The old man was very surprised.

It was the first time for Qianyu Yeyou to see the ancient magic of elf magic. As one of the ancient magics that attaches more importance to inheritance, elf magicians can be said to be very rare. Qianyu Yeyou felt that there was only one such person in the entire First High School, Yoshida Kanbiko.

Just when Qianyu Yeyou was very curious about elf magic, Yoshida Kanbiko also reacted and saw the person clearly. He was very alert and was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that his practice of elf magic would attract other people's attention.

"I'm sorry, Tatsuya, I didn't mean it."

Yoshida Kanbiko looked at the three people who were more familiar with Shiba Tatsuya, but he could also see that Shiba Tatsuya seemed to be very familiar with the other two.

"I don't care. In the end, it's Mitsuki's fault for disturbing the caster's mind."


"Is it my fault?"

Shibata Mitsuki was shocked when she heard Shibata Tatsuya suddenly say that it was because she disturbed others.

"No, it's not her fault."

"It's my fault for not learning well enough."

Yoshida Kanbiko didn't find out who was at fault, but just felt that his spirit magic was not practiced well enough.

"Are magic casters easily disturbed?"

Chiyu Yeyou asked in a strange way.

According to Chiyu Yeyou himself, it seems that he is basically not disturbed by anyone when casting magic. It seems that Yoshida Kanbiko seems to be more frightened by the sudden appearance of Shibata Mitsuki, which is more reasonable.

"Ancient magic requires the caster to pay more attention than ordinary magicians, but it is not so easy to be distracted. The magic I just practiced requires concentration. If it is overly distracted, it will easily fail. Now it is still in the practice stage. Once you are proficient, it will not be so troublesome." Yoshida Mikiko explained to this person he was not familiar with. Because Yoshida Mikiko's current personality is still a bit introverted, and because of the new environment, there are not many people who can be called familiar. Shiba Tatsuya is familiar with him, so Yoshida Mikiko is still very happy to answer his questions for his friend, and these things do not touch his secrets. There are many people who know ancient magic. "Thank you, Tatsuya." "Thanks to you, Shibata Mizuki was not injured." Yoshida Mikiko was still a little scared of his sudden reaction just now. He almost hurt his classmates by mistake, and he couldn't help but be grateful to Shiba Tatsuya. "Even if I didn't do anything, she wouldn't be hurt, and..."

Shiba Tatsuya glanced at Chiba Yeyou, and Yoshida Kanhiko also understood.

"So, what do you think of practicing magic in the potion lab?"

Chiba Yeyou felt a little strange, there should be a special place to practice magic.

"Uh, that..."

"Compared to this, what just happened was one of the ancient magics, the spirit magic, right?"

Shiba Tatsuya's question made Yoshida Kanhiko nervous.


"It's too late to hide it now."

Yoshida Kanhiko looked like he had accepted his fate.

"As Tatsuya said, I just used the water spirit to practice the summoning magic."

"Water spirit?"

Shiba Tatsuya repeated, as if he was savoring something carefully.

"Well, you didn't sneak into the potion lab to practice just because of this, did you?"

Chiba Yeyou was a little strange, what was so shameful about the spirit magic?

Or is it that elf magic is not popular?

"How should I put it? Elf magic is more difficult to guard against. It is not as clear and visible as the magic we often use or other ancient magic when the caster releases the magic..."

When Shiba Tatsuya explained this, he suddenly looked at Chiba Yeyou. Shiba Tatsuya also happened to see Shibata Mitsuki's actions. Shiba Tatsuya also knew that Shibata Mitsuki had a photosensitive disease of spirit radiation (crystal eyes), but how did Chiba Yeyou find out?

It seems that Chiba Yeyou was not attracted by Shibata Mitsuki at all. It seems that he had noticed it before.

Does Chiba Yeyou also have elf eyes?

No, no!

Chiba Yeyou made Shiba Tatsuya more and more curious.

"Oh, so other people knowing that Yoshida Kanbiko is an elf magician will make them unconsciously alert to him?"

Chiba Yeyou took over Shiba Tatsuya's words.

"Well, I don't want to

My high school life just started and people around me were on guard, even if it was subconscious. "

Yoshida Kanbiko was a little helpless. Although he tried his best to hide, he was still discovered by the three of them.

"Then you can rest assured. The three of us will not be wary of you."

Qianyu Yeyou smiled and looked at Yoshida Kanbiko. He was very interested in having a friend who was an elf magician.


Yoshida Kanbiko was surprised.

"Because your magic has no effect on me and Shiba Tatsuya, and Shibata Mitsuki..."

"Mitsuki, did you see what those things looked like just now?"

Yoshida Kanbiko was stunned by Qianyu Yeyou's words.

"Let me think... I just saw blue, aqua or indigo-like blue-colored light balls."

Shibata Mitsuki recalled the shadowy light balls she had just seen.

"Did you see the difference in color? ”

Yoshida Kanbiko could not help but walk in front of Shibata Mitsuki, his face full of shock, followed by excitement, staring at her eyes, constantly approaching, wanting to see more clearly, he guessed that only crystal eyes could see the color difference!

"I said...that..."

Shibata Mitsuki was originally a shy person, and had never experienced such a scene. Looking at Yoshida Kanbiko who kept approaching, she was a little at a loss, and looked at Qianyu Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya for help.

"If the two of you agree, I will avoid it, and it won't cause any problems."

"Hey, that's enough!"

Qianyu Yeyou walked up and stretched out his hand to hold Yoshida Kanbiko's shoulder, looking at Shiba Tatsuya helplessly.

Good guy, when did you have this melon-eating attribute?

"Uh, sorry!"

"No, I'm sorry. "

Shibata Mitsuki blushed and played with her hair, also apologizing, after all, this matter was caused by her.

"I don't think Mitsuki needs to apologize."

"That's true."

"I'm really sorry!"

Listening to the two, Yoshida Kanbiko also bowed to Shibata Mitsuki and apologized seriously, and his attitude was much more sincere.

"When I thought that you might be the owner of the crystal eye, I became a little uneasy."

Yoshida Kanbiko also explained the reason. After all, this is the nemesis of his family, so he couldn't help but be nervous.

"Do you still want to kidnap him?"

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