When Qianyu Yeyou was walking on the way home, the dark curtain had fallen from the sky, and the only protagonist was hanging high in the sky with stars, and the bright silver light was spreading along the sky and onto the asphalt road under his feet. Qianyu

Yeyou looked at this moonlit night picture and couldn't help but stop on his way home and stood there for a long time.

"Although it is a different sky, it is equally charming!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but sigh.

It's not that he has any bloody memories or something like that, but whether it was in the past or now, in the brightly lit metropolis, this kind of night scene is really hard to see again.

Qianyu Yeyou continued to walk towards home in the moonlight, with soft steps, as if he was afraid of disturbing the shining star on the stage in the sky, or worried about crushing the afterglow on the ground.

In short, he walked silently towards home, the silver light behind him remained, and it became brighter and brighter.

Qianyu Yeyou, who was walking on the way home, couldn't help but think of the conversation he had with several classmates just now. As for whether magic should be used for people's livelihood or military, Qianyu Yeyou felt that there was actually nothing to argue about.

Influenced by a former idol, Qianyu Yeyou had the same opinion about 'dignity is only on the sword's edge, truth is only in 'Within the range of cannons' he firmly believed in this sentence.

So he didn't think there was any conflict between people's livelihood and the military. Qianyu Yeyou was involved in the research, development, study and use of both aspects of magic. As for the future, only time would tell.

However, magic does have certain dangers, so it is natural for Qianyu Yeyou to say that magic is more suitable for killing people efficiently.

Although now everyone is trying to avoid casualties caused by such magical accidents, this can be said to be a topic that all countries in the world are studying, but unfortunately, magic education cannot avoid accidents.

Whether it is internships, experiments or failures in the use of magic, it can easily lead to losses of personnel, and the schools engaged in magic education in various countries simply explain that 'there was a small problem.’、‘"A little accident" and other arguments, like telling a little story, there is no such thing as an accident.

Even if students know the dangers of magic, they still bet their future on magic as a future career, with magic talent and potential as the basic plate, life as the stakes, and take the road of courage to become a magic user, the name: magician.

Qianyu Yeyou thought it was ridiculous enough, but when he thought that he was walking on this road, or a road that no one had ever walked on, he couldn't laugh.

It's a bit ironic!

Because of the emergence of magic, countries have stepped up the training of magicians, from tactical nuclear missiles and strategic nuclear missiles with range and huge destructive power as deterrence to now using magic to reach the humanoid weapon of strategic magicians that used to cost countless resources to achieve the goal and is more efficient, convenient and low-cost!

That's right, people are used as weapons!

And those who accept this treatment can be summarized in one sentence in Qianyu Yeyou's eyes: called human nature, but actually surnamed people!

It seems pitiful but not worthy of sympathy.

Although it's ridiculous, it's true.

Although all countries are currently strongly opposed to this anti-humanity argument, there are still many people who do this. The representative of Japan in this regard is the Yotsuba family!

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but sigh for the Shiba brothers and sisters, it's really miserable.

The Yotsuba family really has no magical talent and potential. People will be marginalized, belonging to the life state of being unloved by their parents and condemned by everyone.

However, this also shows that those who have rare talents and are highly valued by society, and these people are still young boys and girls whose personalities are not yet mature, so it becomes reasonable for them to be arrogant and even arrogant to the point of not recognizing themselves.

They will only describe their future as shining like stars. Although this is definitely not a bad thing, this standardized value has hurt many teenagers now.

However, magical talent can easily be damaged due to psychological factors, and it will become a"genius" who dies halfway.

Even in the current No. 1 High School, many students every year have an indelible shadow on themselves due to external blows, so they can't use magic and end up dropping out quietly.

The students of the second department are used to fill this gap, which explains why the medical students call themselves"flower crowns" and the students of the second department"weeds", just like the nobles of the old times looked down on civilian scientists.

After all, the students of the second department are only allowed to have the status of students, can attend classes, use the school's materials and equipment, but have no right to receive the most important magic guidance.

Everything depends on themselves. Only by achieving something can they be recognized by others and obtain the qualifications of the magic high school and continue to study at the magic university. Otherwise, they can only be regarded as graduating from an ordinary university, completely cutting off the path of magicians.

And in the current situation where there is a serious shortage of teachers who can teach magic, talented people must be given priority to be taught. From the beginning, the students of the second department are admitted on the premise that there is no instructor.

Although on the surface the school prohibits the students of the second department from being called"weeds", in fact, this is already a semi-public contempt. Over time, even the students of the second department themselves have accepted their identity as"weeds". They are just spares for medical students, nothing more.

Then, Qianyu Yeyou thought of something, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. However, this year is a little interesting, after all, there are a bunch of restless guys who don't think they are much worse than the first-year students.....

As the figures of these people flashed through Qianyu Yeyou's mind one by one, his smile became more and more flamboyant.

Even if they want to be content, I'm afraid many people and many things will not let them do so.

Sishi remembered something, and Qianyu Yeyou's face suddenly became not so good.

It's funny to say that Qianyu Yeyou had specially checked the former Dragon Soaring Land earlier. This is the name of the area after the disappearance of the ancient Eastern country. Because the people there call themselves descendants of the dragon, there is the saying of soaring.

What's funny is that the so-called Great Asian Union does not have a single indigenous inhabitant, but is dominated and composed by a country that claims that the universe belongs to them, intending to restore the former regional name and call themselves descendants of the dragon.

When Qianyu Yeyou saw this, he spit out his food.

I can only say, good guy, you are worthy of it!

Is that mysterious country finally going to take action against the entire universe?

In this regard, Qianyu Yeyou has only two words to describe it: Awesome!

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