The day of the decisive battle has come. Because the battle didn't start until the evening, Mu Hantian and the others still went to school as usual. Prepare to meet Maria after school and head to the agreed place.

In contrast, Yuki never came to school after that. Probably to avoid meeting here.

There is no way to do this, after all, they are now in a hostile relationship. Meeting before battle inevitably creates shakes.

It's time for lunch break.

Watching the back of Mio, who was leaving the classroom with the girls who were close to classmates as usual, went to lunch, Mu Hantian stood up from his seat.

Thanks to the conversation with Takikawa, Mu Hantian was no longer completely isolated in the class recently. However, even though they were able to talk a few times, they were not close enough friends to have lunch together. The ten days that Takigawa was away were all lunches alone. Since the incident a few days ago, Mio and Yuki's fans haven't bothered again, even when they're alone. Although I don't think that the matter in the atrium can solve their emotional problems, I still hope that it will be like this.

Mu Hantian, who was thinking about these things, was stopped by the head teacher Sakazaki when he walked out of the classroom and into the corridor.

"Cold sky. Takigawa hasn't come to class these days. Do you know the specific reason?"

"No, I don't know anything... Could it be that that guy didn't even say hello and didn't come to school?"

"No... At the beginning, I made a phone call and said, 'There are some things at home that need to rest for a few days', but did not explain the details."

"Is that so..."

Takigawa hadn't been to the school since the day after eating yakiniku together. In terms of contact, only a text message was sent to inform that the demon clan of the present Demon Lord faction might launch an attack. And he didn't show up last night, so he and Jester were probably monitoring each other.

Sakazaki scratched his head,

"It's also a phone call, let alone the apartment where he lives alone, and no one answers even calls to his parents' house. I thought you and him have a good relationship, maybe you'll know something... Nonaka these days. Rest too, is there a strange flu going on recently?"

Saying so, he tilted his head and left.

"Brother, can you go to lunch with me?" Geng Xizi came over and asked.

"Eh? Okay, let's go."



Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi walked out of the classroom, walking in the corridor, and suddenly stopped. Because right in front of him, a young girl stood there.


Standing there was Yuki Nonaka, who shouldn't have come to school today. Yuxi took Geng Xizi's hand without saying a word, and took Mu Hantian with him by the way. The three came to the nearby storage room, Youxi walked in with Mu Hantian and Geng Xizi, and then closed the door directly.

"Please Han Tian, ​​Geng Xizi... I hope you don't participate in tonight's battle."

"Yuxi, I'm not fighting with you, but Geng Xizi's words..."

"That's impossible... I should have said it before." Geng Xizi took Mu Hantian's words.

"I understand. Your mood... But now the situation has changed decisively. Geng Xizi, you should also know what it means to change from 'monitoring object' to 'destruction object'."

"Indeed. But..."

Geng Xizi quietly put his hands on Yuxi's shoulders. Staring into her sad, upward-looking eyes,

"Even so, we want to protect Mio... and I'm no longer a hero. I've lost my qualification and mission to protect this world. I'm just that guy's family and sister now. This is no matter who is the enemy, no matter who it is. The fact that no matter how dire the situation is forced to change it. Therefore, I will fight to protect that guy and protect my family - because I think this is my mission now that everything has been lost."

"Is it even worth fighting me and Hu Tao?" Having already determined that Mu Hantian would not fight them, Youxi set his target on Geng Xizi.

"Although I may disappoint you by saying this, you are right. I will definitely protect Mio. This is also my promise to my brother and to my father."


Yuxi whispered, quietly moved her body away, and turned around to leave. but……

"Hey, wait a minute!" Mu Hantian took Yuxi's hand. Because I can't let Yuxi leave.

"Let go of me... we've got nothing to say."

Yuki, who wanted to throw her hand away from her sad eyes,

"Sorry. But, I have something for you."

With that said, Mu Hantian took out the prepared items from his pocket and stuffed them into Yuxi's hands.


"Ah. This is the key to our home."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Youxi's eyes widened in surprise.


"There's no reason, it's just that I want to do it."

After hearing this, Yuxi didn't say anything more. Thought it was her refusal to accept it, but she held the key and left the stock room without saying a word.

Although he didn't look back, Mu Hantian didn't care and left with Geng Xizi.


Nine o'clock in the evening - there are only ten minutes left before the battle starts.

Mu Hantian brought Geng Xizi, Mio and Maria to the subway station.

Because that was the meeting place that Hayase Takashi had designated. In the hustle and bustle of the large crowd, Mu Hantian and others looked around.

"Yeah, you are here."

The figure of Shibo Gongyi suddenly appeared on the other side of the crowd. Shibo Kyoichi, who followed Hayase Takashi, Hu Tao, and Yuki behind him, stopped a few meters away and confronted Mu Hantian and the others.

"Looks like everyone's here—let's start right away."

"Hey, wait a minute! Do you have to be in a place with so many people?" Mio made a confused voice.

Geng Xizi was also surprised. Because it was a weekend night, the number of pedestrians was much higher than usual. Therefore, I thought I would go from here to a place where there are no people and suitable for fighting.

"I can understand your surprise. But we've been touring all over the city this week. Indeed, if it's just to avoid people's eyes and ears, there are still some suitable places. You use it for special training. Places like parks and forests on the west side of the city are good options.”

However, while Spo was saying this, he was picked up by Hayase Takashi behind him.

"The forest and the woods in the park are sacred places that build this city, and they are also the places where the leylines pass. If you destroy such a place in order to defeat you, it would be putting the cart before the horse."

"So it is..." Geng Xizi completely understood what Gao Zhi said.

——As an existence that protects the world, the brave family is an existence that can exert special abilities.

One of them is the power obtained by contracting with the spirits or divine beasts controlled by the gods, and it is the power that is borrowed under the restriction of 'use only for legitimate things'.

Therefore, even if there is an immunity talisman such as defeating the demons, if the natural environment is excessively destroyed, or innocent creatures are killed, the 'filth' produced by this behavior will no longer be able to gain power from the elves. More importantly, if the stability of the leylines is destroyed, large-scale natural disasters are likely to occur in the future.

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