Nanakusa Mayumi said with a smile while looking at Qianyu Yeyou.

When this was said, everyone was shocked. Is the student union so short of people now?

It seems that I can also be on the team!

Qianyu Yeyou was confused. How could he be invited?

This is unscientific!

"Um, my dear president, what are you talking about?"

"Can you say it again?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked again in disbelief.

【what's the situation?】

【I don't think I have shown any excellence, right?】

【Why did you invite me?

Qianyu Yeyou said she was a little confused.

"I said, what do you think of inviting you to be my secretary?" Nanakusa

Mayumi walked up to Qianyu Yeyou and said


"This is against the rules!"

Qian Yu Yeyou hadn't said anything yet, and the Ministry of Justice's Junior Minister Yu Zang directly vetoed it.


"Hattori, the Junior Minister of Justice, is there any problem?" Nanakusa

Mayumi put her finger to her lips and asked curiously.

"This does not meet our standards for recruiting student members!" said Hattori's Junior Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Shuzou Shuto.

Although this guy had some personal reasons for this veto, it did not meet the regulations for recruiting student union members.

What's more, he recruited Nanakusa Mayumi's personal secretary.

This is totally against the rules!

"Is it?"

"Then just consider me hiring him personally!"

"what do you think?"


Nanakusa Mayumi thought about it for a moment, then gave a stronger reason and ignored Hattori Keibu Junior Chancellor Yuzang.


""No buts!"

Nanakusa Mayumi turned around and glanced at Hattori Kebu Junior Chancellor Yuzo. Although her tone was gentle, Hattori Kebu Junior Chancellor Yuzo immediately understood that this decision would not be changed!

【What is the relationship between this guy and the senior?】

Hattori Justice Department Junior Prime Minister Yuzo couldn't figure it out.

And the people on the side also looked back and forth between Qianyu Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi with strange eyes.

"Senior, I don’t quite understand. I think I’m just an ordinary freshman, right?"

"Look at the person next to me, she is definitely more suitable than me!"

Qian Yu Yeyou directly pulled the confused Shiba Tatsuya over and introduced Nanakusa Mayumi

【I don't know what this guy's purpose is.】

【However, let’s use Shibata Tatsuya as a shield first!】

【I would rather die than let my friend die!】

【Just work hard for a while!】

【I don't want to get involved in all this mess.】


Just as Qianyu Yeyou was about to speak, Nanakusa Mayumi bypassed Shiba Tatsuya and put her lips next to Qianyu Yeyou's ear. The two of them said something in an extremely ambiguous posture.


"Is that the president?"

"Too bold!"

The whole corridor suddenly became boiling.

Even Shiba Miyuki and Chiba Erica were stunned.

Only Hattori Criminal Department Junior Secretary Yuzo had a very unhappy expression.

"What the junior brother just closed is very interesting!"

Hearing what Nanakusa Mayumi said, Qianyu Yeyou's pupils shrank sharply.

【How can it be?】

【I am confident that when the"Defense Counter" magic is not activated, even a strategic-level magician like Shiba Tatsuya will not be able to detect it!】

【How did Mayumi Nanakusa discover it?】

【Is it the special magic of the Nanakusa family?

Qian Yuye thought about it and thought that it was the special magic of the Nanakusa family, the kind that is not passed on.

"What is the senior saying?"

"Why don't I understand?"

Qian Yu Yeyou's mind raced, and he regained his expression.

In fact, although this magic itself is very powerful, the meaning behind it is even more powerful. This is a brand new magic system. The permanent magic is the first creation of Qian Yu Yeyou. It is no exaggeration to say that he created a magic system.

"But are you going to give it to me for free?"

Qianyu Yeyou deliberately reached out and touched Nanakusa Mayumi's back.

【The school uniform material is good and smooth】

"For free?"

"What do you mean?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked confused.

Qianyu Yeyou leaned into Nanakusa Mayumi's ear and explained softly.

The postures of the two did not change, but the one who took the initiative changed.

Another scream rang out in the corridor.

Shiba Tatsuya and the others were already numb, and looked at the two people here with a wooden face.

Shibata Mizuki's neck was red, and I don't know what kind of incredible plot she had played out in her mind again


"You are the one who gave it to me for nothing!"

Nanakusa Mayumi raised her foot and kicked Qianyu Yeyou in anger.

"It's not impossible!"

Qianyu Yeyou said with a smile

"Don't change the subject, think about it carefully."

Nanakusa Mayumi would not let Qianyu Yeyou change the subject like this.

"I'd better think about it. I don't like trouble!"

Qianyu Yeyou still didn't give in.

"Hey, junior, the whole school will have rumors that we are together, you don't want to take responsibility, do you?"

