Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 928: Brave's Companion

"By the way, aren't we discussing the issue of Lucifer? Why is it getting further and further away?" Mu Hantian suddenly came to his senses.

"Yes, then what do you say, Demon King. He is your subordinate after all."

"Well... let him make up for it for the time being, um. Let's go sweep the streets." Mu Hantian made a decision.

"No, His Highness the Demon King!" Lucifer grimaced.

" hurts. What's going on? Why isn't everything moving?"

"Please don't ask me~ is it a magic barrier or something else~"

"Who is standing there?"

"Looks like Emilia..."

"What's buried there?"

"It's Olba, what?"

Get to know Emilia's friend Albert Ende, a celestial wizard, and Amelada Emerada Aitwa, a court magician of the Holy Irish Empire in the Western Continent, who understands the plans of the Dafa God Church. The two followed the tracks of Lucifer and Olba through the GATE, and arrived at Sasazuka at exactly this time.

"So what is this? Are you the Devil King Satan?"

A dark man in his thirties who surpassed Ashiya's physique. Neat white hair, white beard and dark skin, the most characteristic is the golden pupil.

Albert crossed his arms and looked down at Mu Hantian. In order to emphasize the muscles of the whole body wearing a black and slender leather suit, standing with Mu Hantian is like the gap between a wrestler and a middle school student.

"Are you Arsheel~?"

Diminutive Emerald. Her short dark green hair with curly tips fluttered gently, and she looked up at Ashiya with pupils of the same color as her hair.

She wears a robe similar to the robes Olba wears, but compared to Olba's simplicity, her gorgeous shades of red and orange are dyed, and the emblem of the Holy Irish Empire is embroidered with gold thread on the back. Neither of them carried anything like weapons.

"Hi, I'm the Demon King." Mu Hantian nodded and said.

"No, what should I do, Amy. I didn't expect to face the Demon King all of a sudden, so I don't have much energy left."

"This kind of thing~ I think it's best not to say it in front of the enemy."

"Really? Is that so? No, gaffe." Albert laughed while scratching the back of his head while showing his white teeth.

Chiho, who had been silent since the two appeared, seemed to have noticed something when she heard Albert's laughter, and pointed at the giant.

"Mr. Hantian! The telepathic voice I heard is this voice!"

"Ah? Miss, did you hear my concept?"

Emi hurriedly stopped the topic that had gone off track running in a very strange direction.

"Anyway, everyone, so that we can sort out each other's situation, let's talk calmly now. Alcheier, go to where you live. Besides, there's no need to talk here."

"What! How could it be possible to entertain the hero's companions in the Demon King's Castle..."

Facing Emi who continued to speak more casually than anyone else, Ashiya gritted her teeth, but was stopped by Mu Hantian.

"Got it. Ashiya, this is an emergency. Just let them go together."

To Mu Hantian's words, Ashiya could only reluctantly nodded.

"What about Olba buried there?"

"Leave him alone. That guy conspired with Lucifer to be a robber. If you leave him alone, the police will send him to the detention center."

"Hey, Emi, do you know the location. Take Chi and those guys and go first. There's someone at home."

"Eh? What about you?"

"I'll always leave the aftermath."


"Sure, let's go."

Although Huimei cast doubts, Mu Hantian ignored it, and immediately began to urge Chiho and Amelada to walk.

"You guys, it always feels good."

"It's a surprise that the relationship between Emilia and the Demon King has improved!"

"Only this, please let me deny it with all my strength! In short, let's go."

Although Emi only turned her head to look at Mu Hantian once, the Brave Party immediately disappeared into Sasazuka's alley.

Ashiya looked on and said, "Do you have any plans?"

Mu Hantian pointed around: "It can't be like this. Ashiya, Lucifer, let's do it."

Although Ashiya hesitated for a moment, he gave up a sigh and smiled bitterly.

Lucifer, who saw this situation, said. "Eh, could it be..."

"Ah, I finally recovered my magic power." Ashiya smiled wryly.

"But if you do something like this..."

"No way. This is what His Highness the Demon King decided. I can only obey."

"What the **** happened. So are you, and so is His Highness the Demon King."

"Okay, I'll talk about it later."

"Understood, His Royal Highness, please."

"Ah, let's get started." Mu Hantian looked at the collapsed Sasazuka and smiled.


When they came to the villa where Mu Hantian lived, Emerada and Albert were a little surprised.

"That ~Amelia~?"

"I know what you want to say. But yes, this building is Demon Lord Satan's territory in Japan, Demon Lord Castle."

"Okay, let's go in." Emi smiled and rang the doorbell.

"Come in." Opening the door, Sakuya in a maid outfit bowed slightly.

"Maid...maid...! Mr. Hantian he..." Chiho stammered and pointed at

"Well, don't be so surprised, didn't you see it last time?"

"No, I only saw Miss You Zuo and Mr. Hantian when I came last time."

"That's right, but remind you, she's not the only one in the room."

"Please come in, or you will be said to be poorly entertained, which will affect the master's reputation."

"Okay, let's go in."

After entering, a group of people sat in their respective places with complicated expressions.

"Please use tea." Allen came over with tea.

"Ah, thanks."

"oh oh?"


Albert and Ameralda cried out at the same time.

"You two...what's the matter?"

Regarding Chiho's question, Albert and Emerada looked at each other.

"Just now~...what is it?"

"What about the aftermath of a lot of magic power. Hey, Emilia, is that Demon Lord really okay?"

"This...I think so." Emi's voice revealed her nervousness.

It's just that the amount of magic power that the three of them sensed was a little unusual. A huge security shock wave from the direction of Sasazuka swept across the villa and spread into the distance. This kind of feeling, I haven't felt such a huge explosion of magic power since I came to Japan, not even in the battle just now.

"I always feel that I was subtly deceived..."

Emi grimaced and perfunctory Chiho, who could not perceive the magic power, asked Emi's question, however, this was even an unreasonable magic power that could not be matched.

Although Mu Hantian would not do anything he said, would he keep his promises? Are all the gestures that Emi has shown her incredible affinity for Japan and human beings just pretending? Such unease flashed across his mind for a moment.

"Ding dong... ding dong."

"Master, you are back."

Sakuya opened the door, and it was Mu Hantian and the others who came back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. But I brought someone here. A brave man."

"Huh?" Only then did everyone notice that there was a man behind Mu Hantian.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dongcheng News." The man said, and lit a cigarette for himself, but he was immediately taken away by Sakuya.

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