Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 136:

It was gradually researched.

Taking a breath, Hyuga Satoru brought his thoughts back and looked at Kakashi.

"I plan to inject Edman's metal into your bones. You can manipulate this metal to fight at will. The effect is roughly equivalent to awakening a special bloodline limit."

"Of course, it's risky."

Kakashi took a deep breath.

Metal is injected into the bone.

What a fantastical idea this is?

But thinking about how powerful it can be...

Gritting his teeth: "What is the success rate?"

"If you do it now, it's less than 30%."

Hyuga Satoru looked at him calmly.

Thirty percent?

Kakashi was silent, the probability is too low.

"What do you mean by doing now...?"

"Because you also need a pre-transformation."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

"Edelman metal is not so easy to bear. If you don't have enough self-healing ability, you will be destroyed by its terrifying properties in an instant."

"However, the cells of the first Hokage have a special self-healing factor. I can transplant it into your body. Maybe you can withstand this force. In addition, your arm also needs a certain degree of transformation."

Kakashi took a deep breath.

"Is that so..."

Transplanting the cells of the original Hokage... just like Danzo did...

He was moved.

If it succeeds, it must be able to gain great power.

But why modify the arm? ? ?

Could it be that his ability is also related to his arms?

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered. In fact, for Kakashi, he may be able to withstand Edman metal without the transformation of the inter-column cells.

Kakashi has two huge advantages over Wolverine.

One is chakra.

The chakra of the ninja world is too unreasonable. Use chakra to attach it to the metal in advance for protection, and maybe it will be able to survive the test directly.

The second is him.

With his absolute mastery over metal.

It's like giving Kakashi a super golden finger. As long as there is a slight abnormality, he can interfere in advance and let the test proceed exactly as he expected.

However, without Hashima's recovery ability, Kakashi's fighting power would be greatly reduced.

Moreover, the bacteria carried by metal recycling may also harm Kakashi's body.

"so what have you thought of?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at Kakashi calmly.

"let's start!"

Kakashi didn't talk nonsense and looked at him calmly.

"very good."

For the intercolumnar cells, Hyuga Satoru had already handled it in advance.

Because the goal is the self-healing ability of the pillars, Mu Dun's gene is an impurity instead. After eliminating it, both conflicts and side effects are greatly reduced.

When Danzo and Orochimaru were studying intercolumnar cells, they encountered the most setbacks and obstacles because their goal was Mudun.

And the relatively mild self-healing ability, Hyuga Satoru did not take long to break through.

Bottles of pale yellow liquid were injected into Kakashi's body.

This gene fluid carries the healing DNA between the columns. Once it enters Kakashi's body, it begins to continuously transform his cells, and the remaining fluid also turns into a healing factor flowing in his blood vessels.

Time passed little by little.

No rejection occurred until the end.

Hyuga Satoru swiped Kakashi's arm with his fingers, and a bloodstain appeared, which was quickly recovered by the naked eye.


Hyuga Satoru narrowed his eyes slightly.


Kakashi, you are a true genius.

This kind of genius not only refers to cultivation talent, but also includes your genes.

Your genes are highly malleable, and the rejection response to foreign modification is weak. A writing wheel eye really wrongs you.

However, is it also because of the sequelae of this constitution?

As for the arm modification, it is even simpler.

Reserve the space for the expansion and contraction of the steel claw in advance, and carry out a certain degree of transformation on the ulna and radius of the forearm.

When injecting Edman's metal, he uses electromagnetic force to control its shape and link to his muscle nerves.

Unlike Uncle Wolf, this is pure Edman metal steel claw!

With Kakashi's talent, this internal weapon can be easily controlled with a little training.

When it was confirmed that there was no problem, Hyuga Satoru started the injection operation of Edman metal.

Kakashi lay flat in the water tank, naked.

Under the control of Hyuga Satoru's electromagnetic force, a large number of metal needles pierced Kakashi's skin one by one and inserted into his bones.

The liquid Edman metal was shot into Kakashi's body along a specially made pipe.

Of course, because of Hyuga Satoru's electromagnetic force, Edman metal does not need to be melted, but is directly split into liquid.

But in order to stimulate Kakashi's potential, Hyuga Satoru secretly heated the metal with an electromagnetic furnace, replicating the process of Uncle Wolf's injection of Edman's metal as perfectly as possible.

As soon as the hot metal entered Kakashi's body, he couldn't help roaring in pain, and a large amount of liquid poured into his nose and mouth.

If Hyuga Satoru hadn't controlled the metal belt to restrain his body, he might have subconsciously struggled to destroy the water tank in an instant.

"Hold on, Kakashi, as long as you can hold on, you can gain that power!"

Hyuga Satoru's voice rang in his ears.

Kakashi is still struggling.

The lack of oxygen and the physical pain made his consciousness gradually begin to blur.

"Think of your father, have you forgotten how he died?"

Kakashi poured a large gulp of water suddenly, and vaguely, the image of the smiling father seemed to appear in his mind.

As usual that day, he went to his father's room to deliver breakfast.

open the door.


The rice plate in his hand fell uncontrollably to the floor.

His pupils were trembling.

He saw his father, with his saber, White Fang, cut open his abdomen, and fell to the floor, no longer alive.

The white-toothed dagger that killed countless enemies for Konoha, the last ninja to kill was actually himself.

Kakashi felt that the world was spinning.


in the water tank.

He gradually stopped struggling, and a tear instantly melted into the water from the corner of his eye.

"Did you fail..."

Hyuga Satoru murmured.

He sensed that Kakashi's biomagnetic field had become extremely weak.

The laboratory gradually quieted down, Kakashi no longer moved, and the tiny bubbles attached to the surface of the skin shattered and floated on the water.

Hyuga Satoru stared straight at Kakashi in the water tank.

The air was dead silent.

The next second, the weak biomagnetic field suddenly became stronger.


Kakashi clenched his fists, and three sharp metal steel claws shot out suddenly, and easily cut off the metal belt that bound his body.

He abruptly sat up from the water, swallowing the air with his greedy mouth.

Raise your fist slowly.

He looked over suspiciously.

I saw six sharp steel claws, reflecting the cold light slightly.

"very good."

Behind him came Hyuga Satoru's laughing voice.

"From today, you can join the root, as my right-hand man, code name..."


Chapter 163 Kakashi: Already in the shape of Satoru


Kakashi looked at the steel claw in his hand and murmured in doubt.

He had never heard of such a code name, and even Anbu had never had a similar code name.

But as soon as the name was pronounced, he suddenly had a special feeling.

As if... this title was specially prepared for him.

Kakashi tentatively rubbed his two steel claws against each other, and the moment they touched, sparks burst out.

"Yes, it seems that you have begun to familiarize yourself with your new abilities."

Hyuga Satoru looked at Kakashi with satisfaction.

"Your bones have been completely transformed by Edman metal, and they are indestructible. As for the steel claws in your fists, you can think of them as white-toothed knives, and it shouldn't be too awkward to use."

Kakashi nodded and looked at the three steel claws in his fist.

The Hatake swordsmanship itself uses a short sword.

These steel claws are not much different in length, which is equivalent to holding three white-toothed short knives in one hand, and they should be familiar with them quickly.

And Chidori should be greatly enhanced!

Edman Metal Steel Claws with Chidori's Penetration...

Kakashi started to look forward to it.

With his rich combat thinking, he thought of many ability combinations in just a split second.

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