The Magneto of the Hyuga Family Author: Sun Six Thousand

【White Eyes】+【Electromagnetic Force】+【Bow and Arrow】+【Science】

People are in Hyuga, start the awakening of electromagnetic force!

What kind of changes will occur when the sun is paired with the electromagnetic force?

Hyuga Satoru said, what is soft boxing?

Dogs don't learn!

Aren't electromagnetic guns fragrant?


Hyuga doesn't have a ranged attack?

My bow and arrow are paired with electromagnetic force, within the range of white eyes, where to shoot, the magnetic storm is here!


Can't Hyuga drive Gundam?

Hyuga Satoru snapped his fingers.

Electromagnetic force, move!

Completely in the middle of Susano's body, Madara Uchiha looked up at the metal Gundam hundreds of meters high in front of him, and fell into contemplation.

An unknown Hyuga's slander: Everyone is Hyuga, why are you so unscientific...

(Bow and arrows are upgraded to sniper rifles in the mid-term, and space-based electromagnetic guns are upgraded in the later stage)

Chapter 1 Start Awakening Electromagnetic Force

There was laughter and laughter in the classroom, and Hyuga Satoru panicked.

He saw a man with a Mediterranean hairstyle asking the students to introduce themselves. As the students introduced themselves one by one, laughter and applause continued.

Have you deleted your browser history? How did you travel to the Naruto world? Or the first class?

Hyuga Satoru looked around the classroom and became even more panicked when he saw many familiar faces.

The one who proudly mentioned my Hokage father in the self-introduction in the first row seems to be the bounty measurement unit of the underground black market in the future, and the head was exchanged for the bounty by a top financial fan.

The white hair in the middle of the second row, with a black mask, is the future chakra unit of measurement, if he remembers correctly. Eye.

The 2B boy with goggles behind him, because of his puppy love, killed his wife and slaughtered the whole clan, causing blood and blood in the ninja world, and in the end, only the scum was left.

The more Hyuga Satoru looked at, the more panicked.

None of these awesome characters in the original work had a good ending. Wouldn't it be worse if he just crossed over?

He turned his attention to the guy who was introducing himself.

That man's teeth reflect like a flashlight. His dream is to carry out his youth to the end. He seems to be the only civilian who has changed his life against the sky. He almost kicked out the finale with one foot. called.

However, he will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

As for the other classmates, few of them were familiar to Hi Xiang Wu, they were all cannon fodder among cannon fodders, and leeks among leeks. A few years later, in the three wars, a lot of them would have been cut off, and few survived to the end.

It would be fine if he was a clan, after all, he had a bunch of cannon fodder to protect him, so if he didn't die, he might still be able to get to the end. But according to the original body's memory, not only was he separated, his parents were also dead, and he was the most unpopular type in the Hyuga clan.

It's over, Barbie buckles up.

This wave is a nightmare start.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes were ashen.

If you say you want to cross, just cross, cross into the Hokage where life is like a must, and the key timeline is still the one with the highest mortality rate before the Third World War.

The Battle of Kannabi Bridge, the Battle of Kikyoyama... Hyuga Satoru couldn't even imagine how he could survive.

Just when Hyuga Satoru was helpless, a gentle voice pulled him back to reality.

"Hinata Satoru-san, it's your turn to introduce yourself."

Hyuga Satoru raised his head, and saw the instructor Fujino Daikichi looking at him with a smile, and the other students in the class also focused their attention on him.

Seeing this, Hyuga Satoru had to bite the bullet and stand up.

"My name is Hinata Satoru, I come from the Hinata clan, I like to eat ramen and grilled meat, my dream is... my dream is..."

Hyuga Satoru hesitated for a while, and said after thinking about it.

"Live to the end."

The class suddenly became quiet, looking at Hyuga Satoru with surprised and hesitant eyes, live to the end? ? ? What is that?

Fujino Daikichi smiled awkwardly and touched the top of his sparse head.

"It seems that Satoru Hyuga usually likes to read comics. The ending is only available in the comics. I hope that in the future study, Satoru Hyuga can't be so indulged in the comics."


Hyuga Satoru responded perfunctorily and sat down, but he clearly remembered that few of the classmates in the class lived to the end.

