

After the explosion, the glass windows of the auditorium were shattered, and the glass fragments were scattered all over the auditorium with the airflow of the explosion, causing the students sitting in the back row to scream.

After this explosion, several more explosions continued to be heard, and then many students began to get out of their seats, revealing obvious red, white and blue bracelet-shaped CAD on their right wrists.


Shiba Tatsuya instantly recognized that these CADs were the same as the ones worn by Shijia who attacked him.


"Catch them!"

Watanabe Mari heard Shiba Tatsuya's reminder and immediately opened the communication:"Catch them!"

Then the discipline committee began to take action and began to arrest various criminals. Qianyu Yeyou also grabbed one.

Then there was a sound of a glass window breaking high in the auditorium, and then something was thrown in through the crack.


"It's tear gas!"

Qianyu Yeyou hurriedly reminded him. After all, this thing���Too close to them

"Be careful not to inhale the smoke!"

Hattori Keibu also warned loudly.

Then he used magic to gather the gas, collected it into the container, and threw it out through the gap it flew in. The magic of gathering and moving the gas was used quite well, Qianyu Yeyou commented secretly.

Then Qianyu Yeyou saw Shiba Tatsuya looking at Hattori Keibu, and then he snorted and shook his head.


"These two guys!"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help

""Stop it!"

Seeing Qianyu Yeyou distracted, the guy he held down wanted to resist and was directly pressed to the ground.


The door of the hall was suddenly opened, and several masked men in anti-gas suits rushed in with guns. They were very surprised to see the situation on the scene. This was different from what they had planned!

Obviously, they hadn't figured out what was going on, but they didn't have a chance to think about it. A green light flashed, and several masked men fell to the ground, covering their necks.

MIB Field filled the confined space inside the gas mask with nitrogen and knocked the man to the ground.

Looking at the outstretched hand, it was obvious that it was Mari Watanabe who made the move.


"You have it too?"

Watanabe Mari was very surprised when she heard the report from the communicator.

There was a louder explosion outside, and it was obvious that it came from the Technical Building. Obviously, there were quite a few intruders.

"Chairman, I'm going to see what happened in the Technology Building where the explosion occurred!"

"I will go with my brother!"

The Shiba siblings immediately stepped forward and asked Watanabe Mari.

"Please be careful with it!"


Then the two siblings headed towards the technology building.

"Junior, please go and help. The current situation is probably very bad.

Nanakusa Mayumi came over, bowed slightly to Qianyu Yeyou, and asked.

"It's enough to have the Shiba brothers and sisters there, but I'll help Mori and the others clean up the combatants scattered around the campus."

Qianyu Yeyou comforted Nanakusa Mayumi

"Can they really do it?"

Nanakusa Mayumi felt a little uneasy. After all, the only person whose strength she knew was Qianyu Yeyou.

"Don't worry."

Qianyu Yeyoushen reached out and touched Nanakusa Mayumi's head, comforting her. After Nanakusa Mayumi said"please be careful", he walked out of the auditorium.

Not far away, an armed man pointed his gun at Qianyu Yeyou. Qianyu Yeyou was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly took out the CAD. The white light shot out, and then a strong flame broke out from the armed man's body. It burned up in just a few seconds. Only a trace of meaty smell remained in the air to prove that he had existed.


The discipline committee member who came to support was frightened by the scene in front of him, and kept making terrified noises, looking at Qianyu Yeyou in front of him as if he were a devil. His shouting also attracted more people, including discipline committee members and armed personnel.

"So many?"

Qianyu Yeyou didn't expect there would be so many armed personnel.

Quantum magic:"Situational awareness".

As the magic was activated, the flow of quantum states gave Qianyu Yeyou enough feedback.

"There is one behind the trash can on the left, one behind the tree on the right, two at the corner of the teaching building behind, and one behind each of the three doors on the second floor of the teaching building behind the side. One of them is a handheld rocket launcher."


Qian Yu Yeyou raised the CAD in his hand and pulled the trigger. Then a beam of white light flew to the sky and soon split into five attacks, which flew towards targets in different directions and locations, hitting the five people in their incredible and horrified eyes.

Five firemen from all directions appeared in front of the discipline committee members who came over. They subconsciously stopped and stared blankly at the ferocious guy in front of them.

"Gulu...Thousand Feather Night...."

Leo Hart from West City was the one who was supposed to come. Although he was not a member of the Discipline Committee, he would definitely help when the school was attacked. As a result, he saw such a wild scene. There was a slight smell of meat in the air. However, he had no appetite at the moment and felt like vomiting.


"What's wrong?"

Qianyu Yeyou knew that these people would definitely not be able to adapt, so he showed a smile that he thought was kind, intending to wash away the fear in their hearts.


"I went to help somewhere else."


Leoharut shook his head and ran away quickly.

Are you kidding me? Someone who can roast people as barbecue ingredients is also someone that a rookie like him needs help?


"Looks like a failure..."

Qianyu Yeyou smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, his smile looked a little scary in the eyes of others.

"Senior Mori, please inform the others. I will take care of the east. Have them go to other areas to clean up and eliminate these people as soon as possible to put an end to the chaos.

Qianyu Yeyou took out the communicator and communicated with Watanabe Mori.

"Okay, you should be careful too."

Watanabe Mari responded immediately.

After collecting the communicator, Qianyu Yeyou immediately cleared the eastern area and left one person alive.

"Let's make a deal. Can you take me to your lair to meet your boss?"

Qian Yu Yeyou smiled what he thought was a gentle smile and asked the person in front of him.

"you you.."

He was trembling as he spoke. He had seen with his own eyes the person protecting the magician, who was less than ten meters away from him, suddenly burst into flames. He still remembered the painful howl in the flames. His body was trembling as well. A foul smell was coming from under his body.

"It seems that you agree!"

Qianyu Yeyou then rushed out of the school with the magician among the armed personnel.

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