Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 110:

The dirty work of guiding public opinion is all too familiar to him.

What happened to White Fang back then was also controlled by him.

"That old fox Sarutobi will definitely choose the better-controlled Namikaze Minato, I don't want him to do so!"

"Even if the old man can't be elected as Hokage, as long as Orochimaru is elected Hokage, the old man makes a deal with him, isn't it easy for the fifth Hokage?"

Thinking of this, Danzo felt even happier.

Immediately, as if he remembered something, his brows furrowed slightly dissatisfied.

"That guy Orochimaru, I did so much for him in the back, and I wanted to invite him to come over to discuss cooperation at the root, but there was always no time to shirk."

"Is he so busy?"

Danzo sighed helplessly.

But he didn't care, it was naturally in his interest for Orochimaru to become Hokage.

Thinking of Wudaimu who was close at hand, he smiled happily.

Just when the public opinion in the village was gradually fermenting, the Hyuga family suddenly opened a few new Hyuga acupuncture shops, and they started in full swing in the village with the activity of calling for your favorite Hokage.

Baiyan brand acupuncture massage, directly to the lesion, sweep away soreness, be yourself!

Enjoy 30% off the first day, and give a Hokage candidate gilt card, come and call for your favorite candidate!

With the popularity of the Hokage election, the Hyuga Acupuncture Center received a terrifying traffic bonus once it was launched.

In a few days, it became popular in the streets and alleys.

New Sunrise Clan.

Hyuga Ripa really admired Hyuga Satoru, and said repeatedly with emotion.

"Wu, your calculations are not bad at all. Sure enough, through the Hokage election, acupuncture clinics have become popular in the village."


Hyuga Satoru was not surprised at all.

The way to call a candidate is naturally a reference to the fan circle set in his previous life. He has already deeply felt the horror of fan circle transformation.

In this relatively simple ninja world of popular culture, once the things of the fan circle are promoted, it will naturally have an impact on the ideology of the villagers themselves, and it is not surprising that they become popular.

As for acupuncture and massage, he also created a way out for some tribesmen in Hinata who did not have ninja talents.

Almost everyone in Hinata has white eyes, and those with ninja talents have gone to learn gunfighting.

Those with excellent medical skills were also sent to Konoha Hospital.

In the future, it is said that we can't discuss with Orochimaru to engage in scientific research with a group of clansmen.

As for the remaining ones, who have neither ninja talents nor any other specialties, they can use the innate advantages of white eyes to get the acupuncture massage set.

At least, there is one more way to make a living.

In disguise, the new day has increased the output value of GDP.

If they were in the old days when their minds had not yet been liberated, this group of people could only eat and wait to die, and they belonged to the lowest class of the clan.

Hyuga Nisashi took a breath and continued.

"By the way, Satoru, the Hokage candidate card you mentioned, I have already done as you ordered."

"It's just that there are so many Orochimaru cards printed, is there really no problem?"

Hyuga Hipsari looked at Hyuga Satoru with some hesitation.

"Don't worry, this influence is subtle and no one will notice this little problem. Even if Hokage finds out, just let him come to me directly."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

Although the activity is said to be calling for the favorite candidate, in fact, the cards that can be selected are not fixed at all, and most of them are the positive image of Orochimaru.

Imperceptibly, his popularity surpassed that of Watergate.

Of course, Naruto's election mainly depends on the people above.

But the voice of the masses is still very important.

The original time and space Minato was elected as Hokage so easily, and his attributes of being close to the people are also indispensable.

Hyuga Satoru is also trying his best to make Orochimaru look less cold and more suitable for the masses.

Konoha Street.

Nohara Rin picked up an Orochimaru card on the ground, and the Orochimaru on it was showing a friendly and contagious smile, slightly curious.

"Is this the very popular candidate card in the village recently?"

She looked at Minato Minato, who was beside her, and said, "Teacher Minato, do you want us to get some for you too?"

Minato scratched his head awkwardly: "Forget it, I really can't get these things."

"But Minato-sensei is also very vocal. If Minato-sensei can become Hokage, it will be exciting to think about it!"


Minato smiled, and Sarutobi Hizan also told him to contact the villagers as much as possible during this time, which would be helpful for his Hokage election.

"Then go to the Hyuga acupuncture shop to try it later. I'm still a little curious about that thing, and I've never seen it before."


Nohara Rin jumped up excitedly and looked at Kakashi behind her.

"Kakashi, let's go too."

"I'll let it go!"

Kakashi coldly refused.

"All right."

Nohara Rin helplessly pouted.

