"I am the student council president of our school. My name is Nanakusa Mayumi, written as Nanakusa and pronounced as[SAEGUSA], please give me more advice!"

Nanakusa Mayumi bowed slightly, smiled and introduced her name and position

"Newborn, Qianyu Yeyou"

【Nanakusa Mayumi?】

【The seven herbs contain several families, and there are ten master clans!】

【I have to say, this petite figure is just amazing!】

【I really want someone to hold me in his arms and hug me for a whole night!】

"What is Yeyoujun doing on the rooftop?

Nanakusa Mayumi was a little curious. What on earth attracted Qianyu Yeyou and made him ignore the danger and go to such a high rooftop to do such a dangerous thing?

"It's nothing, I just got up a little early today and didn't feel comfortable, so I slept on the roof for a while!"

Qianyu Yeyou said nonchalantly


"Excuse me, may I ask what time you usually get up?"

Nanakusa Mayumi was a little speechless. Today, the school gates opened at 9:30, and after getting ready, it was just around noon before the freshman meeting started. Is this still early?

"Oh, I usually go out around noon, right?

Qianyu Yeyou thought about it and thought it was probably around this time.


Nanakusa Mayumi stared at Qianyu Yeyou with her eyes wide open in disbelief, and kept scanning his body.

Seeing that this guy still had a badge on his shoulder, Nanakusa Mayumi began to doubt for the first time whether the test of their First Magic High School was really accurate?

This lazy guy was actually a first-year student?

Seeing Nanakusa Mayumi's look, she didn't mind

"Oh, by the way, I also watched a large-scale family ethics drama!"

Qianyu Yeyou seemed to have thought of something and spoke again

"Uh, what kind of family ethics drama is this?"

Nanakusa Mayumi was confused again.

What on earth is going on?

"Well, it was a sister who loved her brother deeply since childhood, and a brother who only wanted to protect his sister. They were arguing to let the other party get the qualification of an honor, and then the brother won the argument. In the end, the brother and sister looked at each other affectionately, and the sister was shy and misunderstood."

Qianyu Yeyou raised his eyebrows and said to Nanakusa Mayumi


Although Nanakusa Mayumi was not Sister Li, she was shocked.

Then, as if she had realized something, she asked loudly,"Where? Where?"

She looked around while speaking.


【Why do I feel like there's something wrong with Mayumi Nanakusa?】

【Or is there something wrong with me?】

【Are you serious about that expression of a wild goose looking for a melon to eat? At this moment, the image of the little daughter of the Nanakusa family, the little princess, the student council president, and the girl with a demon face collapsed in Qianyu Yeyou's heart.

【Eating melons really knows no boundaries, no eras, and even no time and space!】

【Today I have learned a lot! 】

The civet who had been looking for the melon for a long time finally realized that there was someone here.

Then, Nanakusa Mayumi blushed and said,"Junior, you didn't see anything, right?"

Nanakusa Mayumi said as she raised her white wrist.

"Didn't see it, didn't see it..."

Qianyu Yeyou rolled her eyes in annoyance

"Then, juniors, remember to gather in the auditorium. Seniors are leaving first!"

Then, without waiting for Qianyu Yeyou to say anything, she ran away with a red face.


"He actually ran away!"

"This is so interesting!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help laughing.

This Nanakusa Mayumi is really interesting. He remembered that the girl liked to tease the juniors and had a bit of a devilish personality.

Today he broke his inherent impression of Nanakusa Mayumi.

That's right, this is a living life, not a paper man in anime.


"Where should we go next?"

Qianyu Yeyou yawned in boredom and looked at his wrist. They still needed a while to rehearse, and there was still some time before the freshman meeting.

So Qianyu Yeyou wandered around the college aimlessly.


As I was walking, a man suddenly came towards me. Although he looked a little thin, he seemed to have great explosive power.

【Shiba Tatsuya!】

【I didn't expect to meet you so soon.

Qianyu Yeyou's eyes shrank slightly, and then they returned to their lazy look and continued to walk forward.

Shiba Tatsuya's eyes also happened to meet Qianyu Yeyou's, and Shiba Tatsuya had an indescribable strange feeling.

"Hello, Qianyu Yeyou, how about you?"

Qianyu Yeyou stretched out his right hand and asked with a smile.


Another family with a number!

It seems wrong?

Is there a family with the surname Qianyu among the Ten Master Clans' substitute families?

Shiba Tatsuya thought silently.

"Look, the flower crown is reaching out to the weeds. How funny!"

At this time, several girls with flowers on their shoulders passed by the two of them, looking very surprised.

"Tsk! A weed comes so early!"

"Doesn't that weed think it can catch up with us by working as hard as the flower crown?"

