Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 127:

Is it possible to resuscitate the dead?

This can explain the reason for the resurrection of the spot!

And that mysterious Akatsuki organization...

"Sao belt tear Nai!"

"Go, I understand!"

Orochimaru's eyes flickered with sudden light, staring at Hyuga Gou with piercing eyes, and said hoarsely with excitement.

"It's the owner of the Samsara Eye. Obviously, the Eye of Samsara's pupil technique can revive the dead, so he resurrected Madara Uchiha, no, not only that, maybe other members of Akatsuki are also other resurrected dead. "

"Xiao, this name means recovery as soon as you hear it."

"I've always thought it was very strange for Zero who fought with me. His body doesn't seem to have many characteristics of a living body. Now I finally found the reason. It turns out that he, like Madara, is a dead person who was resurrected by the eye of reincarnation!"

You are dead!

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes helplessly.

I thought that Orochimaru had made an amazing discovery.

That's it? That's it? ? ?

Zero is obviously my trumpet, a nano-metal life form, the resurrection of the dead? Resurrection!

Orochimaru frowned, showing a puzzled look again.

"Strange, although everything is explained, where did the Samsara Eye come from? Could it have something to do with the Six Path Immortals? That legendary existence wants to lead the transformation of the ninja world..."

Hyuga Satoru didn't want to listen anymore.

Just a few minutes.

He heard more **** than he had in years!


The white fog dissipated.

Hyuga Satoru placed the body of Shura Road in the sealed scroll on the Naruto table.

"This is one of the corpses of the owner of the eye of reincarnation. If you have time to think about it, it is better to study it carefully. Maybe you can develop a special chakra technology."

Orochimaru suddenly became interested.

Staring at the body of Shura Road with piercing eyes.

I can't wait to start the autopsy on the spot.

He sent someone to find Penn Liudao's body, but under the attack of Hyuga Satoru Wuchen, almost all of them turned into meat dregs.

Unexpectedly, the best one has been reserved in advance.

at the same time.

The clan of the Sarutobi clan.

A heated conversation also took place.

"Sun Zhan, don't hesitate any longer!"

"Sharing eyes appeared in the pupils of the nine tails, and it must be related to the Uchiha family! Let things go on, and the village still doesn't know what it will be like!"

Danzo's spittle splashed, and when he was excited, he couldn't help but slapped the low table in front of him.

Sarutobi Hizan frowned at him.

"Danzo, the mysterious Madara has not yet figured out who it is, and there were more than one enemy who invaded that night. I heard that the enemy who fought against Hyuga Go has the legendary eye of reincarnation."

"Danzo, the situation is definitely more complicated than we imagined. It's not good for us to act indiscriminately now."

Next to the bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan couldn't help but persuade.

Since Orochimaru came to power, they have used tough means to gather power, which has led to their continuous reduction in their right to speak as a high-level executive.

This secret room in the Sarubi clan's land has become their new meeting place.

Danzang snorted coldly: "Rizhan, you also know that the enemy who fought against Hi Xiangwu has the eye of reincarnation. He can actually block those legendary eyes by himself."

"If you listened to me and handed it to me before he grew up, would there still be so many things?"

Tuanzang is furious!

If Hyuga Satoru was handed over to the root.

Now he is the old man's subordinate!

Hyuga will not become an uncontrollable factor!

"It's useless to say that now."

Sarutobi Hizan sighed and his expression became complicated.

He didn't expect that Hyuga Satoru, who was originally going to be a stallion, had grown to this point in just a few years.

"Humph! It's not too late." Danzang's pupils flashed a gloomy look, "I don't believe he wasn't injured at all after the battle with Samsara."

"You should know that his technique called Tyrant has terrifying sequelae..."

"Just while he recovers..."


Sarutobi Hizen interrupted him.

"And then? What do you want to do with the Hinata clan? And Uchiha, do you want the whole Konoha to be thrown into chaos?"

