Magnate Uncle: Starting from Supermarket Shopping with Ten Nephews

Chapter 1078 It’s too early for you to be proud

Chapter 1085 You are too proud too early

Luo Feng raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were sharp.

He stared at the expressions of Ren Xuyao ​​and Ren Chengye, trying to find some clues from their faces.

If he could confirm that the person who bought the company's stocks in large quantities was Ren Jia, then he would have to take corresponding measures.

How could Luo Feng tolerate the tricks that were done to his group?

Ren Xuyao ​​snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain.

"Borrow from you? Do you think our Ren family will beg you? Don't dream!"

Not to mention the hatred between Luo Feng and him, just because he wanted to control Luo Feng through the second brother, he would not give in.

Ren Chengye's face was gloomy, staring at Luo Feng and said: "Mr. Luo, don't go too far!"

"What do you mean don't go too far, it's obviously me who came to lend you money, don't you need money now?"

Luo Feng said this, glanced at Ren Xuyao ​​lightly, and chuckled.

"Your son has called out a price of 3 billion yuan. I don't think Mr. Ren has that much money."

Yes, Ren Chengye does not have that much money.

But... no matter what, he will not borrow money from Luo Feng.

Not to mention that Luo Feng just exposed his and his son's plan of pretending to be sick.

Otherwise, maybe he could avoid taking out the 3 billion yuan again.

"Mr. Luo, let's not beat around the bush. Lend me the money? This is not another trap you designed!"

If it were anyone else, even Mr. Qian, who had a grudge against him, Ren Chengye would be tempted.

But that person was Luo Feng, and of course he would not believe that the other party had such good intentions.

Luo Feng shrugged, "Mr. Ren, don't say anything careless. I just want to help you out of kindness, how did it become a trap?"

"It's not easy to borrow money these days, Mr. Ren, there are not many people like me who are eager to give you money, you must not be ungrateful."

Hearing this, Ren Xuyao ​​on the side glared, and couldn't help but yelled: "Stop pretending here! Who knows what you are thinking!"

If he hadn't been deceived by Luo Feng, he wouldn't be so miserable now.

The key is that he was scolded by his father, and he was very embarrassed in front of others.

You know, he always wanted to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor in front of Bai Ningbing and Gong Liya.

Girls like this kind of well-educated and cultured young man.

Before, he used such tricks, even some Internet celebrities and small stars, have been picked up by him.

But such tricks are useless in front of these two women.

As soon as this was said, it attracted the attention of people around him.

Even the host on the stage focused his attention on Ren Xuyao.

Originally, Luo Feng had no interest in the subsequent projects.

He had already bought the second island.

Just as Ren Chengye said, he had to leave a way out for others.

Besides, although he was very rich, he could buy all the islands on the spot.

But it was meaningless for him to have so many islands, and it would also arouse the anger of all the people in the industry.

He didn't want to establish so many enemies again, for the sake of his relatives and to prevent the children from being threatened.

Besides, from the beginning, his idea was just to buy an island for fun.

As for what to build and what the island would be used for in the future, Luo Feng hadn't thought about it yet.

However, he was very interested in what Ren Chengye wanted to develop on the coral island he bought.

After all, the other party was a local leading enterprise, and he must have a purpose for doing this.

Not to mention being cheated by Luo Feng, it would cost 3 billion yuan at a time. What kind of business would he do in the future to recover 3 billion yuan in a short time?

For Luo Feng, being able to use the other party's ideas for his own use was a great way to vent his anger.

Luo Feng smiled and deliberately teased: "Master Ren, don't be so angry."

"I just think that it's okay for everyone to help each other in the business world sometimes."

"Besides, don't we all want to buy an island? Maybe we will have to help each other in the future."

Ren Chengye was silent for a moment, and felt that Luo Feng didn't seem to be teasing them on purpose, so he said coldly: "Luo Feng, what do you want?"

Luo Feng's face straightened, and he said lightly: "It's actually very simple. As long as you admit that those small actions before were done by you, I can lend you this money."

