Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 140:

"Do I get a commission for killing the enemy? How much is the bonus for each tailed beast caught? Is there a dividend at the end of the year???"

The corners were chattering and asking a bunch of questions.

Tiandao Payne's face became darker and darker.

Xiao Nan said helplessly: "You should be very proficient in account management, right? As long as you join the Xiao organization, the financial power of the organization will be handed over to you for safekeeping."

"make a deal!"

A carp in Jiaodu stood up straight from the ground, his eyes glowing with greedy green light.

In his opinion, the fact that these two can defeat him so easily, Xiao's organizational strength is absolutely unfathomable, and relative, the finances must be an astronomical figure.

Let him manage the accounts, are you afraid of running out of money in the future?

I also have some savings over the years, maybe I can also invest in it.



Anyway, now that I am unemployed again, such a good job is not done in vain!

Jiao Du looked at Xiao Nan.

more and more satisfied.

Chapter 166 Child, Be the Light

Country of Field.

An unknown small country with weak national strength and no specialties.

The international presence is very weak.

At this time, this small country...

It's going through a catastrophe!

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying roar sounded, and every burst was accompanied by bursts of shrill screams.

Everywhere you see.

The entire country of Tian was devastated and devastated.

There are ruins and corpses everywhere, most of which are not even fully visible.

"Flee! The devil is here!"

"Who will save us?"

"Help! Help us..."

A large number of refugees fled for their lives in a hurry, looking back in horror.

There were also sporadic ninja haunts in the crowd. Using these civilians as cover, they ran for their lives in a hurry.


Several puppets wearing dark red cloaks descended from the sky, massacred those civilians, blood dripping instantly, full of tragic screams.

On the puppet's body, there are blue chakra lines controlling it.

At the end, there was a rickety, eccentric human lying on the ground.

After slaughtering so many human beings, the man did not seem to have changed at all, as if the people who were killed were not human beings, but just some insignificant bugs.

"Come on! Although it's only a small country, it's not easy to gather the materials for a hundred machine exercises."

Scorpion spoke indifferently.

Since the assassination of the three generations of Kazekage, he has traveled everywhere in the ninja world, collecting materials for making puppets.

Until...he discovered this weak and closed country.

The perfect test site, and it can also provide the remaining materials for the puppet.


A massacre began.

In just two days, he slaughtered most of the land of Tian Zhiguo, and the ninja fighting force gathered in a hurry was completely vulnerable and became his collection of works of art.

Some of the remaining ninjas, who seemed to find that he was making puppets out of ninja bodies, hid in fear and fled among the civilians.


The accumulation of a large number of materials has raised his puppet technique to a new level.

At this rate, in another day, he will be able to completely destroy the country.

"It is said that ten people from Jinsong, the first ancestor of the puppet master, can break through a village, then I will use the destruction of this country to prove that my red secret skills can destroy a country!"

Scorpion smiled.

This is the proof of the supreme art.

He has already stood at the pinnacle of this world's puppet technique!

Become the strongest puppet master in ninja history!

"The devil! He is the devil!"

"Who will save us? Help us..."

The dark red puppets slaughtered violently.

Countless civilians fell in a pool of blood.

The sun seemed to be dyed red in the rising smoke of gunpowder.

There was an air of despair everywhere.

A dirty boy was running away desperately, turning his head from time to time to look at the hideous puppet chasing after him.


He stumbled to the ground, rubbed his feet and kept retreating, looking in horror at the puppet that was slowly chasing after him.

"Who will help me... help me help me..."

He murmured in horror.

The puppet's ninja sword has fallen.

He closed his eyes in despair.


A long metal crash sounded.

The boy hesitated, opened his closed eyes, he saw a tall silver figure, holding the falling ninja sword, the red cloak was floating behind him.

"Child, when you are in danger, call for the light in your heart!"

The tall figure was only twisted slightly, and the ferocious puppet burst into countless fragments and splashed.

The boy's eyes lit up.

"Who are you?"

The tall figure turned back, revealing a silver profile like a knife, and eyes shining like the sun.


At that moment, the boy's eyes lit up for the first time.


He whispered softly.

Walking in the land of fields that had been turned into ruins, Zero could not help but sigh slightly.

The Xiao organization began to recruit people, and he received the task of coming to the country of Tian to recover the scorpion into the organization.

Tian Zhiguo, in fact, is no stranger to Hyuga Satoru.

According to the normal timeline, after Orochimaru defected, he would establish a village of Yin Ninja in this closed country and plan the Konoha collapse plan.

But now Orochimaru has been hooked on Hokage by him.

It looks like it was cut off by a scorpion.

I don't know if the country he originally conquered was Tian Zhiguo, or because of the change in Orochimaru's timeline, he suddenly chose Tian Zhiguo.

In any case, the scorpion must be dealt with first.

At the same time, Scorpion also discovered Hyuga Satoru.

"Who are you?"

Destroying one of his puppets in an instant, this kind of strength should not be possessed by the small closed country of Tian Zhiguo.

Especially this particular body...

Scorpion dignified.


Zero spoke without being humble or arrogant, just standing opposite the scorpion.


For the first time, Scorpion showed a suspicious look.

What the heck, never heard of it!

"Forget it, since you disturbed me, use your body as a new material!"

A large number of puppets wearing dark red long clothes descended from the sky, densely packed, and attacked towards Zero in the middle.

"Ott Barrier!"

Zero raised his arm and used his fingertips to draw a square in front of him.

In an instant, the blue electric current jumped, forming a gate-shaped barrier directly in front of him.

Those attacking puppets were immediately bounced off the moment they hit the barrier.

The scorpion lying in Fei Liuhu is a little messy, Ultra Barrier? ? ?

What is this technique?

Haven't seen it!

Actually blocked so many puppets in an instant?

Zero speechless.

The so-called Ultra Barrier is actually an electromagnetic barrier.

When he drew the door with both hands, two drops of nano-metal liquid were left on the ground. The high-intensity pulsed current formed an electromagnetic barrier based on these two points.

Of course, it was impossible for him to explain to Scorpion.

Explain that he doesn't understand.

The scorpion attacked again.

A large number of puppets changed positions and attacked towards Zero.

Zero hands crossed to form a cross.

"Spexium Rays!"

The fiery light burst out from between his arms and hit the puppets rushing in the air.


With the sound of the light attack, the puppet it touched was instantly destroyed and turned into countless fragments.

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