Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 969: intelligence

Both of them savoured the grilled meat without saying a word, and when they were about to move the last plate of the meat they originally ordered...

"Sorry, I just remembered, there is another piece of information that might be better to tell Xiaotian."


"Yes. I don't know why, the 'Existing Demon King faction' has decided to send a new surveillance personnel here, so I want to remind you that although they may be crushed to death by you, you should pay attention to avoid being caught by others. Taking advantage of the loophole, let Naruse Mio be captured." Takigawa said with a wry smile.

"The new watchers... Takigawa, are you going to be replaced and return to the Demon World? That's really troublesome, I'm behind in intelligence. So let's put the solution of Zokiel in the first place. You can monitor it easily. Let's take a look at that newcomer, don't want him to make trouble, and you need to find Zokiel quickly, as for Mio's safety, I will pay attention." Mu Hantian also looked at Takichuan helplessly and said.

"You really can call people, who told me that I have decided to join forces. If you can't get out of the predicament smoothly, Xiaotian, I will also be in trouble in many ways. And my surveillance mission will continue, that is to say, This is because the situation has changed, and in order to prevent accidents, I have to send a personal hand. After all, the above wants to get the power that Naruse Mio inherited no matter what." Takigawa also smiled bitterly, but still agreed. , after all, he has been looking for the opportunity to kill Zokiel for a long time, and now there is a 100% chance in front of him, Takigawa will naturally not let it go, and the things that need to be dealt with are not very troublesome.

"That's right, that's good. I'm still worried that you will be transferred. After all, I'm far behind in intelligence. It's too troublesome to add it now." Mu Hantian breathed a sigh of relief.

"But don't take it lightly because of this. After the eyes and ears of surveillance are increased, it will definitely be more difficult for me to help you than it is now. Even if it is an extra manpower, it is not necessarily that the people who come here are necessarily weaker than me."

"Don't worry, I do things in a measured way."

"That's good. But it's rare to have such a good barbecue. Let's end those conversations. Besides, this is a buffet, right? If you don't let go of the sea and eat a meal, it will be a big loss."

"It's also...well, let's eat!"

Mu Hantian readjusted his mood, "sorry" and called the clerk over. Looking at the menu with Takigawa, let’s say pork belly and tenderloin, no, it’s time for some chopped offal this time, and we started to discuss and order more.

He was watching the back of the clerk, while drinking Coke to moisten his throat.

"I see. I've heard this voice there since just now, and it really is you."

Suddenly, a woman's **** voice came from the side, and Mu Hantian and the others looked over there.

"Hasegawa-sensei..." "It's a thousand miles," said two different voices.

Standing there was the care teacher of Seizaka Academy, where Mu Hantian and Takikawa were studying, Hasegawa Senri, who was also Mu Hantian's contractor.

Although the tone of voice is very man-like, but the beautiful and correct face, the extremely **** beauty - what Hasegawa has is the beauty and sexiness that has already adversely affected the education of high school boys of this age.

"Hantian, and Takigawa... just the two of you?" Hasegawa Chisato asked.

"Well, what's the matter." Takigawa asked curiously, he was very wary of this teacher.

"That's right. Excuse me, can I sit with you? Actually, I came here to meet friends, but I just called and said that something else happened suddenly."

Hasegawa said.

"It's a rare visit here. I was planning to eat alone, but since just now, male guests from other tables have been coming to me and saying, 'Would you like to eat with us?'. A woman eats barbecue, looks like Is it really that lonely?

Mu Hantian and Takikawa looked at each other.

"All in all, it's so annoying, I just want to go back without eating it, but I've always wanted to try the grilled meat from this restaurant. As students, eating with teachers may feel uncomfortable, but I really hope you can let me sit at a table with you." Hasegawa said, his eyes kept on looking at Mu Hantian.

"I understand, Takichuan is here today, I think you should be able to go back first." Mu Hantian said.

"You're all right." Takigawa looked at Chisato Hasegawa worriedly, but he was very careful about this mysterious teacher.

"Don't worry, Qianli's words can be trusted. Even if you don't believe her, you should believe in my strength."

"That's right, then I'll leave first, so I won't disturb you." Takikawa left with a strange smile.

"Aiya, Xiaotian knows how many guys in our school, whether they are students or teachers, want to eat with Hasegawa-sensei? You can enjoy the rest by yourself, and I will leave first." Takikawa, who was about to leave, smiled He said with a strange content in his tone.

"It's up to you to be busy." Mu Hantian said angrily to Takichuan who was leaving.

"So Qianli, what do you want to say to me?" Mu Hantian asked, watching Takichuan and Qianli who were leaving, sitting next to each other.

"It's nothing, just a little interested in your conversation."

"I see. By the way, do you want to change a table? We just had a student-only buffet, so..."

"Don't worry. Although it's not the store owner's responsibility, the store really caused me trouble. I'll give you such a little accommodation."

As she said, Hasegawa sat down on the seat, and the clerk immediately brought ice water and a hand towel, "I'm very sorry" and bowed his head.

It seems that the store owner is also apologetic for not being able to stop the other customers. After ordering drinks and a few pieces of meat from the clerk, Hasegawa said, "Speaking of which, I really didn't know there was a buffet for students in this store. Could it be that students from our school often come here to eat? ?"

"That's not necessarily true. The school is separated from here by a subway station, which is quite a distance. As far as taste is concerned, the price of the buffet is quite affordable, but it is not an affordable price for high school students. "

"By the way, there is something I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Recently, the demons seem to have some strange movements."

"A strange move?" Mu Hantian frowned.

"Ah, I don't know the specifics, but it's probably for Naruse Mio. You'd better be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Just as the two were talking, the meat and drinks ordered were also delivered.

The items added by Mu Hantian and Takigawa just now were delivered at the same time as the items ordered by Hasegawa, and the entire table was instantly filled with plates.

"The food is here, hurry up and eat it."


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