Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 961: school (2)

Enter the school, because it is the peak time of school, and the corridors are full of students.

Because they were transfer students, Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi separated from Mio and walked to the staff room. After explaining that he was a transfer student at the entrance, he was told to wait for a while in the guest room next door. After the bell rang a few times, an old male teacher walked in with the roster in his hand. With a bright smile, he stretched out his hand,

"I'm your head teacher, Sakazaki Mamoru. Please take care of me in the future."

Mu Hantian looked at this man seriously, frowning slightly. It's this guy, but now is not the time to kill him.

"Hello." Seeing that Mu Hantian didn't move, Geng Xizi showed him an apologetic smile and shook hands with him.

Immediately after the staff meeting, it was time for the morning class meeting, and the three of them quickly walked towards the classroom.

"Speaking of which, there are often students who are transferred because of family matters, but your situation seems to be more complicated." Sakazaki Mamoru asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is very troublesome, but there is no way." Mu Hantian replied casually.

The brother-sister relationship with Geng Kiko is irrelevant, but there is no way to hide the matter of living with Mio from the school, so I only conveyed to the school the reason that was given to him at the beginning, that is, before remarriage, it is appropriate to see as a family member. cohabitation. But I haven't told my classmates yet.

"However, I have specially prepared a trial period so that I can seriously consider my child's feelings. What a good father!"

"Well." Geng Xizi replied ambiguous. In fact it is impossible to say that this is an outright scam.

"Oh, here we are, this is our classroom. With a new family and a new school, you may encounter many difficulties, but you will get used to it soon. Besides, we still have Naruse in our class, and the monitor is very serious. The person from here, and I, the head teacher. If there is anything you don’t understand, feel free to bring it up. Come on, let’s go in.” Saying that, Sakazaki walked into the classroom.

Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi also followed. The class should have heard the news that a transfer student is coming. Standing in front of the blackboard, you can clearly see the faces of the whole class.


Mu Hantian sighed in his heart. All eyes in the classroom were on himself and Geng Xizi, and at the same time they began to evaluate them. This is the fate of the inescapable transfer student.

Let's talk about the boys first. Unsurprisingly, the boys were very disappointed when they saw Mu Hantian, but their eyes lit up when they saw Geng Xizi. This huge gap made Mu Hantian blue and thin mushrooms.

But girls are very interested in Mu Hantian, after all Mu Hantian is very handsome.

Looking from this side, Mu Hantian spotted Mio sitting in the back row by the window.

It's really conspicuous.

Looking from this side, Mu Hantian got to know Mio's cuteness further. In a space like a classroom, everyone wears the same uniform and sits in neatly arranged seats. All conditions are the same. Because of this, the superiority of the material can be more prominent. Mio looked out of the window because she was being stared at.

At this time, the same row as Mio was by the window—the girl sitting in the front row was looking at it. No, to be precise, he has been staring at Geng Xizi. Then she should be Yuki Nonaka.

Is a beautiful girl. Contrasted with Mio's strong presence, it gives a feeling of clear and transparent ice. Although she is of a different type, she is a beautiful girl who is not inferior to Mio.

"These two are transfer students you already know. Let me introduce myself, two." Sakazaki said with a hearty smile, standing at the desk.

"My name is Mu Hantian. I grew up in the mysterious East. This girl is the brother of Dongcheng Geng Xizi. Please give me some advice." After writing his name on the blackboard, Mu Hantian began to briefly introduce himself.

"My name is Dongcheng Geng Xizi, please give me more advice." Geng Xizi imitated Mu Hantian and introduced himself.

Then it's question time. After answering a bunch of boring questions, the bell finally rang for the end of the class meeting.

Sakazaki high fives,

"Okay, let's go here first. The rest will be left after the opening ceremony. Hantian, you should sit next to Naruse. As for Dongcheng...Nonaka, as the squad leader, you should take care of her. "

"Yes." The girl who was called stood up and nodded quietly.

"Come on, everyone lined up in the corridor to go to the gym."

After hearing what Sakazaki said, everyone stood up.

"Say there's a queue... Where should I stand?" Looking at the crowd outside the classroom, Geng Xizi stood at a loss.

"Well, Geng Xizi, it's fine for us to stand at the back." Standing beside Geng Xizi, Mu Hantian patted her on the shoulder to let her relax.

"Brother, is this really okay?"

"Trust me, we'll just stand at the back."

"Geng Xizi."

Geng Xizi turned around in surprise when his name was suddenly called by an inexplicable voice.

"Well, what's the matter? Squad leader..."

I don't know when, as the squad leader, Nonaka was already standing beside Geng Xizi.

Geng Xizi was shocked when her name was suddenly called, but as a transfer student, she will take care of her in the future. therefore……

"Please take care of you in the future, squad leader. I'll try not to give you—"

To cause trouble... I want to continue talking like this, but I can't. Because he was suddenly hugged.


For a moment, Geng Xizi was completely stunned.

But the soft feeling of the girl in his arms still pulled her back to reality.

"Hey!? Squad leader, what are you doing? Even if you want to welcome me, it's not like this. Not only did you call me by my name, but you also hugged me. Did the squad leader grow up abroad?"

"No." After replying quickly, Nonaka continued to hold Geng Xizi and raised his face.

"Geng really don't remember?"

Then, he showed a somewhat dissatisfied expression to Geng Xizi.

"Huh? Speaking of which, Nonaka... Could it be..."

The surname of the squad leader called by the head teacher Sakazaki finally had a connection with Geng Xizi's memory.

"Are you... Yuki?"

A few years later, the childhood sweetheart's name was called again. "Yeah," the girl in front of her nodded quietly.

"Geng Xizi, long time no see..." Nonaka Yuki smiled happily.

At this time...

"I said it's time for you to let go, what is it for two girls to hug each other like this, they will be misunderstood." Mu Hantian complained weakly.

"You are Geng Xizi's brother?" Youxi looked at Mu Hantian with vigilance in her eyes, as if she was afraid that her beloved toy would be taken away.

"Uh, I am indeed Geng Xizi's brother." Looking at Yuxi like this, Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

"Why have I never met you? I never heard that Geng Xizi had an older brother when he was a child."

"It's like this. I'm the 'son' left by Xun. I found it five years ago. As for the process, it's more tortuous, so I won't say more, but this has been proven."

"Is that so, Geng Xizi?"

"Ah, yes, that's what my brother said." Geng Xizi nodded.

"Sorry, I'm Yuki Nonaka, please advise."

"My name is Mu Hantian, please give me more advice."

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