"Are you going to use the tail beast?"

"The power of the tailed beast is definitely not something that mortals can contend with."

"It's time to let Konoha see the power of one tail terrifying."

Seeing that the morale around him gradually increased, Luo Sha breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile.

During the Warring States Period, Yiwei had been living in the desert area and was captured and sealed by the ancestors of Sandyin Village.

After so many years of development, it can be said that there has been considerable experience in the training of tailed beasts.

Even the magnetic escape was imitated and developed from Yiwei.

On the other hand, Konoha's side, because of the particularity of the nine-tailed, the strongest tailed beast can hardly be used, and I have never seen Konoha let go of the nine-tailed on the battlefield.

The strength of a terrifying tail is enough to erase all the gaps!

Luo Sha's eyes showed coldness.

That nasty little devil Hyuga, I must kill him this time!

Killed so many sand ninjas, even Chiyo...

In addition, the vague familiarity also made him curious about Hyuga Satoru.

In any case, his killing intent towards Hyuga Satoru was already extremely strong.

He exhaled, Luo Sha's bright light flashed, and he ordered in a deep voice.

"If the order goes on, the troops will immediately enter a state of preparation. Three days later, we will counterattack Konoha Camp. In addition..."

He took a breath, and his eyes flickered.

"Send someone to share the blessings."

Chapter 90 The Science-Led Path to Sunrise Sustainability

Leaf Camp.

Orochimaru stared at Hinata Satoru with piercing eyes.

"Wujun, it seems that I still underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such high attainments in medical treatment."

These days, Tsunade seems to have completely shaken off the torture of hyperphobia.

Not only began to personally treat the wounded, but even petitioned him to take the initiative to participate in the frontline battlefield.

He still remembered Tsunade's heroic tone.

"After holding it for so long, I can finally show my skills, Orochimaru, if you dare to stop me from going to the battlefield, I will solve you first."

Having been with his companions for so long, Orochimaru is even more aware that this state is Tsunade's most powerful state.

The previous suffocation has turned into the motivation to vent at this moment.

I want to show my skills in the war and declare to the world: I am back!

That's why he looked at Hyuga Satoru in such shock.

"I still don't understand, Wu-kun, what method did you use to cure Tsunade's hyperphobia?"

He has long known the stubbornness of hyperphobia.

In the early days, even he thought about some methods of healing, but they were all to no avail.

"Orochimaru, don't limit your vision only to the body. In fact, the power of the mind is the direction that is more worthy of development."

Hyuga Satoru took a deep look at Orochimaru and replied with a pretentious reply.

flesh? soul?

Orochimaru looked at Hinata Satoru in amazement.

"I can only talk about it here. I understand everything I understand. The rest depends on your understanding."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him, then stopped staying and walked out of the tent.

At this time, Orochimaru has been obsessed with the study of the body, but he has ignored the weakness of the soul. Since Orochimaru is no longer a threat to him, he doesn't mind giving pointers.

After all, when he solved the shackles of the caged bird, Orochimaru also made a lot of efforts.

As for whether Orochimaru can think of it, it has nothing to do with him.

Looking at his back, Orochimaru pondered silently.

After returning to his tent, Hyuga Satoru had not had a long rest when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

At this time, who will it be?

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but become curious.

Could it be that Rin Uchiha knew he was lonely and came here specially?

With this thought in mind, he pushed open the door.

What caught my eye were three unfamiliar figures.

Unfamiliar, not too unfamiliar.

At least, he was very familiar with those white pupils.

Same race.

Three ninjas from the Hinata clan.

"What's matter?"

Hyuga Satoru asked straight to the point.

The headed man groaned and said, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Hyuga Fire Array, and I'm a sect ninja."


Hyuga Satoru responded casually.

He was not surprised. Although he was wearing a forehead guard, he could guess it when he saw the dog-legged appearance of the two Hinata ninjas behind him.

