The morning light was dim, shining through the green leaves and the glass windows, and the warm sun shone on the face of Qianyu Yeyou who was still lying in bed.

Qianyu Yeyou rubbed his eyes, got up, washed, and made breakfast. After eating, he packed up and went out to the school.

Because of the increasing popularity of magic, there are fewer and fewer means of transportation, and those vehicles are not even as convenient and fast as the magic self-acceleration spell.

However, not everyone has the luxury of using magic to travel, so a new type of smaller single-person car has been developed. Its high-speed and convenient automatic driving mode can be easily driven by both magicians and ordinary people, so it is very popular.

Among the small cars coming and going on the roadside, a figure was rushing, and with every leap, green magic runes would flash under his feet.

""Junior Yeyou!"

As soon as Qianyu Yeyou arrived near the school, he heard a familiar voice calling him.

Qianyu Yeyou turned around and saw Nanakusa Mayumi waving her hand and jogging towards him. Her long hair fluttered on her shoulders while she ran, adding a bit of youth and beauty to her.

"My dear president, you are full of energy so early in the morning, you are really energetic!"

Qianyu Yeyou reluctantly stretched out her hand and took the handbag from her hand.


"How thoughtful!"

"Thank you, junior brother!"

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled playfully and handed the handbag in her hand to Qianyu Yeyou.

Nanakusa Mayumi and Qianyu Yeyou walked side by side. Suddenly, she quickened her pace and stopped in front of Qianyu Yeyou, then turned around. The orange-yellow skirt fluttered gently as she turned, and Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but stare at her in amazement.

"Does it look good?"

Nanakusa Mayumi lifted the hair beside her earlobe with her little hand, straightening the naughty strand of black hair, adding a bit of charm to her face.

"It looks good, but it's too short."

Qian Yu Yeyou said absentmindedly.



Nanakusa Mayumi didn't know that this guy did it on purpose, she snorted like a spoiled child, pretended to be angry, and walked towards the school first.

Nanakusa Mayumi was a little proud when she saw Qianyu Yeyou's dazed look, especially when the first half of the sentence came out, the smile on her face became even wider, and then the smile froze.

For the beautiful Nanakusa Mayumi, height is definitely a fatal problem, but he doesn't care much, provided that you don't say it so openly in front of him.

Seeing this, Qianyu Yeyou smiled lightly, quickened his pace and caught up

"Junior Tatsuya!"

After walking a few steps, Qianyu Yeyou saw the student council president waving and greeting the Siba siblings in the distance.

"This scene is so familiar!"

Qian Yuye glanced at the handbag in his hand humorously, and decisively followed the president's pace.

"Junior Tatsuya, junior Miyuki, good morning!"

"Good morning, both of you."

Chiba Yeyou greeted Shiba Tatsuya and her sister Miyuki.

"Good morning, both of you."

The Shiba brothers and sisters replied in unison.

"You two came together?"

Shiba Miyuki looked at the handbag in Qianyu Yeyou's hand strangely.

Yes, two.

Then her eyes became more and more excited.

"Met on the way!"

Qianyu Yeyou was so angry that she gestured with the handbag in her hand, and hesitated whether to stuff it into Shiba Tatsuya's hand.

After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. It was too immoral to do so.


Shiba Miyuki nodded, looking like she had figured it out. She understood the situation of the two people. She thought there was something to be said.

The student council president started to use the same trick again, and performed in front of Shiba Tatsuya, and then asked him if he looked good.

【It’s over, I’m sick again!】

【This child is hopeless! 】

Qianyu Yeyou covered her face, she couldn't bear to watch.

Nanakusa Mayumi failed to tease Qianyu Yeyou, so she tried to find someone else to feel the same.


Shiba Tatsuya had a question mark on his face, and looked at Chiba Yeyou, asking with his eyes.

Shiba Tatsuya: What's wrong with him?

Chiba Yeyou: Is he sick!

Shiba Tatsuya:?

Shiba Tatsuya: Mental problem?

Chiba Yeyou: No, just a psychopath!

Shiba Tatsuya:.....

Shibata was speechless.

"What are you two doing with those winks?"

Shiba Miyuki looked at her brother and the annoying guy opposite her with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

That's right, this action made the yellow girl think wrongly again.


Qianyu Yeyou looked at Shiba Shenxue's gloomy face and was stunned

【Good job!】

【Are you starting to be wary of men now?】


【Sure enough, women are more aggressive than men when it comes to sex】

"how is everything?"

"Junior Tatsuya!"

Nanakusa Mayumi's smiling face was puffed up like a bun.

"Uh, not bad..."

Shiba said perfunctorily.

Nanakusa Mayumi raised her eyebrows at Qianyu Yeyou.

Qianyu Yeyou sighed,"Can't you see that I'm just being perfunctory to you?

