The old man was very happy.


"This is the magic formula you prepared for the president!"

Shiba Miyuki said as she looked at the data that Qianyu Yeyou was inputting.

His brother Shiba Tatsuya also used this input method when he helped him debug CAD at home, so Shiba Miyuki herself also had a certain ability to distinguish the data that was still being input. Although she could not tell what kind of magic formula it was, she still had a certain ability to distinguish whether the magic formula was the magic she knew. At least she had never seen the unfinished magic formula that Qianyu Yeyou inputted.

"Oh, you are talking about this."

"This is a new type of magic I developed for the president, specifically for the rapid shooting project."

Qianyu Yeyou explained without looking back.

"By the way, you came to me just to talk about this, right?"

The clacking sound of the keyboard suddenly stopped, and he turned to look at Shiba Miyuki, sizing up the girl who suddenly came to visit him.

Qianyu Yeyou was very curious about why Shiba Miyuki rejected his roommate's invitation and did not follow the original development, but came to him instead.

"I want to ask you how to use multiple magics at the same time."

Shiba Miyuki bowed slightly, looked at Qianyu Yeyou with a serious expression, and asked Qianyu Yeyou to teach him this method.

Qianyu Yeyou fell silent and fell into thought.

You know, even small magic can't be multi-threaded in parallel, let alone high-standard A-level magic such as "Frost Mist Kingdom" and "Ice Flame Hell". Those physical interferences caused by many magic formulas that seem to appear in an instant seem to be activated at the same time, but in fact they have nothing to do with multi-threaded parallelism. Through the high-speed and efficient processing of CAD, they can be activated continuously in a very short time, which is the so-called loop casting.

Moreover, there is a more serious problem involved, that is, almost no one can use two kinds of magic at the same time, not even Shibata can do it!

If a magician wants to operate multiple CADs, he must calculate two different activation formulas in parallel, otherwise the activation formulas will interfere with each other and cause the magic to fail.

This common sense that all magicians know does not exist here in Qianyu Yeyou!

You should know that Shibata can also operate the special skills of two CADs at the same time, but that is two!

And Qianyu Yeyou can cast two different kinds of magic with just one CAD!

For example, if the two A-level magics "Frost Mist Kingdom" and "Ice Flame Hell" are used at the same time, what kind of terrifying suppression power will it be?

This can be said to involve some core secrets of Qianyu Yeyou, and it is a core secret developed by himself, which has the terrifying ability to overturn the entire magic society.

So Qianyu Yeyou hesitated. This is not a joke to teach the compression of magic range and the control of power.

"Sorry, I am presumptuous, sorry."

Although Shiba Miyuki didn't know how complicated this technology was implemented, and had never seen Qianyu Yeyou perform it, but from the fact that Qianyu Yeyou could remain silent for such a long time, Shiba Miyuki knew that this high-end operation, which Qianyu Yeyou only mentioned once, had touched on his secrets.

Qianyu Yeyou heard Shiba Miyuki's words, raised his head and looked at her, but still didn't speak, but he still stared at the girl in front of him so seriously.

He was thinking about what kind of impact it would have if he gave it to her, what he could get and what he would lose.

If he politely refused, what would he get and what would he lose.

Unlike these fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls, Qianyu Yeyou would consider more. He must care about his gains and losses. After all, his roots in Japan are shallow and his foundation is weak. If something happens in the future, even if Tiffany intervenes, it will not be so easy to help. It's beyond his reach!

And if it's not good, it will rise to an international issue, and then there will be more troubles.

Thinking of this, Qianyu Yeyou thought that he could try to deepen his relationship with the next head of the Yotsuba family. The two major forces of the Yotsuba family in the future must be the Shiba Miyuki brothers and sisters.

"I can teach you, but this is the result of my research, and it's very advanced."

"To be honest, the multiple release of the same magic is just a basic ability, and this is also a secret of mine."

Ignoring the surprised expression on Shiba Miyuki's face, Qianyu Yeyou

Yu Yeyou continued.

"If you want to learn, you can, but this time you really have to call me teacher, not play around like before. This means admitting in front of others that you have recognized a person of about your age as your teacher. Are you sure you want to learn?"

Qian Yu Yeyou looked at the somewhat tangled girl in front of him with a serious look. He knew that this girl was the next head of the Yotsuba family. It would not be good to spread this. What's more serious is that it is likely to cause dissatisfaction within the family. The pressure she will face can be imagined. But Qian Yu Yeyou didn't care about her entanglement at all.

However, Qian Yu Yeyou was too lazy to care about those. He thought that he was still not weak when facing one of the ten master clans alone, and the biggest difference between him and the ten master clans was that he did not belong to any of the ten master clans, and he was also a lone man. He was truly a person who could feed the whole family. On the premise of ensuring his own safety, he could be invincible.

Making friends with the Yotsuba family is an attempt. It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. I just want to make more friends so that I can get things done.

"Go back and think about it. When you have thought it over, tell me the result."

Qianyu Yeyou turned around and continued to type on the keyboard.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Shiba Miyuki walked out of Qianyu Yeyou's room with a complicated and tangled face.

The moment Shiba Miyuki closed the door, the keyboard tapping sound suddenly stopped.

"Yotsuba family?"

Qianyu Yeyou's eyes were a little distracted, thinking about something.

"Forget it, don't think about these, let's do the things in front of us first."

Qianyu Yeyou patted his cheek and continued to work with his hands.

"Miyuki, what are you doing..."



Shiba Miyuki had just returned, and his brother Shiba Tatsu came too.

When Shiba Miyuki went to Chiba Yeyou's room, he was not there, but went to a meeting with senior students. All technicians had to go, but Chiba Yeyou was absent.

As a result, Shiba Tatsuya saw his sister looking tangled as soon as he came back.


Shiba Miyuki hesitated for a moment, but still did not tell Shiba Tatsuya about this matter.

"Forget it..."

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