A forest three kilometers away from the Nine Schools Battle Venue.

The magician who had been chasing Qianyu Yeyou gradually slowed down his pace, and when he looked carefully, Qianyu Yeyou's back came into view.

Looking at Qianyu Yeyou's back, the magician frowned, and then as if he had thought of something, he quickly scanned the surroundings of the forest. This kind of area with lush trees was most suitable for ambush.

The magician, who did not find any movement, frowned and looked at Qianyu Yeyou in front of him. He cast magic to explore the surroundings without giving up, and found that there was nothing wrong. The strange feeling in his heart became even worse.

However, he did not think that this high school student could pose any threat to him. As a senior talent of the organization, he had experienced a cruel, insect-raising selection. Even if he was not the strongest among them, he was confident that he would have no problem escaping.

Thinking of this, the magician suppressed the strange feeling in his heart.

"How about it?"

"Did you find anything?"

Qian Yu Yeyou had turned around at some point and looked at the figure in front of him with a smile on his face.���He was wearing a suit and black sunglasses, and he looked pretty handsome.

I have seen many ugly villains in movies, novels, comics and other literary works. Suddenly, I saw a villain named by someone in real life. I have to say, it was quite novel.

"You don't seem nervous at all."

While Qianyu Yeyou was looking at the magician, he was also observing the student from the First High School, the student that the big guys in the organization had designated for him to deal with.

"Why should I be nervous?"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled and looked at the guy opposite.

After hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, he analyzed his movements, expressions, and body coordination. The magician suddenly found that Qianyu Yeyou just stood there, with flaws all over his body, and then there were no flaws. His expression was natural, and his body coordination was very natural. There was no awkward feeling caused by nervousness or lack of confidence.

This discovery made him feel uneasy.

The wind blew the leaves of the trees, making a rustling sound. In this somewhat hot period, it blew on his body and he felt a chill.

If there is really no ambush here, then the so-called"high school student" in front of him must be weird, and even life-threatening!

This is an intuition!

It is a premonition cultivated from countless corpses and countless near-death situations!

This premonition has saved him countless times

""Shouldn't I introduce myself when we first meet?"

Obviously, this sentence did not get a response from the magician.

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the guy opposite and lost interest in probing him. In this case, just solve it directly. When the time comes, let Tatsuya find the information of this organization directly, and don't bother Tifanna.

"It seems that you are very rude. I need to teach you how to respect others!"

After the voice fell, Qianyu Yeyou took out the CAD and pointed the gun at the magician. The thought quickly injected into the CAD, and the blue magic belt rotated rapidly. The terrifying energy was generated out of thin air by the thought. Then, a white ray rushed straight to the opponent's head.

Looking at this white ray, the magician changed his movements and quickly applied the self-acceleration spell to himself, and quickly dodged.


"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"


This terrifying sound, slightly quieter than the sound of frying meat in a frying pan, reached the magician's ears, and he subconsciously looked back. It was this glance that made his pupils shrink suddenly. He saw that after the sunbeam beam penetrated a large number of trees, it bombarded a huge rock. The entire rock quickly turned into a pool of unknown liquid like melted ice cream, and then completely disappeared!

"Damn it!"

"How come the power has become so much stronger!"

This magician had made sufficient preparations before coming here. He had watched all the videos of Qianyu Yeyou's games, and after precise data analysis, he constantly simulated the intensity of attacks and conducted corresponding training. However, the reality is that the power intensity experienced in his simulation training is not at the same level as Qianyu Yeyou's magic!

If he hadn't been cautious, temporarily changed the magic, and dodged to a limited extent, he would have died in the magic bombardment!

You told me that this guy is a high school student?

"How can this be?"

"You can't be a high school student to be able to perform magic of this power!"

"I'm afraid you are not an ordinary person?"

""Which clan of the Ten Master Clans are you from?"

The magician looked at Qianyu Yeyou and asked tentatively, trying to find some information from him to reverse the situation.

Although he had overestimated Qianyu Yeyou, the facts told him that he still underestimated Qianyu Yeyou.

However, he was not a weakling, and no matter how powerful the attack was, it had to be able to hit him.

He wanted to try to find Qianyu Yeyou's weakness and make a fatal blow!

"Okay, stop testing me. I am not from any of the Ten Clans."

Qian Yu Ye You said, pointing the muzzle of the CAD at the magician again.


A faint sound sounded again, and the white light burst out again.



The magician sent by the organization was suppressed for a while and could only dodge continuously. The surrounding trees kept collapsing due to Qianyu Yeyou's attack, and then quickly turned into ashes!

Damn it!

This can't go on any longer. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for me. Time is not on my side!

Try it one last time. If it doesn't work, escape immediately!

Taking the time to counterattack Qianyu Yeyou, the magician took out a fist-sized brown-yellow stone from his arms and quickly threw it on the ground.


As the stone fell to the ground, a vibration sounded, and then strange ripples followed a strange frequency and continued to spread outward.

"You are indeed very strong. I have to admit that even though I came out of that kind of hell, experienced countless life and death experiences, and met countless geniuses, I must admit that you may not be the most powerful magician I have ever seen, but you are indeed the most talented magician I have ever seen!"

"It's just a pity!"

As he said this, the guy suddenly took out a small folding submachine gun.

"It cannot be used within this range, and your physical skills don’t seem to be very good!"

"Have you said enough?"

The magician who was about to pull the trigger was stunned and his movements subconsciously paused.

"What did you say?"

"You seem to understand one fact: I want you to continue pretending to be cool now!"

"Remember this in your next life, no one can act cool in front of me!"

"Da da da~"


The red halo flickered, and a more powerful white light burst out.

"How can it be!"



What kind of thing has sneaked in?

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