August 4th/Second day of the conference:

Preliminary competition venue for group ball scoring

"What's wrong?"

Nanakusa Mayumi, wearing a white dress and a white sun hat, slowly walked towards Qianyu Yeyou, who was busy sitting on a bench, with a smile on her face.

"Almost there, although the models are different, this won't be a problem for me."

Qianyu Yeyou said, and ignored Nanakusa Mayumi, but continued to deal with the things at hand.

"Oh, by the way, I am still using yesterday's technique to improve your magic activation speed, motion capture ability and other values to a certain extent. With your strength, there is no need for me to do any extra actions, just use your strength to crush you."

"Although your and senior sister Watanabe Mari's performance yesterday must have attracted the attention of other college elites, you don't have to care about it at all. In the face of true strength, any strategy is futile!"

"All you need to do is adjust your state and try your best."

After explaining, Qianyu Yeyou also gave some instructions so as not to put any pressure on Nanakusa Mayumi.

However, after Qianyu Yeyou finished speaking, he knew that his worries were a bit unnecessary. After all, Nanakusa Mayumi participated in many activities and should be used to it.

"Well, although it's a pity, I also want to try the magic you developed like Mori, but this is enough."

Nanakusa Mayumi did feel a little regretful. He had only seen Qianyu Yeyou's magic once or twice. This guy rarely used the magic he developed.

"Okay, you try it right away. Although there is no problem in theory, it still needs to be put into practice."

Qianyu Yeyou finished the work in his hands, and then looked up at Nanakusa Mayumi.

However, when Qianyu Yeyou looked up, he noticed that Nanakusa Mayumi was leaning on her knees with her hands, bending over and looking at the screen of her computer. Then, as Qianyu Yeyou looked up, he saw something......

"cough cough..."

Nanakusa Mayumi finally reacted after Qianyu Yeyou's reminder. She hurriedly straightened up and took two steps back.

"you saw it?"

"what did you see?"

"What do you think?"

Nanakusa Mayumi blushed, pouted her lips, and looked at Qianyu Yeyou in a bad tone.

"I didn't see anything, after all, it was too shallow, too small, well, it was indeed very white!"

Qianyu Yeyou thought, in fact, it was more like recalling

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words!"

Nanakusa Mayumi borrowed what Qianyu Yeyou once said, and her tone was unfriendly. Well, in fact, her face was also unfriendly and she stared at Qianyu Yeyou fiercely.

As for what Qianyu Yeyou saw, Nanakusa Mayumi was just a little shy like a girl. After all, the two of them were a little unclear now. But Qianyu Yeyou actually mocked her. Could Nanakusa Mayumi tolerate this?

"Cough cough!"

"The future is promising!"

Qianyu Yeyou could only change his words to be more euphemistic.

"Go to hell!"

Nanakusa Mayumi stepped on Qianyu Yeyou with lightning speed, then quickly picked up the CAD beside her and ran to the side to vent her anger at the test area.

"Uh, seems a bit too much?"

Qianyu Yeyou reflected deeply on himself for a second, and then, nothing happened.

Who made him the one being chased!

After a while, Nanakusa Mayumi regained her smile and walked over. It seemed that the performance of CAD was perfect, which made her feel much better.

"All the data is perfect, the operation is very stable, and there is no discomfort in using it.

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the CAD in her hand and said happily

"Well, then I have nothing to do. I am going to the audience to watch the game."

Qian Yu Yeyou said and prepared to go outside.


"Don't you have anything to say?"

Nanakusa Mayumi said, twisting her body.

"Well, it suits you very well!"

Qianyu Yeyou admired Nanakusa Mayumi's delicate body and then praised her.


"Thank you, junior brother!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said, and waved to Qianyu Yeyou, looking like she was trying to get him to leave quickly.



You don't want to warm up?

Don't you need to stretch?

Don't you need my help?

Why is this script wrong? Is

Shiba Tatsuya really the protagonist?

I'm just a supporting role?

At this moment, Qianyu Yeyou felt very hurt.

Then, Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi and couldn't help but smile.

"Come on, my president!"

Qianyu Yeyouhui waved his hand and walked outside.

"How are you preparing for the match this afternoon?"

When Watanabe Mari saw Qianyu Yeyou coming over, he quickly pointed to the empty seat beside him, and then did not forget to ask about Qianyu Yeyou's preparations for the match this afternoon.

"There is no problem on my side. I only have one competition and the CAD has been debugged long ago.

Qianyu Yeyou really didn't have much to prepare for this. He only had one competition and the number of games he participated in was only three. He just needed to do a basic debugging of the competition with CAD and then make sure he could cast magic. There was no need for any extra preparation.

"That's good, but we can't be careless. If nothing unexpected happens, our No. 1 High School will take first place again this year and continue the winning streak."

Watanabe Mari reminded Qianyu Yeyou, and then began to imagine the famous scene of the winning streak.


If nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be an accident....

Qianyu Yeyou thinks that in a sense, Watanabe Mari is also a prophet.

"Here they come!"

Nanakusa Mayumi was standing on one side of the tennis court holding a large pistol-shaped CAD. A blue short-sleeved girl on the opposite side also held the same CAD. Soon, the game began.

This competition is actually playing tennis, but the tennis racket has been replaced with a CAD.

Compared to holding a tennis racket in hand to catch the opponent's attack, using CAD to release magic to complete this task is much more difficult. Whether it is the actual control or the control of the force of hitting the tennis ball, it is a very high-level test for the magician. The changes in the amount of thought particles injected, the coordinates of the tennis ball, the trajectory of movement, and many other aspects are the biggest test for the magician.


The opponent has taken the lead, and the tennis ball quickly flew over at a tricky angle, but Nanakusa Mayumi's posture was very relaxed, which was her confidence.

Then, Nanakusa Mayumi held the gun with both hands and counterattacked the tennis ball at an even more weird angle. After just one round, the opponent couldn't catch it. Nanakusa Mayumi's reaction really made her feel incredible! Doesn't the opponent need time to calculate?

Directly predict my prediction?

Then, the game began the familiar bullying link. Nanakusa Mayumi served and the opponent couldn't catch it. The opponent served and Nanakusa Mayumi counterattacked and still couldn't catch it! Then there was nothing else, the scene was dead silent, and this game can be said to be stunned by the audience in the stadium, and many people haven't reacted yet.

Has it started?

It's over!

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