"Elf magic?"

Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari asked in unison, somewhat surprised.

"That's right, it's elf magic!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the two and nodded, very sure of his judgment.

"This kind of magic is quite rare. If I hadn't seen Yoshida Kanbiko perform clever magic before, I wouldn't be so sure that the other party's magic was elven magic this time."

Qianyu Yeyou had never seen an elven magician use elven magic before. After all, elven magicians are very rare. Basically, they are used and passed down by ancient magic families. You don't usually see such people.


When Watanabe Mari heard Qianyu Yeyou mention Yoshida Miku, she knew that Qianyu Yeyou's judgment would not be wrong. After all, the elf magic is too special.

"The other side was able to easily send out an elf magician. It seems that these people's strength should not be underestimated.

Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help but frowned, and also realized how difficult their opponent was.

"Report it to the competition operation committee. They are the only ones who can investigate this matter. After all, they can't shirk their responsibility for this kind of problem."

"I don't think it will have much effect."

After hearing what Nanakusa Mayumi said, Qianyu Yeyou shook his head and was not optimistic that the Operation Committee could really solve the problem.

The other party was so unscrupulous, which meant that their power had infiltrated the Operation Committee. They had no idea how many people were the other party's people. Qianyu Yeyou didn't believe that there was only one idiot in charge of CAD detection.

"Do you think so little of the people on the Operation Committee?"

Hearing Watanabe Mari's words, Qianyu Yeyou just smiled.

"Junior Qianyu Yeyou thinks that the other party may have infiltrated the competition operation committee?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Qianyu Yeyou's meaningful smile and couldn't help but exclaimed

"This is impossible, right?"

When Watanabe Mari heard what Nanakusa Mayumi said, she denied it immediately. After all, in her opinion, if there was a problem with the operating committee, then this matter would be too serious!

And apart from other problems, the first to be slapped in the face were the Ten Master Clans!

They care a lot about face!

However, in the expectant eyes of Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi, Qianyu Yeyou had no intention of overturning his own conclusion.


"Is there so much going on in this Nine Schools Tournament?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Qianyu Yeyou with a complicated look, and believed him more than 70% of the time. Watanabe

Mari still couldn't accept the reality that there would be a traitor in the Operation Committee.

"What else?"

"Do you think the elites of the Nine Schools Battle can perform such outrageous operations as accelerating on a curve?"

"CAD inspector!"

After hearing Gao Qianyu Yeyou's reminder, Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi reacted immediately and exclaimed in unison.

Why not mention the maintenance technician?

That's because after the maintenance technician adjusts the CAD, the contestants have to adapt to it personally. If there is a problem in any link, it would have been discovered long ago!

So the answer is obvious!

All contestants must send the CAD to the Operation Committee for inspection before participating in the competition!


"I know what you want to ask, but it's useless. Unless he takes the initiative to expose himself now, we may not be able to do anything to him. On the contrary, it is more likely that he will bite us back."

Qianyu Yeyou interrupted Nanakusa Mayumi's question.

"So what do we do now?"

"Now we can only wait. Since he has made a move once, he will not stop making small moves next time. All we can do is take preventive measures."

Qian Yu Yeyou had no idea what to do with this kind of thing. After all, this was an internal matter of the Operation Committee. He couldn't just rush over with Shiba Tatsuya. Solving the problem by force was simply unrealistic.

"That's the only way."

Watanabe Mari also came to her senses and echoed, because she really didn't have any better solution.

"Let Jumonji talk to the Operations Committee. Don't make it too obvious. Just give them a reminder."

"Well, that's all we can do."

Mayumi, the drafter, also agreed with Qianyu Yeyou's words.

After all, in order to prevent external magic interference from causing unfairness in the competition and thus affecting fairness, the Operation Committee will deploy magicians who are good at fighting magic as competition committee members in each arena, and also set up a large number of surveillance devices. With capable people and arrangements, it is impossible not to discover this trick.

But it's not certain how to say it. After all, it's too embarrassing to really pursue it.

"Next game..."

Nanakusa Mayumi began to worry about the next game. After all, no one knew when that guy would do something.

What was certain was that the CAD that had problems would definitely be fine now!

The dormant venomous snake was indeed enough to annoy people, especially when it was targeting the top player.

"We can basically determine which important events we lose in the next competition will have a huge impact on our winning the first place."

Qian Yu Yeyou took out his computer and opened a data sheet he copied, which recorded the various events that the First High School could win in order to win the first place.

"The remaining events are Fantasy Star Picking, Secret Monument Decoding and Waveboard Competition. Because the men's team lost an event that they had pre-calculated to win, we must win three of the three main events, so that our total score can maintain the first place."

"And even though the rookie competition only has half the points of the main competition, we can't just give up."

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the data on the computer and analyzed it with a headache. She was not worried about the players' strength, but worried about being interfered with.

"And we must also guard against interference from unknown sources."

Watanabe Mari also had a headache. Although she was confident of winning, no one knew when the arrows in the dark would be shot.

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. I am in charge of the two events of Ms. Watanabe. I can assure you that her competition will not be affected by external magic interference."

"Besides, the rookie competition has the support of Shiba Tatsuya, so it won't be a big problem."

"Now we need to look at the secret monument to decode it."

However, Qianyu Yeyou's comfort did not have any effect, but made Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari even more uncomfortable.

"The problem lies in the decoding of the secret monument. Jumonji can be completely assured, but Senqi's group...."

It can be seen that although Fu Bu Bu is also a member of that group, he obviously cannot control the situation. Although Qian Yu Ye You helped him once and made him win the game, it was only once. Now their group is still full of problems.

Seeing that the two people set their eyes on him, Qian Yu Ye You could only express his helplessness.

"I really don't have time, I still need to take care of you two beautiful girls!"

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