Chapter 24 Special Tasks and Color Contacts

The seven days passed in a flash, and the hard work came again.

Hyuga Satoru got up from the bed early and came to the agreed training ground. The task of the team was taken over by Oil Girl Zhiwei. Before seeing him, he did not know what the task was.

As soon as he walked over, he saw Uchiha Rin standing in the middle of the training ground, looking at him lightly with his hands on his chest.

"you are late."

Hyuga Satoru shrugged and said helplessly, "The appointment was made at 7 o'clock, but now it's just over 6 o'clock?"

"As a ninja, arriving two hours early is the best way to hone your will, Wu, you are too unmotivated, do you know..."

Hyuga Satoru immediately covered his ears, not wanting to listen to the nagging of this scroll king anymore.

When it was only two minutes before 7 o'clock, Hongdou ran over panting, panting while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Everyone... I'm sorry, I was almost late."

"It's okay, I'm here too late." Hyuga Satoru comforted.

"Hongdou, you are too unmotivated, arriving early is..."

Uchiha Rin frowned unhappily, and as soon as she opened her mouth, Hyuga Satoru immediately covered her mouth with quick eyes and hands...

Oil Girl Zhiwei was rare for a few minutes late. He glanced at the three people in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"This mission is quite special. Only me and Hyuga Satoru participated, and the rest of the people temporarily practiced on their own. After this mission is completed, we can continue the team mission."

"What, only Wu and Teacher participated, didn't I get up so early in vain?" Hongdou rolled his eyes and began to miss the warm quilt.

Uchiha Rin frowned: "Why do you only choose to realize, and how long is the task."

"This is Hokage's decision. As for the mission time, it depends on the situation."

Hokage? Uchiha Rin's eyes flashed, if it was directly appointed by Hokage, could it be related to the Anbu mission?

You Nuzhi took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Wu, give you an hour to prepare, and the rest will disband on the spot."

In the forest of the country of fire, two figures wrapped in black robes kept jumping in the treetops, like two ghosts, quickly sweeping the surrounding woods behind them.

Oil Girl Zhiwei stepped on the thick branch, and her whole body jumped up quickly.

"Wu, this mission is of great importance. It depends on the situation. The mission level is tentatively set to be A. If there is an emergency, it may become S at any time!"


Hyuga Satoru took a breath and looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah." You Nuzhi nodded solemnly, "You know about the underground black market, right?"

"Black market?" Hyuga Satoru frowned, "I've heard of some, it seems to be a place where bounty tasks are specially issued, and the heads of ninjas are exchanged for bounties."

Of course he is no stranger to the black market. The head of his classmate Sarutobi Asma will be worth 35 million taels in the black market in the future!

"Yeah." You Nvzhi pondered slightly, "The black market is the dark side of the ninja world. The five major countries and even many small countries have black markets, which are underground worlds independent of the surface world. They are used to deal with transactions that cannot be done in the open. ."

"Because of the importance of the black market, Konoha placed Anbu scouts in the underground black markets of the Fire Nation and the nearby major countries. About a week ago, Anbu, who had been planted in the Iron Nation's black market, suddenly received information, saying that in the Iron Nation. In one of the largest black markets in the country, there is a huge amount of abnormal transactions."

"The amount involved is more than 100 million taels. Not only that, but that Anbe also found traces of Iwatoshi near the black market."

"Iwa Ninja?" Hinata Satoru's eyes flickered.

"So Hokage means... let's investigate this?"

"Yes, there has been a lot of activity in Yanyin Village recently, and the country of iron happens to be a neighboring country between the country of fire and the country of earth. Large-scale abnormal transactions have rarely occurred in the black market. Hokage suspects that it is related to the war."

Hyuga Satoru's expression was solemn, which was not good news for him. Once the war came, his development time would be greatly compressed.

With his current strength, I am afraid it is not enough to face the threat of war.

It's just that in his memory, wasn't the Three Wars first launched by Sandyin Village? Why is Yanyin Village jumping so often?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and smiled helplessly.

