The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


"I'm back!"

Qianyu Yeyou blurted out subconsciously after opening the door.

Then he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would adapt to Difanna's existence again so quickly.

"When the prison of loneliness of lonely people is broken, they can no longer gather...?"

Qianyu Yeyou murmured to himself.

"Welcome back!"

As expected, Difanna's pleasant voice spread in the room and quickly rushed into Qianyu Yeyou's ears.

I saw Difanna in a standard maid outfit with an apron in front of her. Although she looked very tempting, the spoon in her hand seemed a bit out of place. With the action of raising the spoon to greet, she was even more cute.


"What's your style?"

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help it, this style was too funny.

"Isn't this cooking for you?"

"How dare you laugh at me!"

Tiffana walked to Qianyu Yeyou angrily, stretched out her empty hand and made a head-slashing move to vent Qianyu Yeyou's laughter at her, but in fact it was better to say that this was an intimate play.

"Okay, I was wrong."

Qianyu Yeyou immediately covered his head, looking like he was in pain and hurt, which made Tiffana giggle non-stop.

"Come, I'll rub it for you!"

Tiffana raised the spoon in her hand, blinked at Tiffana, and threatened playfully.

"Don't, I'm wrong!"

Qianyu Yeyou's little woman look of a slave who was wrong successfully broke Tiffana's defense.

"Be normal!"

"It's disgusting!"

Tiffana waved her hand in disdain.

Just as the two siblings were joking and making all kinds of funny things, a burnt smell floated out from the kitchen, attracting their attention.

"What's that smell?"

Qianyu Yeyou sniffed and carefully confirmed the smell he smelled.


"My food!"

Tiffana was stunned for a moment, then screamed, and immediately rushed into the kitchen with a spoon, and suddenly a ping-pong stir-fry sound came out.

After washing her hands, Qianyu Yeyou sat down at the dining table honestly and prepared to eat.

Soon, various exquisite dishes were served on the table, and Qianyu Yeyou also wanted to help, but was soon pushed out of the kitchen by Tiffana.

Among the colorful dishes on the table, there was a dish that was obviously a little burnt. Obviously, this was the source of the smell just now.

"How was your stay in the academy today?"

"Did anything interesting happen?"

Tiffana asked Qianyu Yeyou while eating the dishes.

"It's just a school. There's nothing interesting there." Qianyu Yeyou shook his head, not interested in saying anything. "By the way, you should know the organization "Blanche", right?" Qianyu Yeyou suddenly remembered something, stopped what he was doing, and looked at Difanna. "Well, a political association that does anti-magic activities, what's wrong?" Difanna looked at him with some surprise when she heard Gao Qianyu Yeyou's question. "This organization has appeared in my school. I want to know their details. Let your little maid help me check it out." Qianyu Yeyou said lightly. To be honest, he didn't know much about this organization. At first, he was just curious. But since they had found him today, although he didn't have the urgent need to eliminate all interference in his life like Shiba Tatsuya, he also had to understand them. Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat! "That's not necessary. I know this organization." "Oh?" "It can make you remember it, which means that the influence of this organization is not small! "

Qianyu Yeyou said in surprise.

"Well, they do have a great influence in the international community. The reason for this is that they promote the concept of equality and have won the support of many people with low magic talent and who have been treated differently."

Tiffana recalled and said slowly.


"Then they have a strong sense of justice!"

Qianyu Yeyou chuckled.


"You told a very unfunny joke."

Tiffana's expression was a little serious.

"These people, under the banner of justice such as the pursuit of equality and the need to be respected, continue to carry out various actions of destruction, theft, and theft of magic talents and magic materials, brainwashing these talents and tampering with their memories,

Then they can use it for their own benefit."

"Is there this organization in France?"

"No, there was this organization in the past!"

Tiffana modified Qianyu Yeyou's statement.

"This organization was also active in France and caused us great losses, so I personally took action against them that time."

Qianyu Yeyou knew that with Tiffana's action, the "Blanche" organization in France would be basically destroyed.

At the very least, it would be a heavy loss.

Qianyu Yeyou did not interrupt and continued to listen.

"They first launched their actions in magic factories, and then stole resources from major magic technology companies by means of talent acquisition, brainwashing, memory modification, and forced coercion, including but not limited to excellent magic papers, the development progress of new CAD, and other advanced magic resources belonging to the infiltrated technology companies."

"How ridiculous!"

"An anti-magic organization openly shouts peace, resources, fairness, and treatment."

"Although they hold high the banner of anti-magicism, they secretly steal magic resources and scientific research results."

"They call themselves a formal international organization, but in fact they are just a group of terrorists!"

Tiffany looked disdainful.

"It's a bit ridiculous!"

"Anti-magic organizations actually pursue magic so much."

Qianyu Yeyou felt that this group of self-deceiving guys was ridiculous.

But they did achieve some results. Although they look down on them, they can't underestimate them too much. They still have to give them the respect they deserve, but that's it.

"It is certain that there are indeed terrorists operating in your school."

"But they are probably not direct members of "Blanche". The National Academy of Magical Sciences is not so easy to be invaded. They should be students who joined his sub-organization "Egallte". "

"After the blow in France, I thought this organization would be silent for a long time, but I didn't expect it to start again."

Tiffana sighed softly.

"Although they hold high the banner of anti-magicism, they do not deny magic on the surface. They advocate "abolishing social discrimination caused by magic" and can indeed seduce some immature students."

Qianyu Yeyou analyzed.

"Well, after all, for adults, discrimination is more about monetary interests, while students care more about working hard to get the recognition they deserve from the people around them, so students are indeed a good target."

Tiffana nodded in agreement.

"Even if they know that those few magicians with high treatment and rare talents also need to work hard, they can turn a blind eye. Maybe they who hold high the banner of equality believe that they are righteous. "

Tiffany smiled sarcastically.

"What a fool's argument!"

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