The two of them were so busy that they had to go out together.

"Okay, let's go!"

Mayumi Nanakusa patted Qianyu Yeyou's shoulder and motioned him to follow her.


"Where am I going?"

Qianyu Yeyou was a little confused.

"Of course you're going with us!"

Mayumi Nanakusa said as a matter of course.


"It's not on our way!"

Qianyu Yeyou spread his hands, indicating that there was nothing I could do.


"Could it be!"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Qianyu Yeyou's mind.

"Senior, it's not good to meet the parents so soon!"

"Isn't it too soon!"

Qianyu Yeyou said shyly, with a face full of shyness.


The five people were silent and defenseless, and a slap hit his forehead to calm himself down.

At this point, even Hattori could see that this guy just liked to tease beautiful women.

Commonly known as: looking for fun.

"Junior, you should be normal!"

Ichihara Suzune said helplessly.

"Okay, okay!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked bored.

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for!"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the few people calmly, and his voice became a little serious.


This temperament changed too quickly!

The few people didn't react at all.

"Well, junior, we are just chatting normally, there is no need to be so serious."

Nakajo Azusa said weakly.

"Can't you see?"

"This guy is teasing us!"

Mayumi Nanakusa said helplessly.

He tried to deal with this junior but couldn't do anything. It seemed like he was a nemesis sent by God to punish her for the pranks she had played on the juniors.

"You are really not humorous at all!"

Qianyu Yeyou curled her lips, seeming even more boring.

"Come on, what do you want?"

Qianyu Yeyou's tone and demeanor became normal. Suddenly, several people were a little uncomfortable.

"Are you going to talk here?"

"Or do you have something urgent?"

Mari Watanabe didn't want to talk to Qianyu Yeyou about joining the student union on the street. After all, this was an invitation from them, and it seemed too casual.

"That's not the case!"

The student union members came to him for that matter.

"Let's go. There is a cafe in front. The coffee there is not bad."

Mayumi Nanakusa said and walked forward, leading the way.

Akiba Cafe

The dark red style tables of different sizes, the reasonable layout and decoration make this cafe look a bit simple.


"You are not passing by, but come to see me?"

Qianyu Yeyou was confused.

What is going on?

He thought he saw him by chance!


Nanakusa Mayumi smiled playfully.


So you are also surprised!

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled silently in her heart.

"How is it?"

"Our sincerity is enough, right?"

Watanabe Mari smiled and stared at Qianyu Yeyou with confidence.

"Why do you value me so much?"

Qianyu Yeyou was a little puzzled. He didn't seem to show anything extraordinary, right?

Qianyu Yeyou thought about it and felt that his performance couldn't be more ordinary.

He didn't think he couldn't reveal his magic talent or something, after all, he had a lot of talents!

The main reason is that the logic is not logical!

How can the student union recruit people so carelessly!

As for the communication with Hattori, it is even more impossible!

Hattori is a vice president of the student union after all, he doesn't care about face!

From his performance in the past few meetings, it can be seen that he is definitely very face-conscious!

It is impossible for him to say it on his own initiative!

Absolutely impossible!

So, to sum up, well, Qianyu Yeyou is also confused.


"Cough cough cough..."

The coffee drinker has already sprayed it, and the non-drinker is also coughing awkwardly. Hattori's face is red, ashamed!

It's so ordinary!

If they hadn't watched the video, they would really believe it!

Well, this does not include being beaten, Hattori is still very determined!

After all, that is a very profound understanding.

You are really "ordinary"!


Several people breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is too Versailles



By the way, this guy doesn't seem to know that they know!

"We all know about your fight with Hattori!"


This time it was Qianyu Yeyou's turn to spray water.

Nanakusa Mayumi was sitting opposite him and was sprayed in the face.

"Junior brother, you are so strong, you did it on purpose, right?"

Nanakusa Mayumi's eyes trembled wildly.

Although the table is rectangular, it is also about 1.5 meters wide. They have so many people and deliberately took pictures of such a table. As a result, you can spray me from such a distance. It's hard to explain that you didn't do it on purpose!


"I was excited for a moment, don't blame me, senior sister!"

Qianyu Yeyou quickly stood up, took out a clean paper, and wiped Nanakusa Mayumi's face personally.

Nanakusa Mayumi just stared at Qianyu Yeyou's actions in a daze.

