As expected, as Chiba Yeyou finished speaking, Kitayama Shizuku put down the rifle-type CAD and the sound of the end of the game rang out.

"Then, I will go meet the players I am responsible for.

Shibata Tatsuya stood up first and said goodbye to the others.

"A very creative magic"

""Well, it's the exact opposite of my magic."

After hearing what Watanabe Mari said, Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Shiba Tatsuya who was walking away and nodded to affirm his excellence.

When Shiba Miyuki heard the two people's praise, she couldn't help but smile like a girl.

"What, what do you think, junior Qianyu Yeyou?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked very curious, and Qianyu Yeyou's eyes lit up.

As expected of Nanakusa Mayumi!

She can be salty, sweet, and salty! She can be a lolita with a mature face.....

"Well, very good! Very energetic!"

Qianyu Yeyou blurted out subconsciously


Several people were confused, and they had no idea why such an evaluation would be made.

Seeing the same look on their faces, Qian Yu Ye You finally came to his senses.

"I mean, Shibata is also very innovative. Magic doesn't need to be conservative, but to bring forth something new. A change in ideas may bring about a revolution in magic. So compared to the improvement in the city, what is truly valuable about magicians is the courage to innovate and try boldly."

Qianyu Yeyou said this with a serious expression on his face.


"Magic was something that only existed in fairy tales a long time ago. Who would have thought that we can use it so easily now?

Nanakusa Mayumi also looked thoughtful and sighed.

"In the future, magic will be even more brilliant."

Watanabe Mari is very confident and yearning for the future. It is definitely a bright future.

Although the other people didn't say anything, there was also a gleam in their eyes.

"Okay, let's not discuss that now, Kitayama-san is about to go on stage."

Chiyu Yeyou looked at a corner of the venue entrance, where Shiba Tatsuya was talking to Kitayama Shizuku. Kitayama Shizuku raised the new CAD in her hand towards Shiba Tatsuya. Although the distance was a bit far, Chiyu Yeyou could still clearly see that this CAD was very rifle-like, with an auxiliary aiming module on it, which was something that other players' CADs didn't have.

"Is it a new beginning?"

"This guy's talent is really strong!"

Qianyu Yeyou's eyes were on Shiba Tatsuya, and he couldn't help but sigh again.

"You just need to show your strength, I believe you will win."

Shibata also encouraged Kitayama Shizuku

"Well, Tatsuya has prepared everything, and now it's my turn, and I won't let Tatsuya down."

Kitayama Shizuku still had a blank expression on her face, looking a little dull, but the words she spoke were very powerful.

"Well, then, get ready..."

Shiba Tatsuya was halfway through his speech when he seemed to sense something and looked to the side.

Qianyu Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya's eyes met instantly.

""Very good invention!"

Seeing Qianyu Yeyou nodded to him, with a smile on his face and said something, he could tell from his mouth shape that it was a compliment. Shibata also smiled back and said thank you.

"What's wrong?"

Kitayama Shizuku followed Shiba Tatsuya's gaze and saw Chiba Yeyou waving in her direction and making a gesture to cheer her up. The people next to her did the same. Kitayama Shizuku couldn't help but smile on her expressionless face.

"Get ready to enter!"

Shiba Tatsuya looked at Kitayama Shizuku and reminded her.


Seeing Kitayama Shizuku walking into the arena with the new CAD, Qianyu Yeyou and the others couldn't help but think of their performance when competing with others.

Soon, the two players stood in their respective positions and prepared


"The CAD in Kitayama's hand seems a little different!"

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly noticed the difference between the CADs held by the two contestants.

In fact, it was not only him who noticed it, but everyone present noticed it. After all, the aiming assist system on the rear half of the gun is a blue raised part, and the CAD without this thing is like the one in the hand of the contestant next to him, which is completely snow-white. Especially when the two contestants hold it up at the same time, it is quite bright.

"This should be Tatsuya-kun's original work, right?"

Ichihara Suzune looked at Shiba Miyuki beside her.

"That's right."

Shiba Miyuki had seen the design drawings of this thing before. The new type of magic machine sent here needed to be debugged. The competition started a few minutes before the completion, so she missed the last game and had to use it for this one.

"Let's see how the performance is. In this game, the effective target area for both players is within the same cube. There will be two types of targets, red and white, being launched, which requires the ability to quickly identify enemy and friendly targets."

"Well, you are right. The data that needs to be processed is undoubtedly increased. Moreover, the magic of"Aerial Energy Thunder" itself requires a high level of ability from the magician himself, but I believe that with Kitayama's strength, my sister can still handle it."

Hearing Qianyu Yeyou's words, Ichihara Suzune nodded, but they still knew the strength of Kitayama Shizuku. She was definitely one of the top people in the rookie competition.

Hearing Ichihara Suzune's words, several people did not refute and agreed with Ichihara Suzune's point of view.

"Then, it would be more appropriate to say that the next performance is not Kitayama Shizuku's, but that the new type of magic machine is performing."

As Chiba Yoyu Kanon fell, the game began.

Kitayama Shizuku's opponent was Kawamura Minami from the second high school. The two of them stared at the sky in front of them with full concentration.

Finally, as the first and second frisbees flew out, the two of them opened fire.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

""Bang, bang!"

With the sound coming from the stadium, the gap between Kitayama Shizuku and Kawamura Namie was rapidly widening. When Kawamura Namie scored 33 points, Kitayama Shizuku's score had reached 68 points, exactly twice as high!

It was obvious that Kawamura Namie, who was in the second place, was getting nervous.

She didn't even need to look at the scoreboard, she only needed to listen to the sound of the magic next to her to know that she was behind.

""It's so fast!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said in surprise

"Well, the two-fold score difference is certainly due to Kitayama's strong strength, but Shiba Tatsuya's new magic machine is definitely a great help."

Ichihara Suzune looked at Kitayama Shizuku who was constantly casting magic on the field with a serious face. To be more precise, it was the CAD in Kitayama Shizuku's hand.

"it's over!"


"The gap is too big!"

Watanabe Mari sighed

"Whether it is the strength of the players or the strength of the trainers behind them."

Mayumi Nanakusa smiled slightly when she heard Watanabe Mari's words.

"Morley, since that match, you have paid more and more attention to the mechanic!"

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