"Hmph! Rijian, you are still so obedient, as long as you can solve him, other things will not be a problem."

Sarutobi Hizan habitually intends to rebuke.

"Tanzo, I am..."

As if remembering something, his eyes dimmed instantly.

"Hokage?" Danzo smiled, "Rizhan, do you still think you are Hokage? You can only be considered your predecessor at most now."

Sarutobi Hibiki was speechless.

"Sun Zhan, you will regret it."

Sarutobi Hiizaki remained silent.

The group is cool.

This is the first time he has defeated Hiruzen Sarutobi head-on!

In the past, every time he argued with Hizan Sarutobi, the other party would use "Danzo, I am Hokage!" to hit him back.

And now, he was finally able to fight back happily!

"Since that's the case... Hmph, Rijian, you can't control me about this."

"I have accumulated my roots for so many years, and the background is definitely not comparable to that of a Hinata ninja. While the sequelae of his tyrant have not recovered, hum..."

Danzang left happily.

Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Kazuo looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

It seems that they also persuade the group to hide.

But if Danzo can really solve Hyuga Satoru...

It is also of great benefit to them, at least, their right to speak at the top will be greatly improved.

Chapter 153 Moment seizes the future

Hyuga Satoru comes to visit Uchiha.

This made Uchiha Fugaku very excited.

The current Uchiha can be said to be an internal and external trouble, if he can tie the big ship of Hyuga Satoru.

Absolutely great benefit.

"Wu, please come in quickly, the reception is not good, and I hope you will forgive me."

Uchiha Fuyue led Hyuga Go into a private room, poured tea for him personally, and white mist rose from the teacup.

"It doesn't matter, I don't usually drink tea. Saying that Hyuga is developing Coke, I will send you a few bottles to try when it succeeds."

Hyuga Satoru took a sip of tea and put it on the low table.

Cola? ? ?

what is that?

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned.

Immediately thinking of the point of the discussion, he took a breath and his face became solemn.

asked quietly.

"Satoru, I heard that Madara Uchiha is the one who controls the Nine Tails?"

"Well, at present, it seems that it is most likely to be him."


Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath.

Really freckles?

That is a character in the legend of the Uchiha clan!

No one knows Madara's horror better than him, the Uchiha patriarch!

Didn't Madara die in the battle with Senju?

If not for spots...

He rummaged through all the clan files in recent decades, and no one defected, nor did he find a clan who resembled suspended animation.

Could it be... Uchiha Fuyue's heart suddenly became heavy, and he thought of a secret technique in the family.

"Whether it's a motor or not, our family has nothing to do with the enemy."

Uchiha Fuyue said solemnly.

"Of course I believe it, and Orochimaru should also believe it, but it's hard to say whether the higher-ups believe it or not."

Hyuga Satoru took a sip of tea and looked at him indifferently.

Uchiha Fuyue looked serious, because of what happened that night, the village is now full of a lot of rumors and criticisms against the Uchiha family.

What's worse, there are many people in the clan when they hear it is Madara.

Suddenly excited, clamoring to welcome the return of the ancestors...

so many years.

Times have changed.

The time when the village was first established is not long ago. The current Uchiha clan has a deeper and deeper friction with the village...

This is why Uchiha Fugaku is worried.

Uchiha is no better than Hinata, there are too many radicals in the clan, once it breaks out, I don't know how big a basket will be stabbed.

At this moment, Hyuga Satoru suddenly raised his eyebrows and put down the teacup in his hand.

With a little interest, he looked at the boy who was sticking his head out and holding the baby.

There were two deep tear troughs on his face.

Hyuga Satoru recognized his identity at a glance!

"Come here, Itachi."

"By the way, Satoru, did I forget to introduce you?" Uchiha Fuyue said with a smile, "This is the dog Uchiha Itachi. I really hope he can become a ninja as good as Satoru in the future."

When it comes to Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku has a hint of pride on his face.

Although only 5 years old, Itachi has already shown a rare talent.

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