"I guess people think that because there is a flower crown willing to live in peace with him, he feels that he is the same as the flower crown?"

"I bet that this flower crown is definitely a freshman, and he will regret it in the future!"

The whispers of several people obviously could not be hidden from Qianyu Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya.

That's right, in this academy, magic talent is the first!

From the beginning of enrollment, they are divided into levels. Those with good magic talent are flower crowns, and those with poor magic talent are weeds.

And the standard they test is the degree of interference of magic on things.

Shiba Tatsuya frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, I bet that if there is a life-and-death crisis, these people will definitely be the first to die."

Qian Yu Ye You still smiled and looked at Shiba Tatsuya

"Hello, freshman, Tatsuya Shiba, thank you, senior!"

Tatsuya Shiba stretched out his hand and shook it with Qianyu Yeyou, then bowed slightly to express his gratitude, but he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"We are in the same grade!"

Qianyu Yeyou stretched out a finger and shook it left and right in front of Shiba Tatsuya.


Shiba Tatsuya was stunned!

This person who he couldn't even see through was actually a freshman!

Is the admission standard of this academy so terrible?

Shiba Tatsuya was once again grateful that he could go to the same school as Miyuki.

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the senior sisters of the first department in the distance and couldn't help but laugh.

【There are quite a few extraordinary students among the second-year students in this class!】

【There is absolutely no problem in beating these senior sisters on the head!】

"Let's go, the conference is about to start, and some people are already entering."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at Shiba Tatsuya and said

"Well, let's go in too!"

Shibata nodded, and the two of them walked towards the auditorium together.

The auditorium is divided into two floors, the upper and lower floors, that is, two parts of seats. The front half is for"flower crowns" and the back half is for"weeds", which is clearly divided.

However, there is no rigid rule that only"flower crowns" can sit in the front row and only"weeds" can sit in the back row. These are just the wishful thinking of these students.

"Haha, this is really interesting!"

Qianyu Yeyou pulled open the chair next to Shiba Tatsuya and sat on it.

"Aren't you going to the front?"

Shibata was a little confused.

"Why? Who stipulated that students from the first class must sit in the front?"

Qian Yu Yeyou asked curiously.


Shibata shook his head.

The people who are treated unfairly are the ones who have the strongest sense of unfairness..?

However, this person next to me is really unique.

Shibata thought silently.

"Um, is there anyone sitting next to you?"

Since Shiba Tatsuya was sitting on the far right of the last row, and next to him was Qianyu Yeyou, it was obvious that this question was addressed to Qianyu Yeyou.

"No, please sit down!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the cute girl in front of him, who looked a little silly with her glasses on.

"Thank you!"

The girl sat down with another girl with short brown hair.

"Um, my name is Shibata Mizuki, please teach me!"

Shibata Mizuki's voice was a little shy, and she looked at Qianyu Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya and introduced herself.

"Qianyu Yeyou!"

Qianyu Yeyou replied calmly.


"I am Tatsuya Shiba, please give me your guidance!"

Tatsuya Shiba glanced into Mizuki Shibata's eyes and introduced himself.

"I am Chiba Erica, please give me your guidance, Shiba-kun, Chiba-kun!"

Chiba Erica leaned over and introduced herself.

"I'm the same here, please give me your advice."

Shiba Tatsuya said to Chiba Erica

"Please give me more advice!"

Qianyu Yeyou glanced at Qianye Erica, then looked away.

"But this is a very interesting coincidence!"

Chiba Erica said as if she had discovered something.

"What is it?"

Shibata Mitsuki asked curiously.

"(The names of the three are pronounced as) [shiba] 、[shibata]、[chiba]!"

Chiba Erica read out the names of the three people one after another

"Because of Shiba, Shibata and Chiba!"

"It feels like a concluding word!"


Shibata Mizuki also seemed to have discovered something and found it very interesting.

""I see!"

Shibata Mitsuki smiled as she understood what was going on.

"Very interesting, isn't it?"

Qiye Erica said with a smile

"You can actually notice this!"

Shibata Mizuki was a little surprised at Chiba Erica's observation skills.

"It's a pity that there is a traitor among us!"

The traitor Qianye Erica refers to is Qianyu Yeyou.

"Hey, don't be so familiar with me!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Qianye Erica helplessly.

"I said, you are a student of the first grade!"

"Why are you sitting with us?"

Chiba Erica asked in confusion.

She knew the clear distinction between"flower crowns" and"weeds" in this school.

"Well, Qianyu Jun, I am also a little curious about this."

Shibata Mizuki looked at Qianyu Yeyou and said


"Who stipulated that students of the first subject cannot do this?"

"Or is there a nail on my seat?"

Qianyu Yeyou said, and he stood up curiously to look at the seat before sitting down again.

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