"That Mr. Zhiwei is quite interesting? It doesn't seem to be the same as the rumored one." Uchiha Rin shrugged.

"It's very interesting. I saw his appearance and thought he was the type that was particularly difficult to get along with, but I didn't expect..."

Hongdou burst out laughing, and did not recall the way he was struggling in the swarm before.

Hyuga Satoru caressed his distended stomach contentedly. It wasn't because he ate so much because he was greedy for cheap. It was just that he fed blood stains and life magnetic fields at the same time, which made his food intake far exceed that of ordinary people, and eating a lot also helped him improve his physical abilities. .

With a light click, Hi Xiangwu whispered: "I feel that our instructor has a slight...social fear."

"Social fear?" It was the first time Hongdou heard this word, and looked at Hyuga Satoru curiously.

"Well... Anyway, it means that he is not good at socializing, but for the oily girl family, it seems that most people are like this."

Hongdou thought of the oily girl Zhiwei's tightly wrapped appearance, with only a small part of the skin on her face exposed, as if she was afraid that others would notice her, and suddenly felt that the word "social fear" was quite appropriate.

As expected of you, Satoru, I learned a new word.

Hyuga Satoru thought about it, the future mission career is expected to be very interesting. Regarding my guidance, Jōnin is obviously strong but too socially fearful?

In the Hokage room, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Sarutobi Hizan was burying his head in his official business, raised his head, and walked in a man wrapped in a large robe, his head was a little dejected.

"It's Zhiwei, how are you, are the members of the new team satisfactory to you?"

"They're all pretty good geniuses, but I'm not sure I can teach them well."

"Zhiwei, don't belittle yourself, you are Konoha's famous all-rounder Joinin!" Sarutobi Hizan said with a smile.

You Nuzhi smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Lord Naruto, you know, the reason why I am called the Almighty Jōnin is because I prefer to fight alone rather than teamwork, and it is a bit embarrassing for me to guide students. already."

Sarutobi Hizan put down his work, sat upright, and looked at him seriously.

"Zhiwei, ninja is a profession that requires cooperation. After all, personal strength is limited. The growth direction of the three of them has not yet been determined. Only you, the almighty jōnin, is the most suitable for this task. It's a lot of growth for the team."

"Really? Hokage-sama is really well-intentioned." Oil Girl Zhi nodded slightly.

"It's good that you understand, and now report their situation to me."

The oily girl Zhiwei thought of the white-eyed kid who wiped his throat neatly, suddenly smiled, and said, "That **** kid, Hyuga, is a very interesting person, and he has a surprisingly big appetite. He…"

"Hey, Wu, is this really what you call the cultivation life after graduation?"

In a place full of rubbish, Hongdou covered his mouth and nose with a towel in disgust, and was poking the blocked sewer with a wooden stick.

"Hmm... On the bright side, this can be regarded as an exercise of our willpower, isn't it?" said Hyuga Satoru, who was sweeping the trash beside him.

"So helping the old lady to clean up the clogged sewers is also a practice?"


Hongdou sighed. Every time he received a task these days, he was looking for cats and dogs to clean up the sewers. He suddenly missed the days when he was in the ninja school. The task was not too heavy, at least not necessary. Do the dirty work.

Why did I listen to the slander of enlightenment in the first place and graduate?

Is it bad to lie flat? Red Bean gritted his teeth with hatred.

She still studied the word lying flat in Hyuga Goguchi Middle School, which fits her philosophy perfectly, but she glanced at Hyuga Go and Rin Uchiha next to her. There were two giant monsters beside them. Lying flat is so hard! She roared in her heart.

Hyuga Satoru didn't have much opinion. The completion of the D-level quest is a necessary requirement for the advanced quest, but he seriously doubted that the task of cleaning the sewers, was the oil girl Zhiwei deliberately accepting it out of revenge?

What a stingy ninja!

As for his daily cultivation, it hasn't been greatly affected. On the back mountain where he usually cultivates, there is a shadow clone that is making up for his lost efforts.

The training method of the shadow clone was obtained from Uchiha Rin. For her, the practice of ninjutsu at the B level is not particularly precious.