Hyuga Fire Array was a little dissatisfied with Hyuga Satoru's random answer, showing a slight look of displeasure.

"I'm the clan, you must know the meaning."


Another one-word reply.

Hyuga Fire Array took a slight breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said.

"I know you are a genius of Hinata, but I hope you can understand that everything you have now is given by the clan."


Hinata Huozhen was dumbfounded, like a punch to Mianhua, and the prepared words were stuck in his throat, and he didn't know how to speak.

The two branch guards behind him couldn't stand it any longer and said quickly.

"Wu, we are all separate families, and we should take protecting the clan as the first task. Lord Fire Array is the clan, swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield, your strength is very strong, and the magnetic tunnel can also guard against the sneak attack of the sand ninja, so let's come here... "

"So you came here to ask me to protect him?"

Hyuga Satoru interrupted the branch family's words and raised his eyebrows slightly.


Seeing that Hyuga Satoru said it directly, the branch guard took the opportunity.

"Your medical ninjutsu is also quite good. Recently, there have been rumors in the camp that you healed Master Tsunade. I think if you protect Master Huozhen, it will be foolproof."

Ha ha…

Hyuga Satoru was disdainful.

It's really Hyuga's usual style.

Send the Zong family to brush their resumes on the battlefield, and the branch family follows to die. Once the Zong family makes any mistakes, the branch family will be finished.

Seeing that Sun Xiangwu didn't speak, the branch family couldn't help but say.

"Enlightenment! Protecting the clan is the responsibility of the branch, so don't forget it."

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

? ? ?

The branch was stunned, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

"Wu, this is not an order from Lord Huozhen, it's an order from Lord Patriarch himself. Every clan is precious to the family..."

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

"Enlightenment! I know that you are a genius and have your own arrogance, but you have to understand that as a Hyuga clan, you must..."

"Ah, yes yes yes!"

The split family was dumbfounded, and the prepared words were stuck in his throat, so he could only hold back his anger and grit his teeth slightly.

"Wu, aren't you afraid of the patriarch's punishment?"


Hyuga Fire Array raised his hand and stopped the two branches behind him who wanted to get angry.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, the perennial upbringing of the Hyuga clan kept him in a dignified manner, staring at Hyuga Satoru with coldness.

"Since you insist on doing this, I won't force it. I hope you can do it yourself."

When a few people were arguing, a lot of Konoha ninjas had already come out of the surrounding camp to watch, and if they continued to stand still, they would only lose the face of the Hyuga Sect.

Use a caged bird?

Hyuga Satoru is a popular person around Orochimaru, and he doesn't want to offend Orochimaru head-on.

Punishing Hyuga Satoru in front of so many ninjas is equivalent to having a feud with Orochimaru.

However, as a clan, wouldn't it be easier to deal with a branch in secret?

Looking at the backs of the three of Hyuga Fire Formation leaving, Hyuga Satoru shook his head secretly.

Hinata, after all, is still the rotten Hinata.

The shackles on his forehead have been opened, and naturally he will not be afraid of the Zong family.

He also knew that the Hyuga Fire Array did not dare to use the caged bird spell in public.

Otherwise, maybe a few days later, it will disappear due to some special mission and become a very satisfactory collection of Orochimaru.

"It seems that after this war is over, changes will be made to the Hinata clan..."

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

Split up…

That's a humiliating mark.

It is also the mark that countless Hinata ninjas want to get rid of.

But judging from the performance of the two branch guards, they should be a kind of dog-legged son who is loyal to the clan.

Perhaps, it is also time to collect information within the family, distinguish between pro-sect factions and anti-sect factions, and prepare for their future changes.

Hyuga Satoru already had a plan in mind.

His eyes flickered, as if he saw a long-term future.

The Zong family must be suppressed, and it is impossible not to suppress.

Then, lead the entire Hyuga, emancipate the mind, and formulate guidelines.

Technology strong family, innovation strong family.

Embark on the path of Marxism led by science.

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