The sound of a gunshot wound was heard.

"Oh no!"

The moment Guan Ben heard the voice, he felt terrible.

His behavior could no longer be hidden.

When he thought of the severe punishment he would receive, Guan Ben felt a chill in his heart.


Guan Ben turned around and saw the person he was familiar with.

"I didn't expect Guan Ben to be a spy."

Chiyoda looked disappointed and shook her head with an ugly look.

"How rude!"


"I'm just here to make a backup!"

Guan Ben was so panicked that he didn't even collect the equipment and just left it on the operating table.

"Use hacking tools to back up?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Chiyoda has completely lost patience with this idiot who can't even make excuses.



Sekibon thought of something and immediately turned around to see Shiba Tatsuya looking at him calmly.

"How is this possible?"

Sekibon looked at Shiba Tatsuya, who had not fallen asleep, in disbelief.

"Sekibon Isao!"

"Please take down the CAD and put it on the ground!"

Chiyoda has lost patience and just wants to quickly take this disappointing guy away and send him to where he should go, and deal with him as he should.

Turning around and looking at the CAD raised by Chiyoda, Sekimoto became even more panicked.



The green magic circle passed over Sekiibon Isao's body, and the whole person was instantly stunned.

"You are so stupid."

"You actually shouted your opponent's name while casting magic. You are hopeless!"


National Magic University Hospital, Tachikawa Hospital.

"Ah, I'm really sorry. You are so busy, but I asked you to help with the matter of the first high school."

Watanabe Mari and her lover were standing in the hospital lobby, apologizing to Chiba Shuji with an apologetic look.

"You are so polite!"

Chiba Shuji smiled indifferently.

"But you will be transferred early tomorrow morning, right?"

"I want to be with Mari, Mari, you don't have to think so much."

Chiba Shuji comforted her in a gentle voice.


Watanabe Mari couldn't stand hearing these doting words for a while, her face flushed, and she lowered her head, not knowing what to say.

"Don't say such embarrassing words."

"Mari is really cute when she is shy!"

Chiba Shuji also laughed.

"Originally I wanted to ask Qianyu Yeyou to help, but unfortunately he seemed to have something to do, so he didn't agree."

Watanabe Mari didn't know what to say for a moment, so it was worth changing the subject.


Hearing the name Gao, Chiba Shuji also became interested.

"Mari, are you on good terms?"

Chiba Shuji asked curiously.

"Well, because of Mayumi, our relationship is also very good."

Watanabe Mari nodded.

Otherwise, Watanabe Mari would not have only asked Qianyu Yeyou to help.

"I have watched the Nine Schools Tournament, and his performance is very impressive. It can be said that his magic talent and strength have exceeded the level of ordinary magic high school students."

"After that, I deliberately learned about him, and the factory incident shocked me even more!"

Chiba Shuji had some knowledge of Qianyu Yeyou. No, it should be said that all the well-known families including the Ten Master Clans have a certain understanding of Qianyu Yeyou.

"Do you still know about the factory incident?"

"It was only after that incident that I realized how powerful Qianyu Yeyou is."

Watanabe Mari gave a bitter smile.

It's really discouraging to have a super monster around you.

"He should become a strategic magician in the future, right?"

Watanabe Mari thought of the various novel magics used by Qianyu Yeyou, and couldn't help but look forward to his future.

"Mori, I think what Qianyu Yeyou showed is not all his strength, at least it should be stronger than this."

Chiba Shuji looked at Watanabe Mari seriously.


"Well, anyway, it's perverted enough, and it's not unacceptable to be perverted at all."

Watanabe Mari's expression struggled for a while before giving up the struggle.

While the two were talking about Qianyu Yeyou, an elegantly dressed man walked into the floor of the person they were going to protect.

This man was holding a bouquet of flowers, calm and elegant

, without the slightest worry or nervousness, as if he was visiting a friend.

That's right, this person is Mr. Zhou, the teacher Zhou mentioned by the leader.


Mr. Zhou, who had just revealed half of his body at the corner, happened to see an acquaintance - Lu Ganghu.

This guy is actually here!

Mr. Zhou immediately retracted his body and watched Lu Ganghu walking and observing the house number. It was obviously the same goal as him, but this guy came to kill people, and his purpose was different.

If this goes on, it will definitely make things worse!

Mr. Zhou thought to himself that his original intention was to quietly downplay this matter, but the leader was such an impulsive guy, and he didn't want to be implicated.

Thinking of this, he decisively turned around and reached out to press the riot alarm.

'Buzz! '


"What is this?"

"Fire alarm?"

Watanabe Mari and Chiba Shuji were both stunned when they heard the sound, and Watanabe Mari asked the question first.

"No, this is a riot alarm!"

"It's on the fourth floor!"

Chiba Shuji looked at the fourth floor with certainty.

"Fourth floor?"

When Watanabe Mari heard this number, her expression immediately became ugly.

The target she wanted to monitor and protect was on the fourth floor!

"Could it be that Mari's junior schoolmate lives on the fourth floor?"

Chiba Shuji also reacted and asked immediately.


"Let's go!"

Hearing Watanabe Mari's answer, Chiba Shuji activated magic and climbed directly to the fourth floor.

Watanabe Mari also quickly followed.

At this time, Lu Ganghu also found his target.

He reached out to pull the door, but it was locked, so he pulled it a few more times, but there was still no movement.



The door handle was instantly torn off the door.

Because of the sudden alarm, Lu Ganghu was also a little anxious. She didn't know why she was suddenly exposed, but there must be not much time left for him.

At this time, Chiba Shuji also came up. As soon as he looked up after landing, he saw a guy he didn't expect.

"Ogre, Lu Ganghu!"

Lü Ganghu heard the voice and looked at Chiba Shuji.

"Phantom Blade, Chiba Shuji!"

Lü Ganghu frowned slightly and threw the door handle in his hand.

A CAD with a handle appeared in Chiba Shuji's hand.

With a light press, the blade stretched out. Lu Ganghu also knew that today's mission might not be completed, but if he didn't force this guy back, he might not be able to leave.


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