The first time, the second time.

"Quantum Streamline?"

Kazama Genshin chewed on the name carefully.

"It's an interesting name."

Ichidan's magic obviously has a certain meaning. In the most intuitive sense, magic like "Frost Mist Kingdom" and "Ice Flame Hell" have a certain relationship with magic itself, and Qianyu Yeyou's magic is very interesting.


Fujibayashi Kyoko also discovered this high-end word.


After spending so much time with Qianyu Yeyou, Shibata also discovered the characteristics of Qianyu Yeyou's magic.

"Very interesting!"

"Although I don't know as much about magic as you do, this is also the first time I've heard the word 'quantum'."

Kazama Genshin's words were obviously a bit modest. If he didn't know much about magic, his superiors wouldn't have asked him to be in charge of the independent magic outfit brigade.

"His magic is basically related to the concept of 'quantum', and even I find it difficult to analyze it thoroughly."

Shiba Tatsuya expressed helplessness. How could he tell what was going on with Qianyu Yeyou's unique way of launching magic without even giving him a magic rune?

It's already very good to be able to analyze these, and you still want to go deeper?

Aren't you making things difficult for me, Shiba Tatsuya!

"Okay, let's put aside the contract for now. It's very complicated on his side, and we don't have to get involved."

"Even if your actions yesterday were mixed with some personal feelings, it was harmless and you don't have to worry too much about it."

Kazama Genshin assured Shiba Tatsuya and used him to express goodwill to Qianyu Yeyou.


Tatsuya Shiba knew about himself, and as for Chiba Yeyou...

That guy was all about personal feelings and had no intention of fulfilling his duties as a magician!

But Tatsuya Shiba was a little confused. The police station didn't say anything, not even a word of complaint to them.

"It's just information about a criminal organization. Is it so valuable?"

"Tatsuya, you don't know yet, the headless dragon is actually the source of magic amplifiers."

Shigeru Sanada spoke up to clear up Tatsuya Shiba's confusion.

"Magic amplifier?"

Tatsuya Shiba was a little surprised to hear the name.

"I heard that in recent years, it is a magic amplifier device that has been spread among criminal groups."

Tatsuya Shiba had limited information about magic amplifiers, but was just a little curious.

"That's not something that should exist in this world."

Shigeru Sanada frowned, with an ugly expression.

"Do you know what the core components of the amplifier are made of?"

"It's the human brain!"

Looking at Shiba Tatsuya who was silent, Shigeru Sanada's heavy voice suddenly exploded in his ears.

Shiba Tatsuya was startled.

"To be more precise, it's the brain of the magician."

"Although we are an experimental unit that uses magic as a weapon and incorporates magicians into the military system, we have never treated magicians as real parts or consumables."

"So, we absolutely do not allow the production and use of magic amplifiers!"

Shigeru Sanada's voice was heavy and resolute. He was also a magician. It was scary to think that he was treated as a consumable or a part.

"Even if we put aside these emotional issues, the amplifier that increases the magician's ability is indeed a threat when used in the military."

Kazama Genshin also said.

"The North American Intelligence Agency seems to have the same view, so we sought help from the insider."

"Mibu is very grateful to you!"


"This is not my own achievement."

Shiba Tatsuya said lightly.

"After all, he is not one of us, so it can only be attributed to you."

Kazama Genshin also smiled.

"I can help as long as I can."


"Why didn't you play in the last game?"

In the meeting room, Qianyu Yeyou saw Jumonji, who was supposed to play in the semi-finals, and was a little curious.

"There are some things that need me to deal with, so I temporarily found someone to replace him in one game, and I will play in the next game."

Jumonji answered Qianyu Yeyou's question very naturally.

"The meeting of the Master Clan has been notified."

Nanagusa Mayumi, who disappeared for a while, also appeared here again.

"Um, should I avoid this conversation?"

Qianyu Yeyou suddenly said.

"No need."

Mayumi Nanakusa and Jumonji said in unison.

Mayumi Nanakusa thought it was simple, what's wrong with my man listening to it?

Jumonji thought that since Chiyuu Yeyou had already shown his talent for magic and attracted the attention of the Ten Masters, it would be fine to listen to it.

"Didn't the Ichijo Army get defeated by Shiba Tatsuya the day before yesterday?"

Mayumi Nanakusa glanced at Chiyuu Yeyou and continued.

"So what?"

Jumonji's doubts seemed indifferent, as if he knew it would happen sooner or later.

"According to them, the Ten Masters are the top of the magicians in this country. Even if it's a game for high school students, they can't ignore the results that may make people doubt the power of the Ten Masters."

Mayumi Nanakusa sighed and expressed helplessness.

But she had no position to refute it, after all, she was also a member of the Ten Masters.

"In other words, you want a match that shows off the power of the Ten Master Clans, right?"

"How ridiculous!"

Listening to the analysis of the Ten Monji, Nanakusa Mayumi mocked mercilessly.

"By the way, it seems that I have contributed to this, right?"

Although even if Qianyu Yeyou did not make a move, Ichijo Masaki would still be pinned to the ground by Shiba Tatsuya, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was he who made the move, and Shiba Tatsuya had the possibility of counterattack.



Both of them were speechless. Let alone the warning from the Nanakusa family, the information that disappeared for a period of time that even the Ten Master Clans could not find out was enough to show that there was an extraordinary power behind it. Although the Ten Master Clans did not do their best to investigate, this was not a reason for them not to be afraid.

"I thought I had contributed to it."

Qianyu Yeyou smiled and looked at the two.



The two began to regret not driving this guy out.

You almost said that the Ten Master Clans bullied the weak and feared the strong.


If Qianyu Yeyou knew what the two were thinking, he would probably die of laughter.

Although the military and the Yotsuba family have disputes, if anyone dares to touch Shiba Tatsuya?

He will definitely die if he tries.

Qianyu Yeyou was just teasing at most, but he didn't expect to attract the resentful eyes of the two.

"Even if it's just a branch family, if Tatsuya-kun inherited the bloodline of the Ten Master Clan, he wouldn't be involved in this third-rate farce."

Drafting Mayumi felt embarrassed in front of Qianyu Yeyou in today's event, and spoke a little impolitely.

"Leave it to me!"

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