“Try running again.”

Liu Pingan didn’t hesitate and ran wildly in the world of the orb. His figure was so fast that he could catch up with the speed of the legs enhanced by chakra.

The next moment, Liu Pingan’s speed suddenly exploded with the chakra-enhanced legs. Liu Pingan’s speed was so fast that he couldn’t even estimate it. Anyway, it was comparable to the instant body technique.

Thinking of this, Liu Pingan didn’t hesitate. As soon as he thought about it, he performed the instant body technique.

“whoosh whoosh whoosh……”

Liu Ping’an disappeared in an instant, leaving only a series of afterimages indicating that Liu Ping’an was moving at a very fast speed.

This feeling is amazing. In the past, when Liu Ping’an used the teleportation technique, he could only think about the displacement distance in advance and then move.

Otherwise, the speed would be too fast, and even if the electromagnetic induction could sense it in advance, the body would not be able to react.

But now it is different. In this accelerated state, everything around him is so slow in Liu Ping’an’s eyes.

Even if the teleportation technique is still super fast, with the current reaction speed and electromagnetic induction, Liu Ping’an can already react during the teleportation process and change the direction and distance of the teleportation at any time. This is a qualitative change.


Liu Ping’an suddenly appeared like a ghost, and he instinctively cancelled the acceleration state.

Talent Orb 03

Owner: Liu Ping’an

Talents: Yin, Yang, Thunder, Wind

Evolution: Electromagnetic Force (Infinite), Super Speed (First Order)

Talent Points: 456/1000

Evolution Times: Once

Liu Ping’an’s mouth was grinning, and he was extremely excited,”Hahaha… Super Speed, this name is really appropriate!””

“In the super-speed state, the body’s movement speed, reaction speed, five senses, brain power, soul, in short, all speed attributes are amplified, even the speed of the instant body is amplified.”

Of course, this is not time acceleration, so life span is not accelerated, nor will it accelerate the aging of the body, it is just a simple increase in speed attributes.

This is what Liu Ping’an instinctively felt when he entered the super-speed state. There was no change in the body. It was just that the speed attribute was amplified by consuming chakra, and the consumption was not much.

Talent is instinct, and extraordinary instinct is not wrong. Of course, it is mainly confirmed by the world of orbs. After all, in the world of orbs, Liu Ping’an is a god.

In the super-speed state, Liu Ping’an checked his body through the power of the orbs. There was no situation of accelerated flow of time, and life span was still at a normal time flow rate. That’s why Liu Ping’an was so sure and had no worries. It was also because of this that Liu Ping’an had a deeper understanding of talent adaptation. I’m afraid only such perfect adaptation will not be wrong. There are no side effects.

If you choose the previous imperfect adaptations, whether the talent is good or not is another matter. Whether there are side effects is the most important thing.

The adaptation of electromagnetic force is also perfect, but because it was perfect the first time, Liu Pingan did not notice it.

Of course, imperfections don’t matter. After all, it was an extreme evolution at that time. Even if it is a single talent, it has only evolved to the extreme and is still extremely awesome.

Looking at the first level after the speed, Liu Pingan understood that it meant one evolution. If you want to evolve to the second level, you need two evolutions. Similarly, each evolution requires the same number of evolutions.

Liu Pingan didn’t find this strange. After all, it was an evolutionary talent. If you want your talent to be more and more awesome, the consumption will definitely be greater and greater.

Liu Pingan is now only curious about the specific extent of the increase in speed, and he is ready. Let’s do the calculations, and there’s no need for a timer. As I said before, in the Orb World, Liu Ping’an is a god.

First, there’s the test of normal speed, running, five senses, reaction, and instant movement. Then there’s the test of super speed, running, five senses, reaction, and instant movement.

With the help of the Orb World, Liu Ping’an instinctively knew the specific increase – twice.

That’s right, in the super speed state, Liu Ping’an can move at twice the speed, which is incredible. Don’t underestimate twice, it’s a qualitative change.

For ninjas at the same level, even if it’s 0.1 second faster, it’s a crushing level. If it’s one second faster, it can trample the enemy at will.

The more powerful the ninja, the more things they can do in one second. When they reach the Kage level, one second can make the difference between life and death several times.

Normally, except for those with extraordinary talents, generally… The reaction speed of a jonin can’t even be said to be more than twice that of a genin.

Not to mention, Liu Ping’an’s super speed is not just an increase in reaction speed, it is an all-round increase. In terms of speed alone, I’m afraid it can be comparable to an ordinary Kage.

The most important thing is, who said that super speed can only be increased by twice? Two times is the basic increase to enter super speed, and it consumes less chakra. If you increase the chakra consumption, you can still continue to increase.

After all, it is a talent, and the extent to which it can be exerted still depends on Liu Ping’an himself. Therefore, Liu Ping’an also tried it, mainly out of curiosity.

The next moment, Liu Ping’an’s chakra bottomed out instantly. It was consumed too quickly, which scared Liu Ping’an.

But fortunately, even if it was only one second, Liu Ping’an still measured how many times the increase was, three times, that’s right, twice the speed consumes less chakra, three times the speed, the chakra bottomed out instantly.


Liu Pingan shook his head and sighed slightly,”There is still not enough chakra!”

If he wants to change the status quo, he can either evolve into a super speed talent or break through, whether it is a breakthrough in the chakra refining method or a breakthrough in the jonin level.

However, compared to breaking through the jonin level, it is more realistic to break through the chakra refining method.

After all, the difference in the level of ninja lies in the quality of chakra 780. Compared with quality, quantity is easier to break through.

It happens that the chakra consumption is three times faster, which is more terrifying than the consumption of strange power. It is suitable for brushing the proficiency of chakra refining method, which can be regarded as solving one of Liu Pingan’s thoughts.

After exploring the outside, he found that the root ninja really appeared in the forest not far away. Liu Pingan was slightly shocked and suppressed the anger in his heart.

“Don’t be impatient, don’t be impatient. You are not familiar with the speed yet. Wait a little longer. Get familiar with it for two days. Danzo will definitely send more people this time. It’s better to be cautious.”


Liu Pingan exhaled gently, and stopped exploring the outside. He began to refine his chakra while getting familiar with the super-speed state.


Time passed. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed.

After fully mastering the super-speed state, Liu Ping’an was ready to take action. This time, he ignored the Root Ninjas, after all, they were just shadow clones.

After Liu Ping’an went out, he swaggered towards the center of Konoha. The shadow clones of the Root Ninjas saw this, and one shadow clone disappeared to pass on the message, and the remaining shadow clones followed behind, ready to pass on new information at any time. On the other side was the Root base.

Danzo, who received the message, quickly sent a letter via hawk, and the smile on his lips could not be stopped at all,”It will be soon, soon you will be mine… hehehe……”

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