Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 982: plan to start

"Takichuan, are things ready?" Mu Hantian asked Takichuan.

"Don't worry, I'm all ready, Jest will raid your residence, and I'll lead you away, no problem."

For the sake of Zuo Kiel, he and Takigawa met again at the burger shop that day, which was a guarantee for the final layout.

"Okay, I have already arranged for Mio's safety. If you want to break through the defense I set up with Zokiel's power, it will take two days. You need to confirm Zokiel's location for the rest. If it weren't for my strength being restored, I wouldn't dare to mess around. But now I'm sure, the biggest problem now is that Zuo Kier usually lives in an unsettled place, and he's hidden too deeply. If Mio is not used, he won't will be hooked."

"But is this okay? If you don't tell Mio, how should you tell her in the future?" Takikawa asked.

"No, I can't tell her about Maria now. What you have to do this time is to prevent Zuo Kier from escaping. Although I don't think he has a chance, it's better to leave some backers behind."

"You are really cautious, but this is also the most terrifying part of you." Takigawa said with a wry smile.

"I'll take your compliment and leave the rest to you." After speaking, Mu Hantian got up and left the burger shop.

"I don't know whether it's right or wrong to cooperate with you." Takichuan looked at Mu Hantian who was far away, and rationally told him not to cooperate with him, and the farther away from him, the better, but emotionally, he knew that apart from Xing Yefeng In addition to helping him, even the current Demon King can't help him temporarily, and his own revenge is far away.

"I'm really convinced, well, I don't have to worry about it. Anyway, there are tall people who are worried about the future of the demon world. What am I worried about?" Takikawa left slowly after finishing speaking, slowly blending into the night. go.


The next day, Mu Hantian and the others were eating breakfast when Takigawa attacked and attacked Dongcheng's house with magic.

"Mio, Maria, the two of you stay here, and I go out with Geng Kiko and Yuki."

"How can it be!" Mio immediately rejected Mu Hantian's proposal.

"Mio, be obedient. The target on the other side is very clear, it's you, so you can't go out. Maria will stay to protect you. Let's go." Mu Hantian didn't talk nonsense, and went out with Geng Xizi and Yuxi directly.

The three of Mu Hantian left for five minutes, and Mio was a little anxious.

"Maria, we too..." She wanted to greet Maria to go out with her, but her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

"I'm sorry, Mio-sama." Mio seemed to finally hear Maria's words.

The fainted Mio was held in Maria's arms, and a beautiful woman appeared beside her. This was Jest. She looked at Maria with satisfaction.

"Very good, you don't have to continue, Lord Zolkier will let your mother go." Jest said calmly.

"Let's leave quickly. Brother, he should have noticed that there was a problem. If he rushes back, we will be in trouble." Maria urged.

"Let's go." Jest also understood the reason why Ye Changmeng was more than a dream, and quickly retreated to Zokiel's lair with Mio and Maria.

When Jest left for a long time, Takigawa and Mu Hantian appeared at home.

"How is it, has it been completed?" Mu Hantian asked Takichuan beside him.

"I can track Zest's location freely. She would never have dreamed that Maria would lie to her with me." Takigawa chuckled lightly.

"Then let's get started too. Takigawa, go and put pressure on Zest so she doesn't have time to think so our plan can be perfect."

"It's natural, then I'll leave the rest to you." Takigawa smiled lightly and left.

"Hantian, why do we want to cooperate with this demon, and what happened to Maria and Naruse Mio?" Yuki asked calmly.

"It's time to tell Youxi, it's like this..." Mu Hantian told Youxi and Geng Xizi everything.

"That is to say, all this is a game set up by you, the purpose is to rescue Maria's mother and destroy Zokiel, right?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah." Mu Hantian nodded.

"Why didn't you tell Naruse Mio?" Yuki asked.

"No, I know Mio's character very well, she can't hide her thoughts, this will only make Zokiel aware of it, and it's more natural for me to do so, you don't have to worry about Mio's safety, I'll give it to her A guarantee is left."

"I see." Youxi believed Mu Hantian's judgment.

"Then, let's rest for a while. We're going to fight again." Mu Hantian said.

For a while, the Dongcheng family calmed down, waiting for Mu Hantian's next move.


Naruse Mio still remembers what happened when his parents were killed

Mio was at the scene of the incident and witnessed the entire brutality with his own eyes.

The tragedy that attacked the Naruse family happened during a family reunion—after dinner, when they were resting in the living room.

A demon man suddenly appeared in front of them out of thin air.

At that time, Mio still didn't know anything about the demons, so he couldn't immediately understand what was going on, and was just dumbfounded.

— but her parents were different.

They were convinced that the demon man was here for Mio, and immediately launched an attack.

The first person who died was his father, who was always so kind to Mio.

The father instantly realized the double swords and slashed, and the dark blade made by the demon man was just a flash of silver light, and the father's hands flew into the air - at the same time, the living room was dyed red with blood accompanied by screaming screams.

This scene caused the mother to grab Mio's shoulders and shake it violently, shouting "Flee!", but Mio was unmoved. The tragedy in front of me seemed to have happened in a different world, and I couldn't feel it was reality at all. In order to buy time for Mio to escape, his father, who lost his hands, still tried his best to stand in front of the man - but his face was grabbed by the man's hand, and his whole body exploded from the inside in an instant, and his blood and internal organs splashed all over the living room and died tragically.

Even though the strength gap was desperate, my mother didn't give up fighting—not to defeat the demon man, but to protect Mio.

The super-high-temperature flames that Mio, who had appeared together with her mother, couldn't control it, shot at the man without hesitation; but the overwhelming force of the opponent was so cruel that she effortlessly deflected her mother's **** magic and released black flames. In return.

In the blink of an eye, my mother was covered in hellfire and burned into a charred corpse.

After killing Mio's parents, the man slowly approached her——Mio doesn't remember what happened after that. When she opened her eyes again, she was overwhelmed with fear and fainted, and found herself in an unfamiliar abandoned factory; beside her was Maria, who had always thought she was a relative.

There, Maria, who showed her dreamlike appearance, told her everything about Mio.

After that——the war that belonged to Naruse Mio began.

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