Quantum magic:"Regional shielding"

Tatsuya Shiba was shocked.

Can the spell be disintegrated at such a distance?

This is nearly four hundred meters, right?

The attacker also expressed his doubts, but he was not as engrossed as Tatsuya Shiba.

At the moment when Tatsuya Shiba was stunned, the man who attacked Tatsuya Shiba, who was wearing a hooded coat and a mask and covered himself tightly, saw that his attempt had failed and quickly fled.

When Tatsuya Shiba reacted, the man had already run far away, but when he waved his arms, he revealed a bracelet with red, white and blue rings. It was obviously the attacker's CAD. Tatsuya Shiba silently wrote down this important clue.

"How about it?"

"Are you okay?"

Qianyu Yeyou quickly ran over, looked at Shiba Tatsuya, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong.

Although this guy can repair himself, if he is injured, even after self-repair, there will be traces left.

In fact, Qianyu Yeyou is also very curious about Shiba Tatsuya's ability and wants to see what kind of magic this guy's strongest magic is. Unfortunately,...

But there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"I'm fine."

Shibata Tatsuya retracted his gaze from the distance and began to focus on Qianyu Yeyou.

"Do you know this person?"

"Is there any dispute with you?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked knowingly.

"I don't know this person, and I have no connection with him. I am also very curious about his purpose in attacking me."

Shiboda also retracted his gaze and continued to look in the direction where the man fled, and said in a puzzled manner

"If you don't achieve that person's goal this time, he will contact you in other ways in the future, so just wait."

Shibata heard Qianyu Yeyou's words and felt that they made sense, so he nodded in agreement.

"In that case, let's go and support that side first."

"Well, let's go quickly."

Shibata heard Qianyu Yeyou's words and stopped thinking about this bizarre incident.

Then the two of them immediately set off to the scene.

When they arrived at the scene, they found that it was not as serious as they had imagined. There was no magic fight, but there were too many people and the scene was too chaotic. The discipline committee members on the scene were seriously understaffed, so they had to ask for help in the communication.

Under reasonable deployment, the crowd of onlookers was evacuated, several radical elements were verbally warned, and after being punished according to regulations, the matter came to an end.........


"This damn time period is finally over!"

In the first-grade class A, Qian Yu Yeyou stretched his waist. Running around the academy all day long was really annoying.

"Is it so tiring to patrol for the discipline committee?"


""Mitsui Honoka!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the two classmates standing in front of him - Kitayama Shizuku and Mitsui Honoka.

Originally, these two people didn't have much intersection with the contract, and they were the most ordinary classmates. But later, after finding out that they also knew Shiba Tatsuya, they started to communicate more.

"It's not because the job of Discipline Committee is so tiring, it's just that I've been lying on the bench for a long time in the past few days, so I'm a little stiff."

"But the Disciplinary Committee does have a lot of things to do."

Qian Yu Yeyou said with emotion

"That, that..."

Guang Jinghui Huixiang's hesitant look made Qianyu Yeyou a little confused

"Can we invite you to have lunch with us?"

Mitsui Honoka seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage, and after saying this, Fang Su breathed a sigh of relief.


"Is it time for lunch?

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the clock hanging in the classroom and it was indeed time for lunch.

"Then let's go together!"

Qianyu Yeyou and his group quickly arrived at the cafeteria, ordered three meals, and found a table to sit around.

"Why didn't you two go find Shiba Tatsuya and the others?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked in confusion.

"Tatsuya and Miyuki went to the student council"

"I see."

After hearing what Guang Jinghuixiang said, Qian Yuyeyou also understood.

Without saying anything, he continued to eat.

"Yeyou, why didn't you go to the student union?"

Kitaya Shizuku, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said

"I didn't receive an invitation!"

Qianyu Yeyou didn't care about it.

To be honest, the student union is an excellent group that has great appeal to others, but it is just like that to Qianyu Yeyou.

Just like Shiba Tatsuya, Qianyu Yeyou just treats them equally. Although he does not have a military background like Shiba Tatsuya, the Sylvia family is more difficult to mess with than the Japanese Defense Forces, and the influence is greater.

Not to mention the Yotsuba family, which is only one of the ten master clans!

Having a background but not talking about it is not the same as having a background but not using it. Although Qianyu Yeyou usually won't let Difanna mobilize the power of her family to help her, if someone really dares to think that she is easy to bully, Then he will be in trouble.

After all, Qianyu Yeyou is not a believer in individualistic ideas, and he will not use the power behind him.

So for this kind of opportunity that can add points and will give priority to good resources in the future, it is just so-so in his eyes.

Now just enjoy your student days, do your own things when you have something to do, and watch all the excitement when you have nothing to do.

After all, the future of No. 1 High School is not peaceful at all, on the contrary, it is quite lively!

Seeing Qianyu Yeyou's indifferent look, Kitayama Shizuku was not surprised, but she couldn't help but think of what she said at the bus stop that day: There are no ordinary people in this school.

"Well, I'd like to ask, Ye Youjun should have his own CAD, right?"

Kitayama Shizuku poked the steak on the plate with a fork a few times, seeming a little entangled, but her face was still wooden.


"What's wrong?"

Qianyu Yeyou didn't even raise his head and continued to eat.

"You maintain your CAD yourself, right?"

Kitayama Shizuku looked at Qianyu Yeyou seriously.


"How do you know?"

Qianyu Yeyou was a little puzzled. It seemed that he didn't show any ability of a magician.

"Well, actually, I accidentally saw it when Ye Youjun was debugging the equipment in the Magic Workshop a few days ago."

At this time, Guang Jinghui said weakly


To the surprise of the two girls, Qianyu Yeyou nodded lightly, and did not blame Guang Jinghui Huixiang for her curious peeking.

"Then what?"

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the two women and asked calmly.

"Don't you blame me?"

Guang Jinghui was a little surprised that Qian Yu Yeyou didn't blame her for peeping, and also used the honorific

"It's nothing, the Magic Workshop isn't a particularly private place."

In fact, Qianyu Yeyou knew it at the time, but didn't care at all, and just forgot about it.

"I would like to invite you to work in my home!"

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