No wonder the patriarch gave me the cultivation method of Huitian a few days ago. It must be Hokage looking for him to ask for someone. Hokage actually asked him to ask for a separate family. The essence is just a hint.

But thinking about it carefully, this task is really suitable for him.

First of all, the importance of scouting tasks is self-evident, and Anbu has no members of Hyuga. Compared with other Hyuga, he has one more magnetic escape bloodstain, and he can snipe ninjutsu at a distance, which is more functional!

As for the oil girl Zhiwei, she is known as the almighty ninja, her ability is almost not rigid, and the combination of the two is the best solution.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Satoru took a long breath. It seemed that Sarutobi Hizan paid great attention to him, because of the thing on his forehead, he had to bear the oppression from the clan, and used the power of Hokage to check and balance the clan. Nice choice…

After a few days of traveling, the two finally reached the country of iron.

Before entering the densely populated city, Shimizu Yuu handed a pair of circular sheets to Satoru Hyuga.

"Wu, your white eyes are too conspicuous, and it's not good for the concealment of the task, bring this."

Hyuga Satoru took it, looked at it curiously, and immediately opened his mouth.

"This is... beauty contact lenses???"

No, the ninja world even has beauty contact lenses?

Oil Girl Zhiwei scratched her head a little embarrassedly: "This is a prop used in the Anbu to hide the color of the pupils, don't worry, although it's ugly, it's still quite comfortable to wear."

After Hyuga Satoru took it, he blinked, nothing changed in his eyes, and there was not much foreign body sensation in his eyes after he got used to it.

Picking up the mirror and looking at it, I saw that his pupils had turned into the most common brown in the ninja world, and he looked no different from others.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help sighing with emotion that the technology tree of the ninja world was already crooked.

After getting ready, the two entered the capital of the Iron Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Iron is a typical country of samurai. The architectural style retains the strong style of the Warring States period. On the road, you can see many samurai in armor with long samurai swords around their waists.

"Although samurai can't ninjutsu, the biomagnetic field is actually much stronger than regular ninjas."

Looking at the samurai on the road, Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but click his tongue.

The strength of the biological magnetic field is closely related to the physical ability, and none of the biological magnetic fields of the warriors on the road is weaker than that of the Chunin, and some of them are even as powerful as the Chunin who specialize in physique.

No wonder samurai can build a country under the attack of ninjas. This physical strength alone has surpassed many ninjas.

Taijutsu ninja specializing in swordsmanship?

However, it seemed that he was just overwhelmed by him, and Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

The whole body is covered with metal armor, and the weapon is also a metal ninja sword. No amount of this kind of samurai is enough for him to see!

Chapter 25 Fighting for the Oriole

In addition to the samurai, there are also many civilians or travelers from other countries in the capital of the Iron Kingdom. After the two of them dressed up, they were not conspicuous in the capital.

After some inquiries, the two came to a hotel.

The proprietress of the hotel was a young woman. When the code was posted on the Younv magazine, she quietly took the two to a secret room.

As soon as she entered the secret room, the proprietress seemed to have changed her mind, and bowed slightly to You Nuzhi with a solemn expression.

"Anbu code name [Red Pigeon], I have seen adults."

"Anbu's code name is [Insect]." You Nvzhi said lightly.

The proprietress shifted her gaze to Hyuga Satoru, showing a puzzled look.

Hyuga Satoru's face became embarrassed, Anbu code name... fart code name! I'm not Anbu.

"He's not an Anbu member." Oil Girl Zhiwei said.

Not Anbu?

The proprietress couldn't help but be surprised that Hokage would actually send members other than Anbu to perform such an important task, and she was still so young?

Hyuga Satoru looked at Zhiwei, the oil girl, and secretly said in his heart: It seems that the teacher has a very high status in the Anbu, and he can lead the team as a Shinobi. It should be a special existence in the Anbu.

"Tell me the latest information." You Nvzhi said succinctly.

