"Twenty times?"

"Not quite right!"

"It's definitely not right!"

The three girls analyzed one by one.

"If you simply increase your personal quality, even if you can't get up, you won't be unable to speak a word."

Ichihara Suzune rewound the video and pointed at the scene where Hattori's Junior Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzo, opened his mouth but made no sound.


Hattori Keibu Shaocheng Yuzang's mouth twitched

【Is it really okay for you to repeatedly lash out at my corpse in front of me?]

Complaints are complaints, thoughts are thoughts, and it is impossible to say it out loud.

"My legs were shattered, my internal organs were bleeding, and the huge burden on my body made it impossible for me to make a sound. Just opening my mouth had exhausted all my strength."

As he spoke, the awakened Junior Chancellor of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzang, also felt something was wrong.

"This can't be achieved by simply increasing the weight by 20 times!"

Nanakusa Mayumi murmured.


Nakajo Azusa looked at the screen and nodded in agreement with Nanakusa Mayumi's opinion.

"So that's where the problem lies!"

Ichihara Suzune took out a notebook and started writing something down.

"Vice President, please tell me your feelings again, and recall them carefully, and try not to make any mistakes or omissions."

Ichihara Suzune looked at Hattori's Junior Secretary of the Criminal Department, Yuzo, and said

"I remember that I suddenly felt that I had difficulty breathing, and my raised arm fell down uncontrollably. My body could not support itself, and I collapsed in an instant. Then there was a sharp pain, and at the same time, a strong sense of dizziness came over me. My brain seemed to be a little unclear, and my internal organs seemed to be hit fiercely by a big iron hammer. I had the urge to vomit blood, but I couldn't vomit it out when I opened my mouth."

The Junior Minister of Justice, Yuzang, frowned and recalled seriously.

"It's not that you want to vomit blood but can't, but the blood is affected by magic and has been stuck in your body and can't come out at all."

Ichihara Suzune carefully recorded and analyzed it at the same time.

"Well, that should be the case.

Hattori Keibu Junior Secretary Yuzo nodded.

"But don't you find it strange?"

Nakajo Azusa interrupted

"If it was just simple gravity magic, then Vice President, you shouldn't have been injured so badly!"

"It's even more impossible to not have the ability to resist at all!"

Nakajo Azusa continued to analyze.


Hattori's Junior Minister of Justice, Yuzang, nodded. He was so shocked that he was unconscious. Now that he thought about it carefully, it might not be just the gravity magic he saw.

"What is certain is that he definitely used other magic, but we don’t know, or it’s a kind of magic we have never seen before!

Nanakusa Mayumi murmured as she looked at the screen.

"never seen it?"

"Could it be that he invented this magic himself?" exclaimed Hattori Keibu Junior Secretary Yuzo

"Well, that's the only possibility.

Ichihara Suzune also agrees with this view.

"Besides, don’t you think he casts magic too quickly?"

"It's almost reaching an unreasonable level!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a serious expression, pointing at Qianyu Yeyou on the screen.

"Is it possible that he got away with it?"

Ichihara Suzune tried to find a reasonable explanation.


Hearing Ichihara Suzune's analysis, Hattori Criminal Department Junior Secretary Yuzo shook his head directly

"At that time, I was concentrating on staring at the coin and Qianyu Yeyou. If he had cast the magic in advance, I would have sensed it. However, I didn't, and I can testify to that!"

"Even if he could easily conceal his thoughts, he wouldn't have done it in vain. I could clearly sense his thoughts when he cast the spell."The

Junior Minister of Justice, Yuzang, was sure that Qianyu Yeyou had not violated any rules. He lost, and he was not that miserable.

Hearing this, the three women were silent again.

"Moreover, his healing magic is also very interesting and worth studying."

Ichihara Suzune saw that she could not analyze anything else, so she turned the video to the back, where Qianyu Yeyou treated the young minister of the Ministry of Justice, Huzang. Qianyu Yeyou raised his hand, and a blue light flashed. The pain on the young minister's face disappeared, leaving only dullness. Obviously, his seriously injured body has been healed.

"Well, it should also be an original magic!"

Nanakusa Mayumi's smile became more intense.

【Man, you really aroused my curiosity!】

"It seems that the level of this magic should not be low, at least it should be A-level."

"After all, the vice president's health was terrible at the time."

"Even the school's healing teacher would have to work hard."

Nakajo Azusa said as he looked at the blue light on Qianyu Yeyou's fingertips that was frozen in time on the screen.


Ichihara Suzune murmured.

