to agree, and none were slackened by the first battle.

"Then first, destroy all the strongholds of the surveillance 'finger'. Then see if you can capture a few alive, if not, you can only kill them all."

"I also agree with Han Tian's opinion. When fighting against the Witch Cult, take the order of capture to heart. Even so, don't forget that the most important thing is your own safety. If you put the cart before the horse, you can't justify it." Julius I agree with Mu Hantian's opinion.

"—Then, it's almost time to prepare to leave." Leyue Ang said weakly. After all, he can be said to be the most useless here.

"Well. It's time to act, otherwise it's uncertain what will happen in a while."


After that, the 'Witch Sect Hunt' went so well that it was disappointing.

The original target of the crusade team that set out again was of course the 'finger' that already knew where it was hiding.

The base of the 'Finger' discovered during the raid on Petilchius was an open camp in the woods that the crusade was monitoring, and it looked like a frontline base with a good view.

"Hello, everyone." Leyue Ang walked out easily. That's right, he's still useful, just as a bait.

——A number of silver lights flashed across the battlefield, and the Witch Cultists who reacted a beat slowly fell one after another.

"It's more than expected..."

"Gahahahaha! What's the matter! Is the famous Witch Sect at this level! Hey, little brother, maybe this will become a great achievement!"

However, within a few seconds, the stronghold was completely suppressed by them. Julius was stunned when he saw that the witch cultivator who was beheaded had almost no resistance, while Ricardo was happily banging his teeth with his machete on his back.

"That's what I said, but I didn't expect the effect to be so significant." Witnessing the overwhelming victory with his own eyes made Subaru panic.

"Well, who told you to smell the same as theirs?" Mu Hantian teased.

At this time...

"Ah, that's true! It's not good here either! It's also here! What are you doing, these guys!" Phyllis, who was in charge of capturing the witch cultivator, roared in grief. At his feet, there were several men in black who had stopped moving.

"Did they commit suicide?" Wilhelm walked over to the furious Phyllis and peeled off the black hood of the man in black who fell to the ground. Qikong bleeds to death, but the appearance of death without any expression on his face is quite shocking.

"The tongue is fine, and it doesn't look like suicide."

"Probably everyone has a magic stone embedded in their bodies. Once activated, the toxin will spread throughout the body and cause death. Originally, the magic element must be analyzed before death to detoxify, and different spells are set for each... Why waste your energy doing such a thing!" After investigating the belly of the witch cultivator who had turned into a corpse, Phyllis found the faded magic stone and muttered with a look of remorse.

"Not only that, but there are probably other 'fingers' that have this kind of mechanism. ... Poison that even Phyllis can't stop?"

"Unforgivable. To be like this, blaspheme life. What do you think human life is...!"

Hearing Mu Hantian's exclamation, Phyllis's voice trembled, and she wiped the tears with the back of her hands excitedly.

This is what Phyllis, who is a healer, knows the impermanence and miracles of life better than anyone else, on this battlefield that is different from swords and magic, but on this battlefield that only belongs to him.

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