Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 150:

Let his hatred for Konoha already reached its peak.

Especially after hearing that Orochimaru became Hokage.

He even hated his teeth so much!

He and Orochimaru are in the same period. Since his student days, he has been suppressed by San Ren, desperately trying to express himself, but he is always ridiculed and bullied by everyone.

That's why he decided to defect!

He wants to prove to everyone that he is better than Orochimaru!


He dared not take part in a frontal battle.

With his current strength, it is too reluctant to participate in this level of battle.

Fishing in troubled waters and getting a few Konoha blood ninjas to complete the ceremony was his goal.

"I heard that the current Hyuga clan has been reborn, and I don't know how powerful I will be with the bloodlines of Hyuga and Uchiha at the same time?"

Humblely thought.

Shennong, who was walking with him, had gloomy eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bei Liuhu glanced at him indifferently.

Shennong is very mysterious.

It's so mysterious that he hasn't figured out the details yet.

However, it seems that he also has hatred with Konoha. As soon as he heard that Payne was going to destroy Konoha, he immediately decided to join the Akatsuki organization.

And the reason why he chose to cooperate with him is because the other party has mastered a magical medical forbidden technique that can directly regenerate a severed limb.

This ability is too attractive to Beiliu.

Although the ability of Guiya Luo's technique is quite terrifying, it can be used to survive nine deaths.

In his plan, if he wants to plunder 4 bloodlines at the same time, he must rely on the vision of heaven and earth to increase the success rate.

If he obtains this magical medical forbidden technique, even if there are some accidents during the ritual, he can have enough opportunities to adjust.

Shen Nong next to him snorted coldly.


The revenge of Kongin Village!

I'll report back myself!

almost at the same time.

the other side.

in the vast sky.

A wooden platform flew over quietly.

"Is this the ninja world, it's so lively..."

Xiao Sheren was a little excited, trying to perceive the world with Chakra.

He couldn't see any pictures, but with the noble bloodline of Otsutsuki, he could easily perceive the situation outside.

Compared with the cold moon, the ninja world is for Shiren...

It's like a knife pulling the butt...opened my eyes.

Although he has no eyes.

"Sheren, don't be fooled by this hypocritical illusion, this filthy world of ninja is not worthy of your memory."

Sheren's father's voice was cold.

"Remember the mission on your shoulders, that is the teaching of the ancestors."

"Yes, father."

Xiao Sheren nodded ignorantly.

The two overlooked the ninja world and traveled one country after another.

"That is the land of thunder, one of the five great kingdoms, and ninjas are brutal, violent, uncivilized creatures."

"On the other side of the sea is the country of water. They will put the same kind together and slaughter them, and choose the strongest kind, which will be more savage and bloody."

Every time he passed through a country, Sheren's father would constantly introduce him to Xiao Sheren.

The voice was full of disdain, with a hint of contempt for the entire ninja world.

On the moon, whether it is the clan or the branch, they are constantly observing the blue planet.

They are never strangers to the history of the ninja world.

It is precisely because of this that he is more determined to destroy this fallen ninja world.

"Sheren, remember these ugly countries well, and the important task of rebuilding this world is left to you."

He opened his mouth with a sigh.

"I see, father."

"Well, I'll take you to see the Hyuga clan next. I wonder what the backward Hyuga has become?"

Sheren's father said disdainfully.

"Remember Shiren, although they are the descendants of the ancestors of Yumura, they are only backward barbarians. Only the white-eyed princess is qualified to stand on our side."

While despising it, he adjusted the flight direction of the wooden platform.

Fly in the direction of the land of fire.

at the same time.

Leaf Village.

Hyuga clan.

"Brothers work harder, you must prepare in advance, Lord Wu has explained, you must beat those intruders severely!"

"Captain, don't worry! Master Wu has trained us for so long, isn't it just for today?"

"No matter who the enemy is, it's over!"

Hyuga Yunlong nodded, and looked at the clansmen who were arranging weapons with satisfaction.

On the roof, on the high platform, there are densely packed firearms, and even a few forts reflecting the cold light. The huge caliber is daunting.

It has only been half an hour since Master Satoru's order came back, and all the weapons have been arranged.

Now just wait for those **** enemies to arrive.

Hyuga Yunlong suddenly looked forward to it.

in such an atmosphere.

Time passed slowly until a black spot suddenly appeared above the Hyuga clan.

The black spot continued to expand and became clearer, turning into something like a wooden platform.

"Captain, it seems that someone is watching us secretly in the sky? Are they the enemy that Lord Wu said?"

"It's possible, get ready first!"

Hyuga Yunlong opened his eyes and carefully observed the two on the wooden platform.

The other party's chakra is very strange, with a touch of heaviness and nobility.

The texture is somewhat similar to them.

However, this did not prevent Hyuga Yunlong from issuing orders. At this time, when he was approaching the Hyuga clan, he was probably the enemy mentioned by Master Wu.

Hundreds of firearms and turrets aimed at the wooden platform floating above the clan at almost the same time.

Xiao Sheren pointed at the bottom.

"Father! Look, there are a lot of people pointing at us with iron pipes!"

"Humph! The will of the ancestors of Hamura is indeed correct!"

Sheren's father had a look of contempt and disdain.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the Hyuga barbarians who stayed on the earth have fallen behind to the extreme, and they actually use iron pipes as martial arts..."

He hasn't finished yet.

Just heard a roar resounded through the clan.


The Hinata ninja below starts to attack.

Bang bang bang!

The wooden platform was instantly turned into a sieve.

The bullet passed by and pierced through their clothes.

Xiao Sheren jumped up and down in fright, and there were already many wounds on his body.

Shiren's father hurriedly covered the wooden platform with chakra, trying to block the bullet's attack.

His face was full of horror and disbelief.

what happened!

What happened? ? ?

The wooden platform controlled by his chakra was like a small boat on the sea, crumbling.

A cannon barrel below aimed at him and blasted it directly.

The terrifying impact directly overturned the wooden platform, and together with the chakra he released, it became a star and disappeared into the sky.

"Report to the head!"

"Mission completed!"

The Hinata Ninja below respectfully salutes Hinata Yunlong.

Chapter 177 You False God

Edge of Fire Nation.

I saw a meteor suddenly flying from a distant position in the sky.

With a whistling, it smashed heavily into the forest.

Numerous trees were knocked down, leaving a trail in the forest.

Shiren and Shiren's father turned their horses upside down and fell to the ground. Their noble clothes were tattered and full of bullet holes.

The wooden platform on which they were riding turned into a broken wooden board and was inserted into the ground next to them.

Shiren's father staggered to his feet.

There was a feeling of spinning all over the brain.

He hurriedly pulled out Xiao Sheren next to him like a radish.

After checking and finding that there was no major injury, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Those **** sunward barbarians!

No martial arts!

He scratched his teeth with hatred.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had Otsutsuki's bloodline, and he used chakra to defend in time, I'm afraid it would be a big downfall this time!

Until now, he still didn't understand.

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