"For example, things like shell companies buying stocks at high prices are definitely not a shortcut. In my opinion, there is no need to do it again."

Ren Xuyao's face was a little panicked when he heard this.

He was not surprised that Luo Feng knew about this matter, but what surprised him was why Luo Feng thought it was related to him. Could it be... that the second brother leaked something?

But in front of Luo Feng, Ren Xuyao ​​was about to refute, but Ren Chengye raised his hand to stop him.

Ren Chengye's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, "Luo Feng, you have no evidence, how can you say it was us?"

In fact, when he saw Ren Xuyao's expression just now, he already knew what Luo Feng said, he should have really done it.

But he didn't expect that this kid would do such a thing behind his back.

Luo Feng crossed his arms and smiled playfully, "Mr. Ren, evidence will come sooner or later."

"But now, it's your chance to solve the funding problem, you must seize it well."

He has prepared a recorder. As long as the father and son admit it and give the recorder to the shell company, the crisis will be solved.

The Ren family father and son fell into deep thought, and the atmosphere became extremely solemn.

At this moment, Ren Xuyao ​​suddenly said emotionally: "Luo Feng, even if we are really in trouble, we will not bow to you."

"Besides, we haven't reached that point yet, so don't be complacent."

Just now he saw Gong Liya and Bai Ningbing looking in his direction. Under the gaze of the beautiful women, he suddenly became obsessed again.

In fact, it's not like he hasn't seen a lot of women throw themselves into his arms due to his status, but for some reason, when he saw these two women around Luo Feng, he wanted to hold them in his hands.

What's wrong with liking someone else's woman?

Luo Feng shook his head, who knew Ren Xuyao ​​had thought so much.

"Well, in that case, I wish the Ren family can get through this difficulty smoothly."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving the Ren family and his son looking increasingly ugly.

However, Ren Chengye surprisingly did not reprimand his son because he had no intention of accepting Luo Feng's advice and borrowing money from him.

Looking at his back, Ren Chengye glanced at Ren Xuyao.

"Tell me, what's going on?"


Through this conversation, Luo Feng can confirm that this matter has something to do with the Ren family.

Just now he clearly caught the change in Ren Xuyao's expression.

This guy is not like him after all. I have been in business for many years, and my experience is still a bit lacking.

Later, the general manager reported to him and confirmed this.

"I just tested that company, and found that they couldn't bear it anymore. It seems that it is indeed related to the Ren family."

"It's just..." At this point, he hesitated, "In my impression, none of our competitors seems to have the surname Ren, and I don't know what kind of style this Ren Jia is."

He thought this person had some premeditation in doing this little trick.

Little did he know that it was because Luo Feng, who was far away, offended Ren Xuyao ​​and Ren Chengye for their little tricks.

But even Luo Feng himself didn't expect that their movements would be so fast.

At that time, he heard the general manager's report and thought it was Sakura or other enemies.

I didn't expect it to be Ren Xuyao. This guy is quite smart.

After calming down, the general manager asked urgently: "Mr. Luo, what are we going to do next?"

Luo Feng looked serious and thought to himself.

"This incident has also been a wake-up call for us."

"When we see a large number of people buying stocks, we should control and supervise them. Otherwise, the current situation will not occur."

If the company had targeted this aspect before, a similar situation would not have occurred.

The general manager nodded and expressed regret.

"It's true. At that time, I thought that a large number of people could increase their income by buying stocks. I didn't expect that these people who bought stocks had ulterior motives."

On the one hand, he admitted his mistake, and on the other hand, he said: "Mr. Luo, I decided to write a special plan to set a stock limit and implement it to prevent this kind of thing from happening again."

Luo Feng nodded, and then said: "You continue to drag the shell company with you, don't rush to trade."

"But don't let them think that we have mastered something and waste time like this. I will find a way."

The general manager took the order and left, while Luo Feng continued to sit in his seat, tapping Gong Liya's white thighs with his fingers, thinking about something.

