Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 117:

"It's Hongdou, what a coincidence, have all the patients completed today?"

Nohara Rin calmed down and replied with a smile.

Both of them are currently in Konoha Hospital, and they spend more time with each other.

"It's okay! My task is mainly to collect scientific research data, and there are not so many patients who need to be treated."

"I really envy you! There is a teacher of Hokage."

Nohara Rin said with a look of envy.

They also work in Konoha Hospital. Hongdou only needs to record and record data in the office, and she has to see a large number of patients on the front line every day.

"How can there be..." Hongdou scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, Mr. Minato is also very good."

Uncle Yile took a bowl of steaming ramen and put it on the table in front of the red beans.

"Your tonkotsu ramen, please take it slow!"


Red Bean folded his hands together and thanked him.

Immediately, he opened his chopsticks and ate his mouthfuls.

After taking two bites, I found that Nohara Rin, who was in front of her, seemed to have no appetite all the time.

After hesitating, she asked tentatively.

"Rin, haven't you told Kakashi about that?"

Nohara Rin glanced at her and nodded.


Hongdou's eyes became complicated. He put his chopsticks on the bowl and said earnestly: "Lin, if you don't say something in time, you won't have a chance in the future."

"On the teacher's side, you have already applied to become the Guardian Twelve Ninjas. It is only half a month before you leave for the Daming Mansion. I'm afraid you will hardly see each other in the future."

"Yes, I know."

Nohara Rin nodded.

Becoming the guardian of the twelve ninjas is her new goal.

After the three wars, she was tired of the cruel reality among ninjas. If she just guarded the daimyo, she could also feel the slightest comfort in her heart.

Fortunately, an excellent medical ninja is also very important to the daimyo.

So she was out of the box.

It has only been more than half a month since he left the village.

She looked at the village under the dusk, and her eyes suddenly became melancholy.

Goodbye Kakashi, Obito, and everyone in the village.

"Let's say goodbye to Kakashi next time!"


On a tall building, Obito stood in the shadow of the cistern, overlooking the village at dusk.

Is Lynn leaving?

Guarding the Twelve Ninjas, heh, such a boring thing.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Whether it's Kakashi, Lin, or this village, I have sacrificed my life for them, but in exchange for...

Oh, this false world.

"Obito, see what I found?"

Jue suddenly emerged from the ground behind him with a playful smile.

"I told you, don't call me that name!"

Obito said coldly, and his scarlet eyes glanced coldly at Jue behind him.

Bai Jue was obviously frightened by this scene, and said embarrassingly: "Ban... We found a very interesting thing."

"What's up?"

"Kuweiren Zhuli is about to give birth. The specific date should be October 10th. This is the confidential information I obtained after sneaking into the Konoha Hospital and spending a lot of time."

Nine tails…

Obito's eyes narrowed, thinking of what Madara had explained before his death.

"Bi, oh no, Madara, you should know what this means, right?"

Bai Jue sneered.

Obito didn't reply to him, still standing in the shadow of the tall building, silently overlooking most of the Konoha Village.

"What happened to that guy with the soil?"

Looking at his back, Bai Jue asked curiously.

"He's remembering."

There was a hint of surprise in Hei Jue's empty pupils.


"Yes, it takes a while for him to reminisce about the village and his own past."

White does not understand.

"So, Obito still has a little memory of this village?"

Hei Jue laughed, his voice hoarse.

"No, quite the opposite."

"Immersed myself in sentimentality, reconfirmed my determination with reminiscences of the past, and there is only coldness and hatred left."

"The current Obito has completely become the person we need."

Chapter 143 Xiao Organization decides to play a group

in a dark cave.

Nagato is listening to Obito's report.

"Is Kyuubi Toshitsuki going to give birth?"

"I didn't expect you two to go out and get such important information."

Xiao Nan looked at Nagato hesitantly, and said, "Nagato, there is an order for outsiders to absorb tailed beasts. Even if we can capture the nine tails this time, we can't directly seal them."

"But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn't it?"

Nagato looked at her brightly.

"A large part of the reason for this war-torn world is because Konoha, as the strongest of the five great ninja villages, has seriously threatened the peace of the world."

"The country of rain... Yahiko... is inseparable from Konoha. If I can take this opportunity to weaken Konoha's strength, it will also be of great help to my plan."

Seeing that Nagato is so persistent, Xiaonan is not easy to speak again.

Nagato stared at Obito with satisfaction, a pair of Samsara eyes exuding faint fluctuations.

"Very good, the last time you refused to apply nail polish is over, just remember to make it up. This time, the opportunity must not be missed, and the Konoha must be severely damaged!"

Obito snorted coldly under the mask.

Does this Nagato really think of himself as a god?

Just a **** to be used.

Are you still thinking of letting me paint my nails?

Nagato pondered for a while, and pondered.

"In this operation, you and Zero will take action together. If the two of you work together, the success rate should increase a lot!"

"Wait, chief!"

A hint of coldness flashed in the eyes outside the earth mask: "You seem to have forgotten, is that person still in Konoha Village?"

"that person?"

Nagato wondered.

Obito took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed.

"Hyuga Satoru! The man who was called a tyrant who defeated Sandaime Tsuchikage head-on in the three battles, brutally killed the four-tailed man Zhuri, and single-handedly shaped the **** coup d'etat of Hinata!"

Next to him, Zero gave him a strange look.

When did I become so famous?

Who put this bunch of titles on?

Nagato recalled the information about Hyuga Satoru, his eyes flashed with solemnity, and he nodded.

"Well, Hyuga a tricky man."

He snorted coldly.

"Unfortunately, in front of God, I can only be as powerless as a mortal."

"Don't worry, I will do it myself. I will leave this to me. When the time comes, let the world see Payne's power!"

The voice just fell.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Accompanied by a few piercing sounds, six figures wearing Xiao Organization's red cloud robes suddenly appeared around, and those pairs of eyes were actually Samsara eyes.

Obito took a deep breath.

Six pairs of reincarnation eyes?

Did Nagato start a business of reselling Samsara Eyes?

"They are puppets made with Samsara Eyes, Six Paths Payne! It's not convenient for me to take action behind the scenes, so let Payne take the shot instead of me!"


Obito sighed in relief, his eyes flickering.

It looks like Madara has not told me the full power of Samsara Eye.

Did Payne do it all?

Zero couldn't help but tut a few times.

There was also a trace of solemnity hidden in his eyes.

In the original book, Payne went to Konoha Village to carry rice, and directly carried the entire village away!

The current Nagato has not grown to the strength of the original time and space invasion of Konoha Village, but it should not be underestimated.

Liu Dao shot at the same time, or came to himself.

Gee, I have to make arrangements in advance.

It seems that the ninja world is getting more and more crooked, and the Xiao organization has learned to play in groups? ? ?

Zero couldn't help but sigh.


Time flies fast.

The day before Kushina's due date is getting closer and closer.

Although ordinary people didn't notice it, the real high-level people were already waiting for it.

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