Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 956: Daily life with my sister

"It's obviously at home, but what is this feeling of alienation?" Mu Hantian complained helplessly to Dongcheng News.

"Who told you to prepare to tune and teach other sisters? Isn't it normal to be defensive about you?" Dongcheng News replied casually.

"Who's fault is that? It's obviously Maria's nonsense, and I want you to speak for me, but you've been misunderstood by Mio. Who do you think I should blame?"

One day has passed, and under Mu Hantian's explanation, Naruse Mio reluctantly accepted Mu Hantian's apology, but he still obviously strengthened his defenses.

"That's just a natural attack on you, don't you always attack me like this?" Dongcheng Xun thought for a while and said.

"Then see when it's good or not, it's usually just a harmless joke." Mu Hantian said helplessly.

"Haha." Dongcheng News laughed dryly.

"How about this, how about you take Mio to go shopping nearby? Let's explain to her yesterday's misunderstanding, and then let her get acquainted with the surrounding environment." Dongcheng News suggested.

"Are you an idiot? It's too late for Mio to guard me now. How could he go shopping alone with me?" Mu Hantian said helplessly.

"Leave it to me anyway." Dongcheng News said confidently.


The sun is now in the west. Mu Hantian was pedaling his bicycle. In order to get acquainted with the surrounding environment of the new home early, I went for a walk around.

"In the evening, the weather is much cooler."

The voice was small but not talking to itself. Mio was still sitting on the shelf behind.

"Why are you looking for me..." Naruse Mio muttered dissatisfiedly while holding Mu Hantian's waist on the back shelf.

Riding with a girl with two people, and it's still super ****, it should be a heart-pounding development for a man, but it is actually such a discordant ride.

"Don't say that... I'm not familiar with this area, but you come here often."

Mio's high school was near the new home. So, when I went out, I tried to invite Mio. Could you please give me a way if it is convenient. Although I understood that what happened in the morning was Maria's prank, the awkward atmosphere could not be easily eliminated. Mio showed blatant disgust and kept complaining, but finally accepted the invitation and went shopping with Mu Hantian.

"Hey, Han Tian, ​​are you really going to transfer to our school?" asked Mio Naruse, who was sitting in the back.

"Well, where is the person I want to see?" Mu Hantian was stunned for a moment and replied, Naruse Mio raised his face, thinking that Mu Hantian was talking about her, but in fact, the person Mu Hantian wanted to see was Hasegawa Qianli, known as the Avrea, one of the ten gods of the gods, and there are also monitors of the demons mixed in there.

His idea of ​​transferring schools was naturally to protect Naruse Mio, because he knew that those stalkers or other things were made up by Naruse Mio and the others to deceive Dongcheng News, Dongcheng News also pretended to believe their words, watching Naruse Mio and the others thought they were cheating After Dongcheng News, I was speechless.

Even if Mu Hantian didn't know the plot, he could tell that they were lying, not to mention the old fox of Dongcheng News.

Mio, who was behind him, snorted and did not say if he was dissatisfied. On the street reddened by the setting sun, the bicycle slowly moved forward.

Because they were asked to buy some ingredients while hanging out, Mu Hantian and Mio came to the supermarket.

"Bought a lot..."

Because I just moved into a new house, I ended up buying a lot of things like ingredients and seasonings.

"I'll go and push the bike over first. These things look heavy, so just push the cart to the door."

"Well, okay." Mio nodded.

Mu Hantian walked out of the store first. Came to the parking lot, put the key in the lock and opened it. Then push the bicycle to the entrance of the supermarket. Mio was immediately spotted in the crowd of people.

At this moment, Mu Hantian frowned. Mio was surrounded by four youths who looked like ruffians.

A young man with a hippy smile on his shoulder was pushed aside by Mio and stared at each other,

"Don't touch me. If you dare to touch me, I'll tear you to pieces! Right, Han Tian!"

The four people in front of them still surrounded Mio with a smile on their faces, and they didn't mean to leave at all.

"It's okay for you to surround a girl like this?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Me, I'm this girl's brother."

"Hmph... so what?" A young man closest to Mu Hantian walked towards him with his head tilted, chewing gum. I don't know if it was intimidation or provocation, and he made an unpleasant expression.

"I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"Boy, who do you think you are!"

"It's already been said." Mu Hantian said coldly, while holding the handle of the bicycle and raising it upwards. The front wheel of the bicycle is raised high,


When the attention of the young man in front of him was attracted and he raised his head, the front wheel fell heavily on his face. On target. The young man snorted and fell backwards.

It happened suddenly, and everyone present stayed there.

Mu Hantian erected the stand of the bicycle with smooth movements, walked quickly through the remaining three young people to Mio's side, and protected her behind him.

"You bastard--!"

The youths who had understood the situation came over eagerly. Mu Hantian didn't care, rushed over quickly and punched each of them.

"Ouch." The three thugs clutched their stomachs and fell to the ground constantly moaning.

"Hey, don't be in a daze, let's go!"

"Eh? Eh?"

Holding the confused Mio in one hand, he picked up the eco-bag in the other and ran towards the bicycle.

All I have to do now is to leave here as soon as possible. Although there are only four gangsters, who knows if there are any accomplices.

Stuff the reusable bag into the front basket of the car,

"Catch it!"

Mio took a seat in the back and started moving forward at full speed. Simultaneously,


Something squishy on the bike. Probably the young man who was knocked down by the front wheel of the car. But, sorry, I don't have time for you right now.

Mu Hantian stood and stepped on the pedal with all his strength, wanting to quickly evacuate from here. Bicycles burst down the street with the two of them.

"It's all here, it should be fine..."

After riding at full strength, the rate of breathing increased slightly, and sweat was oozing from the forehead. At this time,

"I'm sorry. For my reasons..."

There was admiration in Mio's voice coming from behind. Mio rested his forehead on Mu Hantian's back. Mu Hantian turned his head and saw Mio's face through his shoulder.

Maybe it was because of the trouble that he caused, he felt guilty for dragging Mu Hantian into it. Mio's expression looked down and looked painful.

"Well, let's take a detour and go back. I'll take you to a place."

"Where are you taking me? Are you trying to do something to me?" Mio was on guard, looking at Mu Hantian as if he were a lunatic and wolf who abducted ignorant girls.

"Why, you have to believe me." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he started to ride and hit the handlebars in the other direction.

It was dusk now. Now is the time to go.

Mu Hantian brought Mio to a park that was famous for its large area.

There is a scenic spot called Sunset Hill, and it is famous locally. Of course, Mio, who goes to school nearby, should know it. Therefore, Mu Hantian took Mio to a place where few people came. Although it is not a public viewing platform, the view from the entire neighborhood is still unobstructed.

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