Ren Xuyao's eyes turned red again...

Not long after, the Ren family and his son were not idle either.

Ren Chengye frowned and said to Ren Xuyao: "This Luo Feng is difficult to deal with. We have to make new plans."

Ren Xuyao ​​looked gloomy, "Dad, I don't believe I can't defeat him!"

Ren Chengye glared at him, "Don't be impulsive. The situation is not good for us now. We have to think long term."

"Although you bought a large amount of his company's stock price, it's not that easy to contain him. However, you are also very forward-looking in doing so. After all, we can take advantage of it."

After hearing his father's praise, Ren Xuyao ​​was not happy at all.

I thought that taking advantage of Lao Er's stock would be an advantage, but in the end I still need to think about it in the long term.

As for Luo Feng, he has asked Lin Naizi to secretly investigate other business activities of the Ren family.

Prepare to find a breakthrough and give the Ren family a fatal blow.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Seeing some changes in Luo Feng's expression, Bai Ningbing asked with concern.

"The company has been ripped off, and there are no minor problems."

Luo Feng shook his head. He didn't need to tell the people around him about such a small matter.

Bai Ningbing nodded.

Since Luo Feng said so, she didn't have to worry about anything.

Gong Liya was curious about what happened to Luo Feng, but Luo Feng didn't intend to tell, so she was too embarrassed to ask.

The exhibition was still in full swing. Without the interference of father and son, as well as Luo Feng, everyone was able to auction the items they wanted smoothly.

But the media didn't have any thoughts. Their eyes were always lingering on Luo Feng and his father and son.

One is Luo Feng, an international figure who has recently reached the peak of his fame, and the other is a well-known local stone mining industry in Intercontinental Island. The conflict between the two people is the hot topic.

At this time, Luo Feng sent another message to Lin Naizi.

"Miss Naiko, start the plan and start acquiring shares of Ren's Mining Group now."

Lin Naiko on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Then we will act according to the plan we agreed on before."

In fact, he originally did not recommend Luo Feng to do this, because he felt that he could find a better way, and using this method was a bit risky after all.

But after thinking about it carefully, no matter what kind of plan she came up with, it would be a waste of time.

And what Luo Feng has to do now is to cut through the mess quickly, so she can only follow Luo Feng's plan.

Luo Feng hung up the phone, his eyes as cold as ice.

Ren Chengye made his Rockwell Group passive through a series of surprise equity acquisitions.

This actually taught him a trick, and now, he can fight back in the same way.

But Ren Chengye and Ren Xuyao ​​on the side didn't know yet.

No matter what, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the second brother now holds the shares of Luofeng Group.

If they can really sell a large sum of money in private transactions, then for them, the 3 billion will be stable.

Soon, good news about Ren Mining Group began to circulate in the stock market.

Investors followed the trend and bought, and the stock price gradually climbed.

Lin Naiko's men were quietly accumulating shares in the dark.

At the same time, Ren Chengye received the news.

An unconcealable smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, God is really helping me! Now the problem of the capital chain can be temporarily alleviated!"

"And maybe we can make a lot of money from this. Now there is no need to worry about Luohuang's shares. You can tell your friend not to worry and sell them now. We can delay it for a while."

However, when Ren Xuyao ​​saw the excitement on his father's face, he had a different mood.

He anxiously rubbed the cell phone in his hand, pondering over the sudden stock acquisition.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Dad, no, this is Luo Feng's method! He must be trying to deal with us through the stock market."

He hurriedly looked at Ren Chengye and explained to him quickly.

"Father, we may be targeted by Luo Feng. His acquisition this time is exactly the same as what my second son did before. We must be careful."

Ren Chengye frowned and said displeased.

"Xu Yao, you are too nervous. This is just a normal fluctuation in the market."

"Although it is very similar to your previous friend's method, don't forget that we have just spent 3 billion to photograph the coral island. It is normal for our company's stock to rise as soon as this news comes out."

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