April 6, 2095 AD, the first day of the new student recruitment week.

Qianyu Yeyou looked at where he was in confusion. He clearly remembered that he was going to the classroom to catch up on his sleep, so how come he was led here by Nanakusa Mayumi?

On both sides of a long conference table in the room sat the new and old members of the Discipline Committee, Tatsuya Shiba, Erica Chiba and Mori Qijun.

Obviously, this was a meeting within the Discipline Committee.

But Qianyu Yeyou didn't understand why he was here?

"Let me introduce them. This is the person we borrowed from the student council president!"

As Watanabe Mari finished speaking, a group of people began to show surprised expressions.

However, it was obvious that a few people looked unhappy. Qianyu Yeyou knew that this was definitely not because of his dissatisfaction with himself.

"Did you sell me out?"

Qianyu Yeyou turned his head and looked at Nanakusa Mayumi in disbelief.

Qianyu Yeyou didn't understand what was going on. If there was an arrangement before, he would have been notified of this meeting, but he didn't receive any notification.

It was obviously a temporary event.

"Well! This week is special, so you can help me out!"

Nanakusa Mayumi pulled Qianyu Yeyou to the front of Ye Yi's chair and pressed Qianyu Yeyou on the chair.

"I guess you must not like sitting in the office, so I have arranged a good place for you!"

"I can..."

"Okay, I know my junior is very happy, bye!"

Nanakusa Mayumi didn't even give Qianyu Yeyou a chance to speak, then smiled playfully and left....

Everyone looked at Nanakusa Mayumi, who was always quiet and elegant, and actually showed such an expression to a boy. Suddenly, Qianyu Yeyou's expression changed.


No, you just saw that I looked unhappy and you were concerned about me?

"cough cough~"

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start the meeting!"

Watanabe Mari coughed, attracted everyone's attention, and announced the start of the meeting.

"This year is also ushering in that extremely turbulent week. Obtaining excellent members is an important issue that can affect the power of each club, and the competition for members will become fierce."

"Although it is regrettable, it is not uncommon for them to fight with each other or even use magic to attack each other. Fortunately, the members who were replaced by graduates were completed in time and even strengthened."

"Next, let me introduce them to you. Please stand up!"

As Watanabe Mari finished speaking, Shiba Tatsuya, Mori Qijun, Chiba Erica, and Chiba Yeyou all stood up.

"Class 1-E, Tatsuya Shiba!"

"Class 1E, Chiba Erica!"

"Class A, Grade 1, Sen Qijun!"

"Class A, Grade 1, Chiyu Yeyou!"

Whenever Watanabe Mari read a name, she would extend her hand to introduce it.

"Soon, they will join the patrol mission"

"Can these two guys really be useful?"

When Watanabe Mari said this, a senior student next to Shiba Tatsuya pointed at Chiba Erica and Shiba Tatsuya and asked with a worried look on his face.

He said this not to show off his superiority as a first-class student, but because he was really worried that these two people would not only fail to help but make things worse.

If something really happened and these two people couldn't beat the others but were taught a lesson by them, what would it mean for them to help?

It would be better for them to be responsible for another area.

Chiba Erica was immediately unhappy, but before she could speak, Watanabe Mari spoke.

"Don't worry, these two are both useful talents!"

Watanabe Mari said this with confidence.

"I have seen Shiba-san's strength with my own eyes"

"Senqi's ability to operate the calculation device is also quite good"

"Does anyone else have anything to say?"

Watanabe Mari's face became more serious.

"Very good, then let's start the action immediately!"

Watanabe Mari nodded with satisfaction.

"Let’s go!"

Then all the discipline committee members started to move.

"This is your equipment!"

"Then, it's about CAD.

Mari Watanabe found four sets of armbands and a machine for recording the scene, and handed them to the four people.

"The Discipline Committee was allowed to carry CAD in the school, and there was no need to ask for permission from higher authorities when using it. The specific usage was decided by the user depending on the severity of the incident, and only a report was needed to report what happened."


Watanabe Mari suddenly changed the subject, and Qianyu Yeyou knew that the next step was a warning.

"If it is determined to be illegal use, not only will the student be expelled from the Discipline Committee, but he or she will also receive more severe punishment than ordinary students!"

"Don't allow any fluke mentality!"

"Do you understand?"

Watanabe Mari warned seriously.

""I understand!"

Several people answered seriously.

"Don't use magic casually, understand?"

Watanabe Mari came to Qianyu Yeyou and warned her.

She knew that this guy in front of her could crush the Futori and the Ministry of Justice even without CAD, so she must warn this guy again and again.

"Don't worry, do you think I'm that worrying for you?"

Qianyu Yeyou's mouth twitched.

How worried is he about himself? He even came here to give me some advice?

"Can I ask a question?"

Shibata Tatsuya suddenly spoke up


"Ask it yourself!"

Mari Watanabe was curious about the question from Tatsuya Shiba who had been silent all this time.

"Regarding CAD, can I borrow the committee's equipment?"

"I don't care. They are all old equipment. You can use them as you like!"

Watanabe Mari thought it was something else, but that's it?

He lost interest instantly.

Shibata Tatsuya walked to the cabinet next to him and picked up a pair of arm guard CAD

"Although they are old models, they are also high-end models, so let's take these two."

As he said this, he put the CAD on his arm.



Watanabe Mari smiled and looked interested.

"what about you?"

"Any other questions?"

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou and the other two and asked

"No problem!"

Then the private prepared to go on patrol

"Wait a moment."

Watanabe Mari saw Qianyu Yeyou was about to leave, so he hurriedly called him back.

"What's wrong?"

Qianyu Yeyou

"I heard from Nanakusa that you didn't sleep all night last night, so you should take a rest now.

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou's face and said


"Thank you then!"

Qianyu Yeyou waved her hand and wanted to find a place to catch up on some sleep.

"Don't walk around, just go straight to the student union room, Nanakusa told you!"

"If I didn't know Nanakusa well, I would have thought you were her long-lost brother!"

Watanabe Mari sighed.

"The president is quite nice!"

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