Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 952: Dongcheng Geng Xizi

"Mr. Hantian, behind you...!"

"Behind?" Mu Hantian hurriedly turned his head, and a thing resembling a black hole was slowly taking shape, emitting a strong suction.

"Xiaoguang, what the **** is this?"

"This is the turbulent flow of space. Just now, I suddenly felt that the space here has become very unstable. This is definitely not accidental."

"Are you saying this was done on purpose?"

While Mu Hantian stepped back, he used his magic power to erect a barrier to protect Chiho.

"It's definitely artificial. Master, now you have two choices. The first is that you go in, because this is for you, so..."

"I see, what's the second option?"

"The second option is to leave this world, but on the contrary, this world will be destroyed."

"It can't be done, it seems that I can only choose the first one."

"But Master, if you go in, there is a 90% chance of dying, a 90% chance of going to another world, and a 1% chance of surviving."

"Enough is enough, even if it's only a one percent chance, I can't give up a world. Xiaoguang, sort these things out for me, and then..."


Mu Hantian nodded and said to Qiansui: "Xiao Qian, Ellen and the others will come back later, give this to her, she will understand after reading it. Then let them move, and move to your neighborhood. I may have to leave for a while. It's time, but don't worry, I'll definitely be back."

Taking the box that Mu Hantian handed over, Qianho asked suspiciously, "Mr. Hantian, what's wrong with you?"

"There's no way, I've been tricked. But don't worry, I'll come back alive." After that, he resolutely rushed into the black hole.


"I survived by luck, but I lost all the power. Fortunately, Esther and the others can still use it, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

"Master, don't be too happy. Right now, you're just like a novice who has nothing to do with artifacts. You don't have much combat power at all. It's okay to fight weak chickens. To deal with those strong enemies... you can only kneel."

"I know, I know, and I won't die." Mu Hantian was quite speechless, now that I'm in a miserable state, don't put salt on the wound, okay.

"Master, we found an exit."

"Great, go out quickly, I don't even know what's going on in the outside world when I stay in this space."

"Okay master, you can go out now."

"Hmm, sure enough, Xiaoguang, you are the most reliable... ah?"

The moment Mu Hantian went out, he was stunned, why? because……


He came to the girl's bathroom.

Xiaoguang, you asshole!

At this moment, Mu Hantian wanted to cry but had no tears. He could clearly say how to say such a thing.

"Father... Father, there is a pervert!"

"What's wrong? Geng Xizi?" A man's voice came.

"Well, I'll go out first, and I'll explain it to you later." All Mu Hantian can do at this time is go out, and it's impossible for you to escape like this, although it's not his responsibility.

Going outside, I happened to bump into someone who came.

"You are... the Demon King!" The visitor looked at Mu Hantian in shock.

"You are... Dongcheng News?" Mu Hantian was a little uncertain.

"It's me. But the Demon King, I haven't seen you for two years. Where have you gone? I still want to fulfill our promise with you and have a duel."

"What! You said two years?"

"Yeah, it's been two years since the last time we met, and my daughter is ten years old."

"Your daughter?" Mu Hantian was forced, isn't he his son?

"Yeah, the one inside. Dongcheng Gengxizi is my daughter. But I didn't expect that you, the Demon King, would have such a hobby, peeking at underage girls taking a bath." Dongcheng News said seriously, as if being said People are not like their own daughters.

"Listen to me explaining this matter to you slowly, it's like this..."

Five minutes later, Mu Hantian finally finished talking about his experience.

"How is it possible, how can such a strong person exist, even a **** can't do it."

"I don't know the specifics. In short, I was secretly plotted, and then I went to the bathroom inexplicably, and your daughter was bathing in it. But by the way, don't you have a son?"

"I want to have a son, but I can't." Dongcheng News looked regretful.

As for the Tojo Basara that was promised, why is it gone! But forget it...

"That...can I stay at your house temporarily?"


"I want to regain my strength here, and then go find my men."

"Oh, that's good. If you're willing to play with Geng Xizi, I'll allow you to stay."

"Okay, deal. But you have to help me think of an identity."


So, the contract between Mu Hantian and Dongcheng News was reached, and then...

"Father, do you think he is my elder brother who has been missing for many years?"

"That's right, Geng Xizi, the boy in front of you who peeked at your bath is your brother who has been missing for many years." Dongcheng Xun adjusted his glasses and said lightly.

"You are talking nonsense, I said it was an accident." And you actually made me your son, it's really bad fun, Dongcheng News.

"Father, you say that this bad man is my brother, I will never agree with that!"

"Even if you say that, there's nothing you can do. He is indeed your brother, and this has been confirmed. Well, go and clean up your brother's room. The three of us will live together from today."

"Wh...what, how can this be possible!" Dongcheng Geng Xizi was reluctant, but in the face of Dongcheng News' request, he had to agree.

"You're really unpleasant, let me be your son." Mu Hantian looked at Dongcheng News with a speechless expression.

"Haha, don't you want an identity? That's just right, and this is your proposal just now, didn't you ask me if I have a son, not now!"

"Forget it, the son is the son, it's just in name."

In fact, Mu Hantian originally refused, but the task of the system suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Mission 3: Become a big brother. (Waiting for Naruse Mio's arrival and finding Chiho Sasaki.) Quest reward: 3000 exchange points."

"Well, but won't the enemy of your world appear?"

"Not anymore, the passage to that world has been sealed by me."

In the box that Mu Hantian handed over to Qiansui, in addition to what he wanted to say, there was another very important thing. It was a seal that was exchanged with all the exchange points. The 'Seal of the Four Gods' sealed the door of Ender Isla. Twenty years later, people there are temporarily unable to come.

"This way I can rest assured, at least I don't have to set up too many enemies."

"That's it, now I want to take a good rest." Mu Hantian let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little tired.

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