Kakashi looked at the backs of the two talking and laughing in front of him, clenched his fists subconsciously, and clenched his teeth slightly.


It is because of that position that my father...

A wave of grief and cold emotion surged out of him.

"Since that's the case, then I'll cast the Orochimaru."

He murmured coldly.

"Teacher Minato, don't blame me, I really don't want you to have anything to do with this ugly position."

He is already a jounin and has the right to vote.

Chapter 136 Uchiha's Visit

These days, Konoha Village seems to be caught in a rare fever. The whole village, whether it is the stalls selling sesame seeds on the street, or the clan of the major ninja tribes.

They were inevitably caught up in a heated discussion.

At the center of the discussion is the candidate for the fourth Hokage.

It can be said that this is the most enthusiastic day in Konoha Village since Sandaimu took office. New Hokage's ascendancy is related to the life of everyone in the village.

Of course, it is also related to the interests of the major factions.

The replacement of Hokage will inevitably reshuffle the original interest groups.

This also makes the turbulent flow of this Hokage election not as calm as it seems on the surface...

On this day, the Hyuga clan welcomed a special guest.

The man's face did not look angry and arrogant, and there were two shallow tear troughs on both sides of the bridge of his nose.

"It's the Fuyue Patriarch! I didn't expect to visit in person."

After being stunned for a second, Hyuga Risari quickly reacted and smiled at the figure who walked in.

"Patriarch Ripa, I came to visit without saying hello in advance, I hope you don't mind."

Seeing Uchiha Fuyue's kind smile, Hyuga Nisashi was slightly relieved.

After all, the paranoid name of the Uchiha clan is like thunder in the village. Before this, the Hinata clan had never had much connection with the Uchiha clan.

So he didn't know why Uchiha Fuyue was on this trip.

But now it seems, at least not to find trouble.

"Hisashi Patriarch, I don't know if Hi Xiangwu is in the clan?"

Uchiha Fuyue took a slight breath and asked tentatively.

Although it is said that the clear-faced patriarch of the Hyuga clan is Hyuga Risari, a discerning person can see at a glance that Hyuga Satoru is the real talker, and Risigma is at best a housekeeper.

Are you looking for enlightenment...

After thinking about it for a while, Hinata immediately thought of the recent fiery Fourth Hokage election. He didn't dare to delay and said.

"Patriarch Fuyue wait a moment, Wu is in the attic behind, I will invite him over immediately."

Hinata Risari walked towards the rear.

He whispered softly in his heart.

Satoru should be researching that or something for his clan right now, a portable sniper railgun.

However, the situation should be related to the Hokage election, and I don't care about disturbing him.

A few minutes later, Hyuga Satoru came from the back of the clan with Hyuga Risashi.

As soon as he came in, he smiled and said, "It turned out to be the Fuyue Patriarch. I don't know what is going on here this time?"

"Wu, you are finally here."

Uchiha Fuyue breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flickered, and he said solemnly.

"I think about the candidate for the fourth-generation Hokage, you expect Orochimaru, right?"

"Oh? I don't know how the Fuyue Patriarch saw it?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a slight smile.

The two of them sat at the round table like this, while Hyuga Risari, who was next to him, seemed to be a foil, sitting quietly beside Hyuga Satoru's seat.

"Because of Wu's recently opened acupuncture shop, it seems that the more publicity is also Orochimaru."

"Indeed, compared to Minato, I do hope that Orochimaru becomes Hokage."

Hyuga Satoru generously admitted that there was nothing to hide.

"I don't know who the Fuyue Patriarch expects is?"

Uchiha Fuyue hesitated and sighed: "If I can only choose between those two, I am more inclined towards Orochimaru."

"Oh?" Hyuga Satoru was a little curious, "Orochimaru was closely involved with Danzo before, and he was also a disciple of Sarutobi Hizen, compared to Minato, a civilian born Hokage, it should be easier for the Uchiha clan to favor him. Bar?"

Uchiha Fuyue glanced at him helplessly.

"Wu, I think you should know better than me that Minato is a commoner, but it is precisely because of this that he is more likely to become someone's puppet without his own team."

"It's not false that Orochimaru had something to do with Danzo before, but I think if he chooses one between Danzo and Satoru, no matter how he chooses, it's Satoru, right?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled.

Looking at Uchiha Fuyue with a little deep meaning.

In the original book, Fugaku and Sarutobi Hidden are also hesitant about the family and the village, and have absolutely no decisiveness as a superior.

In the end, he was even killed by the filial son, and by the way, the whole family was filial, and Oudoudou was the only one left.

At least for now, he still has some vision.

"Indeed, that's why I choose Orochimaru."

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