
"Why don't you speak?"

Qianyu Yeyou retracted his head from Nanakusa Mayumi, a little confused.

Nanakusa Mayumi's face was red as smoke, and she didn't know what to say. She had fallen into an unknown state. Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but laugh at her.

Cute, want to fuck!


Want to pat her head!

"How can you be so cute!"

"My president!"

Qianyu Yeyou did what he thought, reaching out his hand and gently stroking Nanakusa Mayumi's head, rubbing her little head.

Nanakusa Mayumi's body temperature rose, as if she was a cooked lobster, staring blankly at the petal badge on Qianyu Yeyou's chest. The people next to him were also stunned.

"This is what a pretty boy does, right?"

"Compared to him, Shiba Tatsuya is nothing!"

Watanabe Mari also muttered blankly.

The people in this room have never seen anyone dare to touch Nanakusa Mayumi's head!

And she has never seen how cute Nanakusa Mayumi looks like this!



Awakened by Watanabe Mari's voice, Nanakusa Mayumi didn't know that she was teased by her junior again. She stamped her feet angrily, hit Qianyu Yeyou lightly a few times, and then rolled her eyes at him unhappily.

"Okay, let's focus on work."

He admitted that his girlfriend's coquettish look and the beautiful eye roll shocked him a little, so he could only quickly change the subject.


"Come on!"

""Student! Brother!"

Nanakusa Mayumi encouraged with a playful smile.

Soon, the only sounds in the student union room were the rustling of pages and the friction of pens on paper.

"What's wrong?"

Nanakusa Mayumi saw Qianyu Yeyou suddenly picked up a student's information and hesitated to take the next step, and she was a little confused.

"My president, you really care about me!"

Qianyu Yeyou did not answer Nanakusa Mayumi's question, but winked at her.

"Indeed, on average, I would pay attention to Junior Brother Qianyu Yeyou every time I finish processing a file."

Ichihara Suzune said lightly.

"Something is happening!"


Watanabe Mari and Nakajo Azusa also laughed at the side


Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help but complain to her friend next to her.

"Is there anything wrong with this person?"

Watanabe Mari stood up from her seat and walked to Qianyu Yeyou's side, looking at the photo of the person on the file, and asked curiously.

Several other people also came over, also curious about who was on the file that could attract Qianyu Yeyou's attention.

"Your friend?"

Nanakusa Mayumi asked as she looked at the information.

"That's not the case. I don't know this person, but I know a little bit about him. He is indeed an interesting person."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the women who gathered around him and said lightly


Nanakusa Mayumi repeated Qianyu Yeyou's words and seemed to be thinking about something.

Watanabe Mari also looked a little interested, but they all thought that this person, who was noticed by Qianyu Yeyou, must not be an ordinary person. After all, the people around Qianyu Yeyou were not simple, even the second-year students.

"Is there anything special about him?"

Ichihara Suzune has always been a person with a strong desire for knowledge, so she didn't think much and asked directly.

"You will know soon.

Qian Yuye smiled mysteriously.


"Why are you being so secretive?

Nanakusa Mayumi rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Keep working!"

Qianyu Yeyou didn't care.

Then there was another rustling sound, and the student union room returned to silence.


Qianyu Yeyou habitually reached out to take down a document, but it was empty. When he looked up, he found that there was no next document to be processed.

""Wow! It's finally done!"

At this moment, Nanakusa Mayumi also finished processing the documents at hand. Seeing that the hill had completely disappeared, she stood up excitedly and said happily as if relieved.

"Junior Qianyu Yeyou, thank you so much!"

Nanakusa Mayumi immediately remembered who helped her, and then turned to thank Qianyu Yeyou.

"Well, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the time and it was almost time to finish school, so he didn't say much and wanted to leave and go back to continue the system he had not yet completed.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a smile


After several people greeted each other, Qianyu Yeyou walked out of the student union room.

A forest in the academy is the only way for Qianyu Yeyou. Perhaps it should be said that it is a road that everyone who wants to leave the student union and go to other areas must pass through, and Qianyu Yeyou is walking on this path.

In a shadow in the woods, a figure silently looked at Qianyu Yeyou in the distance.

In this academy with white and green school uniforms as the main color, other clothes rarely appear except for teachers, and this person is obviously one of the exceptions.

The hood covers his face, and his sharp eyes are always on Qianyu Yeyou who is getting closer and closer.

Watching Qianyu Yeyou gradually approaching the trap he set, the corner of this person's mouth couldn't help but reveal a smug smile, and at the same time slowly raised his right arm, revealing a red, white and blue bracelet on his wrist!

Just when this person wanted to cast a spell, Qianyu Yeyou suddenly looked in his direction and showed a meaningful smile.

""Not good!"

The man immediately realized that he was discovered!


I was fooled!

He had discovered me a long time ago!

Thinking of this, the man didn't care about any probing moves or anything like that. He turned around and wanted to run. CAD flashed a blue light, and the self-acceleration technique was added to his body, making him run even faster.


"Still want to run?"

Qianyu Yeyou laughed sarcastically.

That's right, he had already spotted this guy. With his strength, it would be a real loss of intelligence if he could be ambushed by such a rookie.

The reason why he didn't expose him directly was that he wanted to see when this guy would find out that he had been exposed. He didn't just grab this guy and slap him to death with a game mentality.

"I'll let you run 499 meters first!"

Qianyu Yeyou was not in a hurry. He leaned against a tree and watched the figure running wildly in the distance with interest. The sound spread far away and poured into the ears of the man.

The man's body tightened, and then a blue light flashed and his speed increased.

"I really don’t understand how a top magician who came from the military could be ambushed by such a person!"

"Are all soldiers so unvigilant?"

"Features of this book?"

"Or is it because he has been in school for a while and his vigilance has dropped?"

Qianyu Yeyou murmured.

"499 meters!"

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