After the remaining passers-by A finished introducing themselves, Fujino Daikichi cleared his throat and said, "Students, the self-introduction session for the start of school is over, and the first class is next. Please open the textbook " Inheriting the Will of Fire"."

Hyuga Satoru flipped through the red textbook on the table, and the whole article was full of beautiful remarks about the will of fire, which was completely nutritious.

On the podium, Taiyoshi Fujino expounded on the will to catch fire, and most of the students below listened with relish.

However, Hyuga Satoru was restless, he turned a few pages and read it carefully for a long time, only to see two words full of words - pyramid selling.

Did I fall into a pyramid scheme brainwashing center?

This is all the political propaganda of Konoha Village?

What about guidelines? What about the program of thought? What about detailed standards and scales?

The whole article is to promote that everyone is a family, to protect the children, to protect the village, to sacrifice everything for the village, and to dedicate yourself.

The point is... I'm only 6 years old, so let me sacrifice myself on the battlefield?

When he watched anime in his previous life, Xiangwu hadn't realized it yet, but when he really crossed into it and became an insider, he realized the absurdity in it.

After experiencing the initial panic, Hyuga Satoru gradually calmed down. After all, what is in his body is the soul of an adult, and his experience and thinking are not comparable to those of a few-year-old child.

In the classroom, Fujino Daikichi's voice reciting the Will of Fire was still loud, but Hyuga Satoru had already turned his eyes out of the window, thinking crazy about the plans behind him. Today is his first day at the ninja school and the beginning of his journey as a ninja. , must start a meticulous training program.

For his dream of living to the end, or rather... the goal.


Hyuga Satoru pushed open the creaking wooden door, and what he saw was an old courtyard. This was the house his parents left for him. Although the space was not very large, it had all the internal organs.

The one-day ninja school course was full of non-nutritious things like the will of fire explanation, and there was no actual combat class or ninjutsu class that Hyuga Satoru expected.

But after a day, he also completely absorbed the memory of the original body.

He has no memory of his mother. It seems that he died in childbirth when he was born. His father was the guardian of the sect, an elite chunin, who died in a mission to protect the sect. Thanks to this, he was able to inherit his father as the youngest son. house and get the qualification to go to Ninja School.

As a branch family, he also has a caged bird on his forehead, and his future trajectory, probably like his father, became the guardian of the clan, and sacrificed to protect the "glorious" clan of the clan.


Hyuga Wu rubbed his forehead. Not all the fathers of the branch family were the head of the branch family. There was an uncle of the head of the clan family.

A certain guy who is clamoring to break his destiny, eats and drinks without worry, enjoys the top treatment in the Hyuga clan, and more branches are like him, struggling on the line of food and clothing.

With a sigh, Hyuga Satoru cleared away the distracting thoughts in his head. Now is not the time to think about those things. After a day of class, his hungry stomach growled long ago.

After looking through the remaining ingredients in the kitchen, he was going to think about the cultivation plan after dinner.

Life is already very sad, and I can't let my stomach be sad again.

He was about to pick up the iron pot to clean it when something unexpected happened. The moment his palm approached the iron pot, the body of the pot suddenly trembled uncontrollably. At the same time, all the metal products in the kitchen were constantly vibrating, as if Playing a metal rhythm.

Hyuga Satoru stood blankly in the middle, as if something exploded in his mind, converging into a blue-purple star vortex, with a line of small characters below.

[Electromagnetic force: LV1]

[Distance upgrade, 2000 experience points. 】

Chapter 2 Magneto?

"Electromagnetic force???"

Hyuga Satoru was stunned for a long time, and it took a while to recover.

Am I awakened to electromagnetism? The electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces?

At the same time, Hyuga Satoru noticed that some changes had taken place in his body, and an indescribable feeling of comfort surged from every cell, and the whole person was refreshed.

He suddenly thought that the redox life activities of the human body are constantly generating weak biological currents. Every cell is a miniature biological battery. In short, everyone has his unique magnetic field. magnetic field.

Is this feeling of revitalization of his own due to the awakening of the electromagnetic force, which greatly increases his biological magnetic field, and then feeds it back to the body?