It took a while to master the shadow clone, and since then, the cultivation tasks have been correct.

There has always been a sense of urgency in Hyuga Satoru, the upcoming three battles, and the shackles on his forehead are constantly spurring him.

Without strength, he is just a piece of meat to be slaughtered by others. Although the life of the ninja school is comfortable, it does not conform to his philosophy. Only continuous progress can make him feel safe.

The Zong family's attitude towards him is very subtle. In any case, the name of the first double-blooded ninja in the history of Hyuga will always attract a lot of attention. As far as he understands, it seems that it is the pressure from Hokage that allows him to live in Hyuga. So safe.

The bird in the cage, if the external force cannot be relieved in a short time, then there is only one way to go for scientific research. The reason for pulling the red beans into the team is also to catch the line of Orochimaru. After all, the red beans in the original book were taken by Orochi. Maru is a disciple.

"I really hope to be able to take up the mission and fight soon!"

Uchiha Rin's voice pulled Hyuga Satoru back to reality. He looked up and saw that Uchiha Rin was moving his muscles and bones, eager to try.

"Why are you so anxious?"

Uchiha Rin looked at him, his dark eyes full of eagerness to try.

"The elders of the clan said that Sharinyan can only be awakened in life and death, and I can't wait to gain that kind of power."

It's too curly, Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

Chapter 20 My waist is spicy?

After brushing several D-level mission resumes in a row, one day, Hyuga Satoru and the others were called to a training ground by Oil Girl Zhiwei.

After briefly describing the mission requirements, Oil Girl Chi said in a low voice.

"Have you understood the requirements of this mission?"

"I understand, I understand." Hongdou raised his hand hesitantly, "But Mr. Zhiwei, will it be too difficult for us to perform a B-level task the first time we go out?"

Konoha's scouts found traces of rock ninja activities on the border of the country of grass. They seemed to be searching for supplies, and their task was to prevent the other party from bringing the supplies back.

This kind of task that involves ninja fighting between the two countries starts with a B-level minimum.

"The enemy's highest strength is only Chunin. If it were me alone, it would be completed in an instant. This is an experience for you."

"It's really direct." The corner of Hongdou's mouth twitched slightly.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered, and traces of Iwa Ninja's activities were found at the border. This was a precursor to the coming war. From this, it seemed that the tragic three battles in memory were not far away.

With the configuration of their squad, the strategic significance of their own eyes, and the omnipotence of the oil girl Zhiwei, what they performed must not be a simple task.

Uchiha Rin didn't think so much, just eager to try.

"Then that's the decision. I'll give you half an hour to prepare the supplies, and gather here in half an hour."

After a few days of rushing, Hyuga Satoru finally arrived at the location indicated in the information. Standing on the branch and looking out, they could see a green field.

"According to the latest information, that group of rock ninjas will send a batch of supplies to pass here, and my task is to prevent them from bringing the supplies back."

Hyuga Satoru hid in the bushes, silently observing the changes around him.

Searching for supplies at this time is undoubtedly preparing for the war. Cutting off Yan Ninja's supplies may delay the arrival of the Third World War. What he lacks most now is time.

The white eyes have been opened to the extreme. After more than a year of tempering, the range of his white eyes has increased to three kilometers.

It didn't take long for a caravan in disguise to appear in the field of vision. From the perspective of the white eyes, you can clearly see the good flow of chakra in their bodies.

"Come on!" Hyuga Wu shouted, "At three o'clock, at a distance of 3 kilometers, there are five people on the other side, four Chunin and one Genin."

"Five ninjas?" Anko subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"You don't need to worry too much about Mr. Zhiwei here."

When she looked back, she suddenly got goosebumps.

Huh? What about Teacher Zhiwei?

Obviously you were still here just now? Why is it gone?

I saw that the bushes they were hiding were empty, and there was no one other than the three of them.

"Forget it, you don't need to be in Teacher Will Micro. He should hide in other places to watch the battle. This battle is up to us for the time being."

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and looked at the two of them.

"It should be ten minutes before they will pass by here. Let's make a battle plan in advance. First of all..."