The proprietress took a breath, and her eyes flickered: "When we inquired about the transaction in the black market a few days ago, we made a new discovery. The party who purchased it has been identified as Yanyin Village, and the content of the transaction should be the reserve materials, and the transaction time. in two days."

Yanyin Village? Reserve supplies?

What materials are worth more than 100 million taels?

Hyuga Satoru felt a little heavy in his heart. He remembered that the content of his last mission was to discover that there was Yannin searching for supplies in the country of grass. Didn't he expect that he had already reached out to the country of iron? With such a large material reserve, I am afraid it is preparing for war!

Oil Girl Zhiwei frowned, also found this, and sighed: "It seems that Hokage's worries are right, such a big move of Yanyin Village is really preparing for war."

Hyuga Satoru pondered for a while, and said, "Since the transaction time has been determined in two days, can the transaction be destroyed during this time?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the red pigeon shook his head.

"Transactions in the black market will be protected by black market forces. Before the transaction is completed, if someone destroys it, it will be besieged by all black market ninjas."

Is that so... Hyuga Satoru smashed his mouth, he didn't say it casually, with the bonuses of white eyes and magnetic storms, he was quite good at doing things.

For a time, the atmosphere in the secret room was suppressed.

"Give me the location of the black market and relevant information, and we will go to the scene to investigate." You Nvzhi said in a low voice.



Hyuga Satoru and Oil Girl Shimi walked side by side.

"Mr. Zhiwei, who do you think sold such a large batch of supplies through the black market?" Hyuga Satoru asked after thinking for a while.

Oil Girl Zhiwei said: "In the ninja world, some large chambers of commerce conduct money laundering transactions through the black market. In addition, many famous names in many countries have their own channels in the black market, but transactions of such a large amount It's still relatively rare."

Hyuga Satoru nodded. He always felt that this matter was a bit strange. The country of iron is not the country of ninjas. Why would someone sell such a large amount of materials in the black market?

The two chatted quietly all the way, and soon came to the black market in the intelligence.

After finding a spot in a nearby izakaya, I started exploring.

Their current identities are travelers from other places to the country of iron. It is not easy to enter the black market directly. It is the best choice to hide outside to explore.

"Wu, can your white eyes see what's going on inside?" Oil Girl Zhiwei asked.

Hyuga Satoru made a rough estimate and said, "In this range, there should be no problem."

After all, he quietly opened his eyes.

In the white eye's perspective, at the izakaya that looked ordinary from the outside, a huge space appeared inside, and the flow of people was surging.

According to Chakra's feedback, many of them are samurai.

"No wonder there is such a large-scale black market in the Iron Country. It turns out that many samurai are mixed in it." Hyuga Satoru sneered.

The ability of the white eye has been maximized in the special environment of the Iron Country. Due to the large number of samurai, the chakra of the ninja is as conspicuous as a searchlight.

After eliminating some scattered ninjas, he found a group of powerful ninjas in a hotel about 500 meters away from the black market.

"Mr. Zhiwei, in the hotel 500 meters away from 3 o'clock, there are 7 ninjas gathered. Judging from the amount of chakra, there are about 5 Chunin and 2 Junin, and one of them has a large amount of chakra. It should be Elite jonin."

You Nuzhi nodded slightly and said, "It seems that this is the group of Yan Ninjas in the information, let's wait and see what happens."

Hyuga Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of these rock ninjas is not particularly strong. From this point of view, the danger level of this mission should not be too high.

Just when he was about to remove the white eyes, he suddenly made an unexpected discovery.

"Wait! Teacher Zhiwei, something is wrong!"

"What's the matter?" Oil Girl Zhiwei hurriedly asked.

"About 600 meters from that hotel, there is a Jounin hidden!"

"Is it also a rock ninja?"

Hyuga Satoru shook his head solemnly: "No, he and Iwanin are definitely not on the same side. Judging from his behavior, it seems that he is monitoring them."


You Nuzhi took a breath, and her eyes narrowed slightly. This is not good news, it means that besides them, there is a third-party ninja force in the capital!

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