"Ahem, I feel like we are a bit redundant!"

Mari Watanabe felt that she suddenly became brighter.

"Well, I can do it myself."

Mayumi Nanakusa snatched the paper from Qianyu Yeyou's hand and wiped it silently.

"I didn't expect you to tell them!"

Qianyu Yeyou sat back in his seat again, looking at Hattori, he was a little impressed in his heart.

Good guy!

You really dare!

Where is your dignity as vice president?

No wonder these guys looked weird when they saw me.

So that's what happened!


"I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"No more pretending! I'm the boss and I'm showing my cards!"

Qianyu Yeyou immediately changed his appearance, put his left leg on his right leg, put his hands on it, and leaned back, looking like a master with a lonely life like snow.

The girls were stunned for a moment, then they all laughed.

Why didn't Hattori laugh? Because he was the one who was beaten up, and he really couldn't laugh.

This guy can be said to have become famous in the student union by stepping on him, and he didn't have any complaints, after all, he really couldn't beat him.

"I say, junior, are you always so funny?"

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou while laughing.

"Okay, tell me, are you going to invite me to join the student union?"

Qianyu Yeyou spoke first helplessly.

These guys are looking for him for nothing more than this purpose.

If it was said that it attracted the attention of Nanakusa Mayumi before, then it is different now. It will definitely attract the attention of several of them. After all, Ichihara Suzune is too good at analysis.

Of course, the other people are not fools.

Even Hattori is the same.

At that time, Hattori was just stunned. He lost too quickly, and it was not a simple loss. It was the kind of person who could clearly feel that Qianyu Yeyou could take his life at any time if he wanted.

How could the undefeated vice president accept this?

He was able to recover so quickly, and seemed to be relieved and regained confidence, which shows that this guy is not a simple character.

That's right, how could there be a truly inferior student who could be recruited into the student union?

That's where the top elites of the entire college gather.

"That's right!"

Nanakusa Mayumi and the others also restrained their smiles and became serious.

"Junior brother, what do you think?"

Nanakusa Mayumi went straight to the point and didn't want to ask around.

"If I remember correctly, the only position left in your student union is the position of the student union secretary of Shiba Miyuki, right?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Nanakusa Mayumi and smiled faintly.


Nanakusa Mayumi subconsciously looked at Watanabe Mari, and both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Although it has been decided that Shiba Miyuki has been accepted into the student union, there shouldn't be many people who know about it.

At present, Miyuki has just entered the student union and started to adapt to the work, but the appointment has not been officially announced. How did Chiyu Yeyou know about it?

And it seems that this guy knows the composition of the student union members very well!

"Then guess how we want to arrange you?"

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly smiled mischievously.

"You don't want to arrange me to the discipline committee, do you?"

Chiyu Yeyou looked at the mischievous look on the face of this little goblin, and then looked at Watanabe Mari's expectant look, and suddenly thought of Shiba Tatsuya who was moved to the discipline committee to work for Watanabe Mari.


"Definitely not!"

Before Nanakusa Mayumi could speak, Chiyu Yeyou shook her head and firmly rejected it.


Watanabe Mari saw Chiyu Yeyou

With such resistance, I couldn't help asking directly.

"First, I don't like trouble!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen to beat him up when he came to cause trouble."

Qianyu Yeyou said and glanced at Vice President Hattori.

Hattori's eyes twitched, and he looked very painful.

After all, being beaten up in seconds was a very embarrassing thing for the vice president of the student union. He was whipped repeatedly and in front of him. It would be strange if he looked good.

But he didn't have any extreme reaction.

Don't ask, if you ask, you can't beat him!

"Second, I don't like trouble!"

"I'm afraid I can't help it and eliminate the trouble forever!"

"Third, I don't like waiting for trouble to appear!"

"I prefer to solve people who produce trouble directly!"

"Okay, I'm done, do you still think I'm suitable for this position?"

In fact, Qianyu Yeyou's words were half true and half false. It was true that he didn't like trouble, but he didn't like working for Watanabe Mari even more.

There is no extra credits, and there is no benefit except getting to know a few people and getting a job title. The rest is just a lot of trouble. It would be better to lie on the roof and bask in the sun.

After all, Qianyu Yeyou's goal is clear: to get a diploma!

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