The two of them were in a mess.

Just when Qianyu Yeyou was wandering around, Sijia finally found Shibata Mitsuki.

"That... no, that... not... not like that..."

A difficult sentence reached Shiba Tatsuya's ears, and Shiba Tatsuya felt that the voice sounded familiar.

Shiba Tatsuya looked at the source of the voice and saw a familiar figure - Shibata Mitsuki.


"Ah! Tatsuya!"

Shibata Mitsuki was obviously relieved to see Shiba Tatsuya appear.

And Shiba Tatsuya walked in front of Shibata Mitsuki and saw Sijia, whose half body was covered just now.

Seeing this man wearing glasses, Tatsuya Shiba felt familiar for a moment, and he couldn't help but recall the figure running away when he was attacked in the woods.

"Could it be..."

Tatsuya Shiba couldn't help but look at the man in front of him seriously.

"I am Tatsuya Shiba, the discipline committee member. Long-term entanglement may be regarded as harassment. Please stop!"

Tatsuya Shiba took a few steps forward again and warned Shika.

Shika had no fear on his face and pushed his eyes with his hands.

"Shibata, I'm always free. If you change your mind, you can contact me at any time. Goodbye."

Before leaving, she didn't forget to glance at Tatsuya Shiba with her peripheral vision.


Shibata Mitsuki stared at Shika leaving blankly. Shika's words just now made her mind a little confused for a while.

"Who was that just now?"

Tatsuya Shiba looked at the figure disappearing in the corridor and asked Shibata Mitsuki.

"The leader of the Kendo Club is named Shika. He is allergic to the photosensitive radiation of the spirit particles, just like me."

Shibata Mitsuki came back to his senses and answered.

"It seems that they are not decorative glasses..."

Shibata Tatsuya silently looked at the direction where Shikata disappeared and said secretly in his heart.

"He said that there is a group of students who also suffer from allergic sensations, and asked me if I want to join."

"That's true..."

Shibata Tatsu didn't say the rest of the words, and Shibata Mitsuki knew that it would definitely not be very pleasant, so he hurriedly said: "I rejected him many times on the grounds that 'just attending classes is very tiring'."

"The leader of the Kendo Club, Shikata?"


Qianyu Yeyou was walking on the way home and was passing the street he usually walked.


Qianyu Yeyou suddenly found that someone had followed him all the way, and it was obvious that they were coming for him.

"How shameless!"

Qianyu Yeyou sighed, and these people also made him make a terrible decision.

On the balcony of a tall building not far from Qianyu Yeyou, a man in brown clothes looked at a photo in his hand, as if checking something, and then picked up the communicator in his hand: "The target has appeared, take him back, the boss is very interested in him."

Qianyu Yeyou began to walk towards a slightly narrow street. Because this place is not a residential area, few people pass by here at this time, and there are also few people here. Compared with other places, this place is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Sure enough, Qianyu Yeyou walked for a while, and someone came up in front of him, and someone surrounded him from behind.

Qianyu Yeyou could clearly feel that these people were not magicians, and the weapons they held were not high-speed bullet weapons specially used for magicians. He felt a little ridiculous. How much they looked down on him!

"Do it!"

The man in the lead waved his hand.

"Be careful not to hit the vital parts!"

The man seemed to remember something and quickly warned him.

The reason why he didn't say anything about someone wanting to see you go with us is because he knew that the guy in front of him was very powerful and not an ordinary magician. He had to subdue him before he could take him away.

"Da da da..."

The few people who received the order quickly opened fire, but they all listened to the words of the leader and avoided Qianyu Yeyou's vital points.


"I'm really underestimated!"

The quantum domain covers, and quantum magic is inherent: "Defense Counterattack"!

"Bang bang bang!"


As the bullets were fired, the guys who were still proud and thought that the guy in front of them who had never seen the world was definitely scared silly, suddenly changed their faces, and severe pain came from their left arm, right arm and legs, but in addition to the painful expression on their faces, there was also an incredible sense of fear.

The bullets they fired were shocked.

The speed of the people returned to the original route. If they had not been moving while shooting, they would definitely be dead in an instant.

"How is it possible!"

The leader who had just given the order was incredulous. He clearly did not see the guy in front of him use CAD, so how could he be counterattacked?

And the bullets that hit them were fired from their own guns!

The people who surrounded them were either shot in the arm and could not lift the gun, or fell to the ground after retreating and being shot. They looked at this student who was inexperienced in their eyes with horror.

A few people whose arms could still hold the gun wanted to raise their guns and continue firing, but unfortunately they had no chance.


Qian Yu Yeyou stretched out his right hand and took out a pistol-shaped CAD and pointed it at the few people who wanted to fight back. Then a white light-like thing shot at the people who were pointed at. The people hit by the light were like flammable objects made of gasoline, and they burned quickly with flames. In just a few seconds, they turned into ashes. Even the guns in their hands could not escape such a fate. Apart from the ashes, there was nothing left.

A-level magic, "Ashes"!

Qianyu Yeyou was very satisfied with the performance of this magic that he had recently developed and used in the first battle.

"You are really annoying!"

"It seems that you didn't listen to the warnings I gave you!"

Qianyu Yeyou said impatiently.

The remaining survivors couldn't help but swallow their saliva. There were ten of them in total, and now there were only four left. This was something they had never thought of before coming here. They thought it was just a simple little thing.



Several people who were hit in the legs struggled and limped towards the direction of Yuanli Qianyu Yeyou, shouting "Devil". Everything that happened in front of them had made them lose their minds. They fled desperately and just wanted to leave this terrifying place.

He used all his strength to flee madly, praying that Qianyu Yeyou would not pay attention to him and run faster than others as much as possible, so that maybe this terrifying guy would not come to him.

"I haven't finished my words yet!"


Qianyu Yeyou frowned in dissatisfaction, then pulled the trigger again, a blue light rose from the CAD, then dimmed.

The four guys who ran a distance flew back instantly.

Magic: "Constant Force Deflection".

"You guys, forget it, I guess you won't cooperate to tell me any useful information."

Qianyu Yeyou said to himself.

"We don't know anything..."


Four white rays flew out of the CAD again, four flames suddenly rose with screams, and then slowly extinguished.

"Did anyone say anything just now?"


Qianyu Yeyou left this place, and a bright flame rose from a tall building in the distance, illuminating Qianyu Yeyou's way home.

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