Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 996: Games in progress

Student arrivals start on time. Students in sports uniforms followed the music and circled the track in the order of the school year.

In the audience area, almost every pair of eyes and cameras were directed at the playground.

There is only one non-naka walnut, mixed in the crowd to do other things. She wants to identify the problem characters in the academy and eliminate them if she can.

The ones I've seen so far are Tachibana Nanao at the school gate with Mu Hantian. And Shohei Dojo, who passed by on the way to the playground, and Rika Kajiura, who was staying in the tent at the headquarters.

Now that the games had started on time, Tachibana and Kajiura, who wanted the games to end successfully, should be less dangerous than Dojo, who had a personal grudge against Mu Hantian—but Nonaka Keto didn't let up.

Now, Maria can't leave the Tojo family because of Zogir, and Mio, Yuki, and Genkiko can't act openly, so as not to provide reasonable excuses for the moderate faction, the current demon king faction, the demon clan, or the brave clan to make Judgments or actions against Mu Hantian.

Therefore, the only ones who can actually act in this incident are the eldest brother who was attacked, and me, who witnessed the scene of the incident and intervened. Watch me catch you out! Walnut thought to himself.

At this time - Hu Tao found the figure of Yuxi's fanatical supporter Haiji Hosaki in the tent at the headquarters where Mu Hantian and other executive members were different from other students.

So that's four.

After counting in her heart, Hu Tao directly panned her gaze and found the last two suspects in the staff tent at the right end of the headquarters.

One is Mamoru Sakazaki who looked at the students on the field with a hearty smile.

come again...

The other is the health room teacher, Hasegawa Chisato, who is wearing a bright white robe.

A total of six people. Today, Hu Tao's entrusted job is to monitor and track all the suspects who attacked Mu Hantian, and the number of other executive committee members exceeds three digits, but that is not a problem for Hu Tao.

When the headmaster began to speak on the podium, Walnut closed his eyes, and then——

Concentrate, set up a magic circle with yourself as the center, and in the radiance of magic power invisible to ordinary people...

Please, everyone...

In her heart, she called out to the elves who were living in the surrounding atmosphere, asking them to guard the entire campus and report to her those who were acting suspiciously. Feeling that the elves agreed, Hu Tao opened her eyes and accidentally met Mu Hantian.

The headmaster concluded his speech under the gaze of the elves and the walnuts, followed by the oath of the contestants.

A female student came to the stage, raised her right hand straight to the sky, and said, "I swear. On behalf of all the students, I would like to make an oath here. I am willing to give full play to the valuable knowledge and experience learned on campus, and use the healthy spirit and physique that grew up on campus. , abide by all competition rules and compete fairly. Student representative, Kajiura Lika, swears."

As soon as the words stopped, the vortex of applause suddenly swept the entire playground.

With all kinds of thoughts intertwined, the sports meeting of Seizaka Academy officially started.


Almost all sports competitions are based on physical fitness.

There is only one item, so that Mu Hantian, Mio and Yuxi can participate generously, and there is no doubt of injustice.

That is, in addition to tacit understanding, luck is also required, three-legged obstacle course.

"Now, the competition comes to the finale of the morning - the men's and women's three-stick obstacle course!"

Excited and high-pitched shouts erupted from the loudspeaker. This voice is quite familiar to Mu Hantian. The one who broadcasts the live broadcast for this project is Taiichi Shimada, a member of the broadcasting company who is in the same class as him.

"This is a three-person four-legged race in which one man and two women are sent from each class to break three obstacles while circling the track. It is known as the favorite race of the school's male compatriots! However, only the two girls who were selected for the race were selected. This is a blessing for those who go to school! The first grade part starts first, and everyone's focus is of course on the sixth runway where Class B is located. This year, the men of the whole school year have been fascinated by the fascinated Naruse Mio and Nonaka. Yuki!"

The atmosphere of the male audience also boiled instantly with Shimada's excited broadcast, but——

"As for the lucky one who can compete with the two idols of our school, this one is Mu Hantian!"

Mu Hantian, who tied his left and right feet to Mio and Yuxi respectively, who was also at the starting line, was bathed in merciless boos.

This is also impossible, after all, this is a competition in which all the male participants will be envied.

Because they were the executive committee members of the Games, Mu Hantian was able to choose the sports first; and what Mio and Yuki chose was this three-person four-legged obstacle course.

So—they named Mu Hantian for the competition as a matter of course.

"Don't think about it too much, just treat it as a pumpkin or something."

"Don't worry, Hantian - I will definitely protect you." After speaking, Mio and Yuxi seemed to be sticking close to Mu Hantian on purpose.

"Okay, never mind."

Mu Hantian also smiled wryly and wrapped his arms around the waists of the two people who were coming close, feeling the warmth and softness of Mio and Yuki, completely in a state of "embracing left and right".

The gunshots of the start were loud and clear.

"At the beginning of the game, all the contestants rushed out of the starting line at the same time—oh! Class D fell on the first step, and also dragged Class C and Class E into the water! The other classes seem to have escaped... oh oh This is amazing, the much-anticipated class B has opened the gap with other classes from the beginning, and the speed is getting faster and faster!"

The balance beam in the first level is really not an obstacle; the three of them hit the horizontal direction, and they successfully passed the level with the crab steps in unison. When they ran to the track again, they had left the other classes far behind.

"Class B will soon come to the second level - which is the most exciting 'left hug and right hug balloon' for boys in this project!"

"Come here, this way." Geng Xizi, one of the assistants, waved to them, and then——

"Come on, these two balloons for you."

Mio and Yuki each took the inflated balloon that Genkiko handed over, clamped stomach to stomach, back to back, and squeezed their bodies—but no matter how hard they squeezed, the balloon would not burst. Mio and Yuki are members of the executive committee, and they naturally know what's going on. The balloon that Geng Xizi gave them is the most difficult to pop.

In order to shorten the speed gap of each class and create an atmosphere of climaxes in the competition, the committee specially prepared balloons that are easy to break and strong balloons. then--

"Oh——! Class B had a smooth journey, but now it's completely stuck here! The following classes are also taking advantage of this time to pass the first level one after another and rush to catch up, and the gap with Class B is getting smaller and smaller!"

Mio and Yuki felt that the situation was not good and became anxious, and wanted to pop the balloon as soon as possible. But no matter how you squeeze it, it doesn't break.

There's no other way but to cheat a little bit. Thinking to himself, Mu Hantian directed a trace of magic power to the balloon. After being chased by the next two shifts, Mio and Yuki's balloons finally exploded one after another - the three of them got up again and ran to the last level, crawling through the net.

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