Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 980: Mio Yuzu

After returning home, Mu Hantian lay in bed for three hours when he heard the door open and went downstairs. Geng Xizi and the others have returned.

"Did you win?"

"Of course I won!" Maria looked excited.

Contrasting with Maria's excitement is Geng Xizi's distress.

"What's wrong? Geng Xizi."

"It's Yuki. She's back to the village too."

"Eh? Yuxi has returned to the village?"

"Yeah. I don't think Yuxi will come back. I finally saw it, and the result..."

"Okay, don't think too much. You've been tired all day, go take a bath and sleep."

"Got it."


The bell to announce the end of get out of class rang.

stand up. Salute - it should have been the job of the squad leader to issue these orders.

But on this day, the orders of Class B in the first year of Seizaka Academy were all carried out by the deputy class leader.

Because the class leader Yuki Nozhong did not come to class.

Knowing the reason, Naruse Mio stared at the front row seat that was the same as her by the window.

Yuki's seat was empty this morning. Then, what Mio looked at was Mu Hantian who was sitting beside him. Like Mio, he was looking at Yuki's seat.

Mio lowered his eyes quietly.

The battle between Mio and the others with Yuki and the others was three days ago. Friday last week. After the battle, Yuki left with the other two, following behind the man named Spo.

Yesterday, Mio and the others visited Yuki's apartment. It was very clear that she could not be there. Even so, I still felt restless and walked towards there without knowing it.

But—— what Mio and the others saw was an unbelievable scene. The workers are carrying out the items in Yuxi's room. And, not the workers of the moving company. Rather, they are workers responsible for resource recycling and garbage disposal.

I hurriedly inquired with the workers and the manager of the apartment, only to learn that Yuxi had terminated the agreement with the landlord and asked him to dispose of the furniture and daily necessities left behind.

After returning home, Mu Hantian received a letter. The sender is Yuki. However, there was no letter in the envelope. There is only one key to the Dongcheng house. After inquiring, I learned that this was given to Youxi by Mu Hantian before the battle. And now it has been returned.

So Mio and the others realized. The fact that Yuki will never come back.

I am afraid that in the near future, the application for withdrawal will be submitted to the school.

Judging from the fact that the apartment was evacuated so quickly, perhaps it was just that he, as a student, was not informed, and the relevant procedures might have already been completed.

He was obviously his own enemy, but he couldn't help but think about it.


As a result, on this day, school was just like this absent-mindedly.

After school, Mu Hantian, Geng Xizi and Mio walked home together.

Soon - the two of them arrived home.

"We're back! Maria, I have something to ask of you..." Mio and the three of them had just returned home and found that the seductive scent wafted all the way to the entrance, and without changing her clothes, Mio was about to come to the kitchen to come to find Wan Lia said something, but saw a cold figure, it was Yuki who had been away for a long time.

"Youxi, welcome back." Looking at Youxi in the kitchen, Mu Hantian smiled.

"Well, I'm back to take my responsibility." Yuxi said simply.

"Eh? Mio was changed from the target of elimination to the target of surveillance. Therefore, we need to find another person to complete this task, right?" Mu Hantian guessed.

"Yes, Han Tian... This time, everything from the beginning to the end was regarded as never happened. So I was put back. By the way, after Hu Tao heard about you, I decided to come, but I will wait. Don't worry, come here first."

"Don't think too much, in short, Yuxi welcomes you back."

Youxi nodded, and then hugged Mu Hantian tightly in his arms under everyone's surprised eyes.

"Hantian..." Youxi closed her eyes and brought her pretty face closer to Mu Hantian, expressing her meaning very clearly.


Just when Yuki was about to succeed, Mio's dissatisfied cough came from the side.

"I thought we would never meet again, but we meet again... I thought of you for the sake of you, I didn't bother you, but I didn't expect you to be so excited to start the kissing scene." Mio, who had passed Yuki's return, looked dissatisfied. Yuki said.

"This...this..." Mu Hantian was also a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say. Mu Hantian wanted to break free from Yuxi's embrace, but he couldn't. It was very simple. Youxi hugged him tightly, and like a provocative Mio, he hugged Mu Hantian even tighter.

"Nari Mio-san... I'm sorry, Han Tian and I are busy right now. If you have anything to do, I hope you will come back later." Yuki said calmly, as if she didn't care about Mio, and completely regarded her as air.

"Are you okay with your brain!? How dare you say such brazen things in someone else's house!" Mio was very dissatisfied. Although she was very worried about Yuxi's problem, since she came back now, it means that she is all right, and she doesn't need to worry about anything, but she doesn't plan to give in on Mu Hantian's problem.

"How did you get in with the keys back? Besides, you prepared to cook on your own accord... For your trespassing, I can call the police," Mio threatened.

"No, if I'm not mistaken, Maria did it."

"Maria? It seems that she made her own decision before I allowed you to come in. It seems that I will educate her well, who is the master." Mio sneered.

Seeing such a terrifying Mio, Mu Hantian could only mourned for Wanria for three seconds in his heart.

At this moment, with a 'click', the door was opened, and the prisoner who had put Yuki into the living room appeared.

"You've been waiting for Yuki for a long time... Oops. When did Oni-chan, Genkiko and Mio-sama come back?" Maria asked in surprise, looking at the three who had already returned.

"Maria!? It was you who put this guy in!" Mio's mouth curled with a hint of coldness.

"Eh? Oops? Is there any problem...?" Looking at the sneering Mio, Maria was a little dazed.

"After Yuki's absence, Mio-sama, your mood is quite low... I think you will be happy. In order to give you a surprise, I deliberately hid the shoes and waited for you to come back, and - Mio-sama has not been around since then. Do you care about Yuki?" Maria replied (deathly).

"Who asked you to do these unnecessary things, and you are still talking about unnecessary things." Mio's face couldn't help turning red, and she was a little flustered.

"Is it true?" Youxi looked at Mu Hantian calmly.

"Well, Mio is worried about Yuki too."

"Hmm." After listening to Mu Hantian's words, Yuxi didn't say anything, just looked at Mio like that.

"Ah, what do you mean by your unpleasant expression! I just feel sorry for you, so I have some sympathy for you! However, now that it is very clear that you are all right, please leave this house immediately!" Mio said frantically.

"Well, well, Mio-sama, don't reject Yuki-sama like this. After all, Yuxi-sama will be a good partner, don't be so indifferent. It's rare that she even prepared dinner for us," Maria persuaded.

"So that's the case, the ones in the kitchen are made by Yuxi. They are very fragrant." Geng Xizi, a childhood sweetheart, was a little surprised. In her impression, Yuxi has never cooked since she was a child.

At this moment... Mu Hantian's phone rang.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Come to the agreed place, I have something to tell you." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I see, I'll be here soon." After hanging up the phone, Mu Hantian apologized to Youxi and the others, and went out.

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