【After the Nine Schools Competition, it is the Essay Competition】

【A genius who can develop new types of magic on his own, maybe he can give me some new ideas】

【I must let him help me!】

【I just happen to have a favor he owes me. 】

Thinking of this, Ichihara Suzune smiled.


The door of the student union was opened again, and a girl with short black hair walked in.

"What are you doing?"

The girl looked at the group of people gathered together curiously.


"This is?"


"Is this the Junior Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wu Zang?"

The girl finally saw the Junior Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wu Zang, lying on the ground on the screen.

Although she was a little shocked, she also felt that it was normal. There would be some evildoers enrolled in every year, such as the Junior Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wu Zang. He was the evildoer of their class.

【Another person knows...】

【Forget it, whatever happens!】

【As long as you are happy! 】

Hattori Keibu Junior Secretary Yuzo thought numbly

"Mari, are you done with your work?"

Nanakusa Mayumi asked in surprise.

She remembered that Watanabe Mari was even busier than here.

"How can it be?"

"I came to ask you for someone!"

Watanabe Mari found a seat and sat down.

"By the way, who is this guy?"


"Why does he look familiar?

The more Watanabe Mari looked at this man, the more she felt like she had seen him somewhere before.

【Where have I seen him before? 】

Watanabe Mari glanced at Nanakusa Mayumi


【It's him!】

"It turned out to be him!"

Watanabe Mari said, standing up, rewinding the video, watching the whole process, and his expression became more and more solemn.

"This is our analysis!"

Ichihara Suzune handed the notebook over.

Watanabe Mari read it and then said,"You missed one point. Don't forget, he didn't use CAD at the time!"

Watanabe Mari said this with a serious face.

As the voice of this sentence fell, the scene suddenly became quiet.

""What a horror, this guy!"

Hattori's Junior Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzang, sighed and said with some emotion.

Anyway, he was defeated and didn't care. He couldn't crack the two, no, maybe three original magics that Qianyu Yeyou showed.

Who knows how many more things this guy has hidden?

"Moreover, he said it was twenty times the gravity, but in my opinion, the pressure you are bearing is at least thirty times as much!"

Watanabe Mari looked at the Junior Minister of Justice, Yuzo

"We all know this, but what does it prove?"

"We all know that he used other magic, but we can't see it!"

"It's not magic in the system at all."

Nakajo Azusa said helplessly.

"But we can analyze what kind of magic he used!"

Watanabe Mari chuckled.


""Moli, are you telling the truth?"

Nanakusa Mayumi's eyes lit up. No matter how she analyzed it just now, it didn't make sense.

"Of course!"

Watanabe Mari said confidently

"On the surface, it seems that only the vice president has fallen, that's all, but in fact it is not"

"You say, if he controls something to collide with the vice president, then the pressure he bears will become stronger in disguise?"

Watanabe Mari looked at the others and asked


The four of them looked at each other.


Why didn't they think of that?


After being reminded by Watanabe Mari, the four of them immediately thought of it and said in unison

"No wonder I suddenly felt the floor was so hard, like a hammer hitting me!"

Hattori's Junior Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzang, suddenly said

"this person..."

"I want this person!"

Before Nanakusa Mayumi finished speaking, Watanabe Mari asked for the person.

"You're going too far!"

Nanakusa Mayumi showed a devilish smile.

"President, please use your magic face on junior fellow student Qianyu Yeyou!"

"Maybe I can even capture a little husband~"

Watanabe Mari teased

"You bastard!"

"Don't you have it now?...Woo woo woo..."

Seeing Nanakusa Mayumi start to talk nonsense, Watanabe Mari quickly covered her mouth.

The three people next to her immediately went into gossip mode.

Expand! Detailed!


This is the sound of school dismissal

"What, we didn't do anything this afternoon?"

This sudden voice woke Nanakusa Mayumi up.

"It seems to be true..."

Nakajo Azusa said slowly

"That can't be said, there's also this!"

Ichihara Suzune raised the notebook in her hand.


"It's all his fault!"

"Let’s go, go out and stop him!"

""Catch him and make him our laborer!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said as she was about to rush outside.

Suddenly she paused, as if she had thought of something, turned around and looked at everyone present and asked,"Now I invite him to join the student union and become a member of the student union, do you have any objection?"


"I agree!"

"Such talents must be brought over!"

"Pull it over and lend it to me for a few days!"

The above are the answers of Hattori Keibu Shoninzo who was beaten into submission, Nakajo Azusa who was shocked, Ichihara Suzune who was somewhat expectant, and Watanabe Mari who came to conscript men.

"Then come with me and bring him back!"

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