Hyuga Satoru remembered that in his previous life, many profiteers would falsely claim that the insole underwear they sold contained Tianshan magnets, which could increase the biomagnetism of the human body and have the miraculous effect of prolonging life and treating cancer.

That is a proper IQ tax, but in my current situation, it seems that the biological magnetic field has been amplified. Is it true that I can manipulate the electromagnetic force?

Hyuga Satoru swallowed his saliva, and held the kitchen knife on the chopping board in the air. When he thought about it, the kitchen knife staggered toward him. Although the trajectory was like a drunk driving, Hyuga Satoru kept ecstatic in his heart!

Electromagnetic force! It's really electromagnetism!

You must know that this is one of the four basic forces!

Magneto is so bad, he brings his own Jinshan Bridge when he goes out, but it is only a preliminary development of electromagnetic force, and at best it can only be regarded as Wantiewang.

The continuous acceleration of the magnet by the electromagnetic field makes it have a very high initial speed, which is the electromagnetic gun. Miss Cannon, do you know? A ruthless man who pierced a cruise ship with a coin.

Using electromagnetic force to distort photons and create super-large-scale holographic projections, the illusion is weak.

Electromagnetic force interferes with the electrical signals of the brain, and directly manipulates the visual, auditory, tactile, and even thinking of the other party. This is the real puppet technique!

If the electromagnetic force manipulated is strong enough, you can even drag the planet with your bare hands, Mars hits the earth, and the star is weak, so Madara is an expert.

The above is the macroscopic level. Looking at the microscopic, electromagnetic force is used to manipulate the nucleus, so that the electrons outside the nucleus can be freed from the nuclei, so that the nuclei attract and collide with each other, and a polymerization reaction occurs. Simply put, it is a nuclear bomb by hand.

Using quantum field theory to generate positive and negative particle pairs, inverting the electromagnetic action to obtain antimatter, and annihilation reaction, it is possible to obliterate an existence in a fundamental sense!

Think bigger, are you you?

Do not!

You are just a collection of tiny atoms, and everything you do is the result of the constant motion of those atoms. Your past, your present and future.

Using electromagnetic force to manipulate the movement of atoms, all changes are under control. Looking at the universe, omniscient and omnipotent, you are God, and God is you.

Simply put, as long as you have a strong enough grasp of the electromagnetic force, there is almost nothing you can't do!

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, suppressing the shock and surprise in his heart.

Fortunately, I was a science student before I crossed, otherwise I don't know how to use Baoshan if I have it.

Life is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

In the morning, he was still worried about living to the finale, and now he has acquired a terrifying ability that can be called a bug.

After calming down, Hyuga Satoru began to test his ability to control the electromagnetic force.

There are many metal objects in the kitchen, and there are enough materials for Hyuga Satoru to experiment.

After some tests, he probably figured out his level of ability. Under the electromagnetic force ability of LV1 level, his control of electromagnetic force is limited to the manipulation of some easily magnetized metals, and the ability to initially use magnetic fields, including but not limited to magnetization and accelerate.

To put it simply, his current ability is similar to an enhanced magnetic escape.

In addition, the continuous use of electromagnetic force will increase the experience value. He has just done an experiment and increased the experience value by 2 points. It seems that there is still a long way to upgrade to the 2000 points of LV2.

Hyuga Satoru smashed his mouth, but he didn't feel disappointed. Most of the ninja's items were metals that were easily magnetized. With his current ability, he might be able to take the life of the ninja unexpectedly.

Dare you think about it? Eating hot pot and singing songs, all of a sudden the head is gone!

This is not comparable to ordinary magnetic tunnels. Ordinary magnetic tunnels can only control the corresponding metals, such as the sand iron of the third generation of Fengying, and the gold of the fourth generation. With the gradual improvement of Hi Xiangwu's control of electromagnetic force, everything is Magnetizable, those higher-order abilities can be used.

After the test, Hyuga Satoru felt that he had become weak, and the weak chakra in his body had dried up a lot.

After all, the Hyuga family is a famous family of Konoha, and the chakra refining technique is widely spread. His father also left the relevant chakra refining codes, so he practiced chakra refining before he entered school.

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