Maybe you don't want to see it!"

"Um, I have something to say to you and Miyuki. What are your plans for lunch today?

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly restrained her expression and began to be humble and businesslike, which made the three of them a little uncomfortable.

Shiba Miyuki did not answer immediately, but looked at her brother Shiba Tatsuya.

Shiba Tatsuya gave Miyuki a positive look.

""Okay, President, my brother and I will be there!"

Shiba Miyuki saw her brother's affirmation and then replied.

"Don't forget to come over!"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Qianyu Yeyou and said.

She was not afraid that he would forget, but that he would not come at all.

"I want to go too?"

Qianyu Yeyou pointed at her nose and asked in surprise.

"Aren't you a member of the student council?"

Nanakusa Mayumi rolled her eyes at him.

"I thought I was only involved after school!"

Qianyu Yeyou curled her lips.

Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, Nanakusa Mayumi was glad that she said something extra, otherwise she would definitely not see anyone at noon.


Then Nanakusa Mayumi turned and walked away. The third grade students were not in the same building as the first grade students, but they were not far away either. They were just next to their building.


"By the way, Tatsuya-kun, please bring Chiba Erica from your class!"

"I have something to ask her too!"

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly remembered that someone was missing, so she turned to Shiba Tatsuya and said


After hearing Shiba Tatsuya's reply, Nanakusa Mayumi bowed slightly and then turned and left.

"I'm leaving too. I won't bother you siblings anymore. Bye!"

Qianyu Yeyou turned and left.

To be honest, he didn't have any feelings for Shiba Miyuki. Even the student council president was just a joke, so he never expected anything. Qianyu

Yeyou knew deeply what he needed and what he should do at the moment.

His starting point of magic skills was already very high compared to his peers, but it was not enough!

He didn't know what the future would be like.

But he couldn't be unknown unless he was mediocre.

As long as Qianyu Yeyou learned and created something now, if it was leaked out, he would be regarded as an elite, and even more often, it would not be as simple as being regarded as an elite.

After all, Qianyu Yeyou is not Shiba Tatsuya.

Strictly speaking, they are siblings of Yotsuba. Family members!

Tatsuya Shiba himself has the military behind him.

So even if Tatsuya Shiba is a monster, there will be someone to back him up.

Even if the military is competing with the Yotsuba family for the ownership of Tatsuya Shiba, they will definitely not let Tatsuya Shiba have any problems.

But Chiyu Yeyou is different. He does not have such a strong background in Japan.

It is estimated that the only way left at that time is to marry into the Ten Master Clan.

Being a son-in-law of a wealthy family is not what Chiyu Yeyou wants. Not only does this thing sound bad, it is also disgusting to do.

But even if he wanted to join if he couldn't beat them, he couldn't create a Ten Master Clan out of thin air. After all, there is no one.

Thinking of this, Chiyu Yeyou couldn't help but have a headache.

【Forget it, let's just take it one step at a time!

Qian Yu Yeyou cleared all the mess in his mind and walked towards the classroom.

"Jingle Bell..."

After a burst of voice prompts, the students who were chatting together in groups of three or four returned to their seats and waited for the teacher to come to class.

"Tap tap tap..."

Following the sound of high heels on the floor in the corridor, a beautiful woman with long black hair walked in. She looked to be about 24 years old. The tight suit that outlined her perfect curves did not increase her beauty, but instead added a bit of majesty.

"New teacher?"


"Isn't this class a detailed explanation of the basics of magic?"

After the teacher came in, the whole class was talking about it. Because the courses were scheduled, each teacher had a photo and specific personal information on it, which could be easily found. However, the current teacher was not the original one.

"Qianyu Yeyou, what's going on? Do you know?"

Shiba Miyuki turned her head and looked at Qianyu Yeyou and asked.

Qianyu Yeyou rolled her eyes at her and then shook her head.


""Everyone be quiet!"

The black-haired woman frowned as she watched the increasingly noisy class, then spoke out to stop them.

When the class quieted down, she began to introduce herself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Qianben Ye, and I am your next homeroom teacher!"

As Qianben Ye introduced himself, Qianyu Yeyou also understood that this was a temporary transfer of magic practical skills teaching teacher.

【Good job!】

【It’s worthy of the treatment of a first-class student!】

【No wonder the students in the first department call themselves"crowns" and the students in the second department"weeds".』】

【Compared with the students in the first department, the students in the second department are just like children without a mother, no one cares about their life or death. 】

This new course in the morning made Qianyu Yeyou once again experience the high-quality treatment of the students in the first department.

What accelerated casting theory, what photon theory, what thought particle changes to matter, etc., the students in the second department have none of them!

Why are they so sure?

Because these projects have laboratories, and they have not seen a single student in the second department in the whole morning on the entire floor!

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