The two of them listened silently.

Rock and earth walked in front of the queue, and the five-person convoy looked like an ordinary caravan. If you look closely, you can vaguely see the assembly of shuriken kunai and other ninjas under their dusty commoners.

The handover of materials this time was quite successful. As long as the materials were transported back, they would definitely be rewarded by Lord Tuying.

Yan Tu thought happily, their team started from the country of craftsmen, passed through the country of grass, and now they are getting closer and closer to the country of earth.

When passing by a bush, a mutation suddenly occurred!

A kunai suddenly shot out of the bushes and shot straight at him.


This level of attack, also want to hurt him? The coldness in Yan Tu's eyes.

He held the Kunai and blocked the position where the attack must pass, but when the Kunai was about to be blocked by the rock and soil, the trajectory of the running suddenly changed, and it crossed the arc with a strange posture, and was firmly nailed to his throat. superior.

His pupils shrank suddenly, Yan Tu opened his mouth wide, his face full of incredulity, he wanted to say something, but his mouth was full of overflowing blood-red foam.

"Captain Rock Earth!"


"Enemy attack!"

After seeing the tragic state of the leader's fall, the Iwanin team calmed down immediately after a brief panic, tore off the windbreaker used for camouflage, and revealed full of standard ninja equipment.

Since they have been ambushed, it means that their identities have long been exposed, and continuing to maintain the disguise is only to increase the inconvenience of the fighters.

That is, at the moment when they tore off their disguise, three figures suddenly rushed out of the grass, holding Kunai and rushing towards Iwanin.

"White eyes? Three little devils, they actually gave the leader of the rock to..."

The tall Yan Ninja clenched his teeth tightly. He looked at the position of the carriage and shouted, "Zi Tu, you guard the supplies, and leave these three little devils to us."

"Yes!" shouted the thin Chunin.

Seeing that one of the remaining rock ninjas did not rush over, but chose to guard the supplies, Hyuga Satoru was overjoyed. In this case, their lineup happened to be three-on-three, and the pressure dropped sharply.

"Rin and I deal with the two Chunin, Anko, stop the Genin."


The one who fought against Hyuga Satoru was the tall rock ninja, his muscles were knotted, and in terms of body size, Hyuga Satoru only reached his waist.

Hyuga Satoru threw several shurikens one after another. While flying, the trajectory of the shuriken suddenly changed, but it was blocked by the opponent's use of Kuwu, causing only some skin injuries.

"Little devil, did you kill Captain Yantu with this ability?"

Gao Da Yanren clenched his teeth tightly as he looked at the **** wound that had been cut open by the shuriken.

"Controlling the shuriken, the strange ability, no wonder the captain of the rock and soil will be hit! But it is useless now."

Hyuga Satoru's face remained unchanged, and he used electromagnetic force to change the trajectory of the shuriken. Although his ability was strange, the biggest effect was to kill at first sight. If the opponent had defenses, the effect would be very low.

Exposing this ability, in exchange for the life of the strongest person on the other side, is earned no matter what!

On the other side, Uchiha Rin's face was a little dignified, holding Kunai in both hands, resisting the ninja sword slashing at high speed.

"Sword ninja? It's really troublesome."

Uchiha Rin spat in disdain after a backflip to dodge the ninja sword that slashed from his waist.

It has to be said that the sword ninja is more restrained by her type. Kunwushou is too short to melee, and he will be quickly approached when using ninjutsu. For a time, the battle has fallen into a stalemate.

The battle situation on Red Bean's side was also quite thrilling. The fighting experience of Genin against her was far better than hers, and she was suppressed.

Looking back, Hyuga Satoru secretly said in his heart: We can't delay any longer, we must end the battle as soon as possible to support them.

The tall rock ninja who was fighting against him seemed to see through his thoughts and laughed: "As long as I'm here, you can't successfully support them."

"It's been so long, it's time to end."

"Secret technique! The technique of rock armor!"

The rock ninja suddenly formed a seal on his hands, and the dense rocks covered his body like armor.

The giant opened his mouth and made a rumbling sound like the wind blowing the valley.

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