
After asking these questions, Shibata immediately made a call, which attracted the puzzled looks of several people.

"Is that Mibu-senpai?"

"I am Shiba"

"So, the senior is also in this room now, right?"

"That's a pity."

"No, I don't look down on you, but you should calmly think about the current situation and what you need. Your current behavior is terrible.……"

"Well, excuse me, let’s get to the point now!"

"The head of the Jumonji Association said that he agreed to negotiate and give you a reasonable and fair opportunity to raise your demands."

"Student Union?"

"The student union...the student union has also agreed to your request."

"Then, we would like to discuss the time of negotiation...."

"No, I promise you freedom, um, bye!"

Shibata said wow you took off the communicator

"See? You're definitely an expert!"

Qianyu Yeyou gently touched Shiba Miyuki with his arm, and kept stirring the fire.

"She said it will be out soon."

"Was that Sayaka Mibui just now?"

Watanabe Mariyoshiie confirmed in surprise

"Well, she gave me her private number for a meeting, and it came in handy now."

"Look, the contact information is all here."

Qianyu Yeyou poked Shiba Miyuki again. Shiba

Miyuki no longer cared...or should I say, she had forgotten about Qianyu Yeyou poking her, her face was extremely gloomy

"You're really quick!"

Watanabe Mari once again inserted a

"But we should be fully prepared!"


"Prepare to arrest everyone inside!"

Shibata said mercilessly.

"But didn't you just say you would guarantee their freedom?"

Watanabe Mari said incredulously

"He said 'you', not 'you'.’!"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled

"That's right, I only said to guarantee the freedom of Mibu-senpai, I didn't say that all of them"

"Besides, I never said that I was negotiating with them on behalf of the Discipline Committee, the Student Union, or the Social Association."

Watanabe Mari and the other two were stunned.

"Look, your brother is definitely an old hand at coaxing girls, so skilled, wow!"

Qianyu Yeyou whispered to Shiba Miyuki beside him.

Private contact, quick action, coaxing girls, skilled old hand......

Shiba Miyuki looked like she was about to collapse, but then all the gloom on her face disappeared, revealing a scalding smile

"Xiong Zhang is really a bad guy!"

"Hmm? Why are you talking about this? Miyuki?"

Shiba Tatsuya didn't care at all, and was still confused.

Qianyu Yeyou moved a little further away from the brother and sister, keeping a distance to avoid blood splashing on himself.

After all, this was a ruthless person who could force Shiba Tatsuya to use the self-repair technique with one blow!

"Well, yes!"

"But, Brother, I must explain to you later about saving Mibu-senpai's private contact number!" He said this while looking at Shiba Miyuki's cute face....If it seems pretty cute... Damn!

"This child is hopeless!"

Qian Yu Yeyou complained to the three people beside him.


The three of them nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, not long after, the door of the studio was opened from the inside, and then the discipline committee members who had been prepared for a long time rushed in, blocked the door, and arrested all the people.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Didn't you promise me that you would guarantee our freedom?"

Mibu Sayaka still looked betrayed and questioned Shiba Tatsuya loudly.

"You lied to us, didn't you?"

"Isn’t your freedom guaranteed?"

"Look, you haven't been caught either, have you?"

A lazy voice came over, and Sayaka turned to look at Qianyu Yeyou who was leaning against the door frame, a little puzzled.

"what do you mean?"

"Just as he said, I only guarantee freedom for you, but not for others..."

"Shiba didn't lie to you."

Jumonji came over. The situation has stabilized. He doesn't need to worry about anything.

""The head of the Jumonji Association."

Mibu Sayaka looked at Jumonji with a puzzled look on her face.

"I agree to negotiate with you, but listening to your demands does not mean that I can agree with your means of seeking dialogue."


For Mibu and the others, this is the only way. Who would care about what they say at other times?

So Mibu Sayaka scoffed at this statement.

"Although that's what I said...."

The sudden voice attracted the attention of everyone present, and this person was Nanakusa Mayumi who had arrived late.

"But can we let them go?"


Watanabe Mari looked at Nanakusa Mayumi in surprise.

She was very worried that if she let these guys go free, they would cause trouble again.

"I know, Mari!"

Nanakusa Mayumi's face was no longer smiling and playful as usual. She just looked at Watanabe Mari seriously and expressed her opinion.

"But Mibui alone can't complete the negotiation process, right?"

"As long as they are still students of this school, it is unlikely that they will run away."

"After all, they are students too."

"We won't run away!"

Hearing Nanakusa Mayumi's words, Mibu Sayaka retorted dissatisfiedly.

In Mibu Sayaka's mind, this is their fair means of getting a chance to talk, and words like running away are simply looking down on them!

So it is normal to be irritated by this sentence.

"The school wants to hand this matter over to the student council to handle.

Nanakusa Mayumi walked to Mibu Sayaka calmly.


Watanabe Mari thought this was too magical!

This kind of incident, which could be said to be a serious incident, was actually handed over to the student union to handle so easily?

This was really beyond Watanabe Mari's expectations.

"Mibu, next I would like to discuss with you the specific negotiation process and related matters. Could you please come with us?"

"Yes, of course no problem!"

As for President Nanakusa's invitation, Mibu naturally agreed, because this was the opportunity she wanted, and it was natural for her to agree. After

Mibu Sayaka finished speaking, she walked out.

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a bit of disappointment.

She had always been determined to ease the relationship between the students of the first and second departments, and tried her best to tolerate the conflict between the two, just to avoid such a situation. However, it still happened, and it happened very suddenly, without even giving her time to deal with it.

"Get ready for the lecture room!"

"This time, all students in the second department will participate!"

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