Nanakusa Mayumi grabbed the corner of Qianyu Yeyou's clothes and said pitifully


The documents in the hands of the senior students who were watching the fun fell to the ground.

When had they ever seen Nanakusa Mayumi like this?

【This goblin has started to use his powers again!】

【But after some probing, it seemed like she just wanted me to join the student union, nothing else.】

【Interesting, do you think I'm so strong just by having this little thing?】

【No, it should be combined with my previous reaction】

【But I really didn't expect Chiba Erica, this tiger girl, to be so carefree.】


"Well, since you are so pitiful, I agree!"

Qian Yuye sighed humorously.

"Hehe, I knew my junior would agree to my request.

Nanakusa Mayumi changed her expression in a second, and smiled as she patted Qianyu Yeyou's shoulder.

"I won't bother you any more!"

Nanakusa Mayumi bowed again and then turned and left.


Hattori's Criminal Department Junior Secretary Yuzang looked gloomy and coldly glanced at everyone.

Well, the main reason was that he had the most resentment towards Qianyu Yeyou.

【Little brother, your attitude is not good!

Qian Yuye glanced at the Junior Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Yuzang, with a humorous look.

"I'm sorry, brother, because I..."

Shiba Miyuki suddenly bowed to her brother and apologized

"You don't have to apologize."

Shiba Tatsuya looked at Shiba Miyuki in front of him, touched her hair, and gently stroked her face to comfort her.


【Can you even apologize for this?】

【Am I not the person at the center of the emotional incident?】

【Am I just a supporting role?】

【Am I awake?

Qian Yuye was confused.

Really confused.

Then he started to self-examine.

He began to doubt his life.

"elder brother..."

Shiba Miyuki's face is flushed

"Hey, you two, it's almost time to go back!"

Chiba Erica really couldn't hold it anymore.

Although she knew that Qiancao Zhenyoumei and Qianyu Yeyou were playing around, they also ate a lot of dog food, which was fine, but what did the love in your eyes mean?

Oh, no, it should be said that the love in Shiba Miyuki's eyes was full of love.

【What sin have I committed?】

【Does God have to punish me like this?】

【Miyuki, your eyes are all thready, did you know that?】

【Have I been single for too long?】

【But I'm only 15 years old!】

【I am still a beautiful girl, not the one next to me who is blushing and nodding non-stop!

Chiba Erica silently looked at Shibata Mitsuki who was blushing and nodding madly.

There was no other way. As long as she saw the abnormal Shibata Mitsuki, Chiba Erica was redeemed from the bottom of her heart, and felt that she was still a normal beautiful girl and could find herself again.

"Okay, which class are you all from? Go back to your classes. See you later!"

Qianyu Yeyou said, and turned and left.


"Which class are you from?"

"Let's go together!"

Chiba Erica shouted at Qianyu Yeyou

"Well, I don't know which class he is in, but I think the students from the first department will not be in the same class with the students from the second department."

The red-faced girl Shibata Mizuki suddenly said weakly


Chiba Erica was choked.

She had forgotten that this guy was a first-year student!

"Such an easy-going student in the first department is really interesting!"

Qianye Erica said.

She became more and more interested in Qianyu Yeyou.

"What a strange guy!"

"Hmm? What?"

Shibata Mizuki seemed to hear Chiba Erica mutter something, but she didn't hear it clearly.



In the corridor, Qianyu Yeyou was looking for her class with her student ID card.

"Grade 1 Group A, this should be it!"

Looking at the several classrooms in this area, this should be one of them.


"Look, that's him, right?"

"Yeah, yes, that’s him!"


"It’s really amazing. He was able to seduce our student union president as soon as he arrived. That’s incredible!"

"I didn't expect it was on our floor!"

"Can you guess which class he will be in?"

"Who knows?"

"Maybe he’s from our class!"



Qianyu Yeyou was confused by the people passing by and was completely stunned.

【They're not even on the same floor, how did it get here?

Qian Yu Ye You wanted to find someone to ask what was going on, but as soon as he turned his head to look at those people, the girls ran away.

Qian Yu Ye You was helpless.

At that moment, a few boys passing by saw him and were envious, jealous, and full of admiration.

【Brother, did you know that your face has become a pie-shaped statistical chart? 】

He sighed silently, and it seemed that he would not be able to calm down for a while.

"Can I ask you guys something over there?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the boys.

In Qianyu Yeyou's expectant eyes, they finally stopped running.

"Um, do you have anything to ask us?"

The men looked at Qian Yu Ye You cautiously and asked.


【What are you doing here, all of you, looking like you're on a pilgrimage?】

At this moment, he really felt the terrifying influence of Nanakusa Mayumi. Even among the freshmen, her reputation spread.

It was so terrifying!

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