Some shadow clones are particularly sinister.

Just shoot at the middle of its legs!

Although the tailed beast will not die, it will be humiliated by the gods!


When will the tailed beast really stand up!

Shouhe decided to lie down.

If you stand up you will be beaten.

It's better to lie down.

Turning his body sideways, facing the difficulty of the blow, he aimed his head at Hyuga Satoru.

The violent chakra of black and purple continued to condense, and a pitch-black sphere appeared with the neighing of the pitch rising.

Tailed Beast Jade is a skill that all Tailed Beasts have.

Shou crane usually does not like to use the tailed beast jade.

But now it has been forced by Hyuga Satoru.

But what it didn't find was that.

While the tailed beast jade was condensing, the largest fort was also flashing blue light.


A huge blue light erupted, and it was inserted into Shouhe's mouth accurately.

Shouhe suddenly felt that his mouth was stuffed with something.

The uncontrolled outbreak of the tailed beast jade that had just condensed exploded in his mouth.

When the smoke cleared, Konoha Ninja saw it dully.

Shouhe's head is gone.

As a chakra aggregate, the tailed beast will not die.

But under the repeated heavy blows, Shouhe was finally overwhelmed and could no longer maintain his complete form.

The headless body is shrinking.

This scene was also seen by Luo Sha in the distance, and his eyelids jumped.

What the hell?

Even Shouhe can't stand it?

My tail beast?

I'm such a big tailed beast?

This is equivalent to the former prime minister of a certain island country giving a speech on the street, and suddenly he was shot in the dark, and suddenly disappeared.

Is this beaver?

This is beaver!


Why is that beating blue flash so familiar?

that is not…

Luo Sha's pupils shrank suddenly, and it felt as if his heart was being held by something.

Suddenly use the gold dust to control yourself to fly to the top.

He saw a group of Hyuga Satoru, manipulating the metal barrel.

Painful memories engulfed him in an instant.

Eyeballs bleed.

"Oh it's you!"

Chapter 94: Memories of Good Brother Luo Sha

A lot of times Luo Sha is thinking.

Why is your fate so tragic?

When he was out of the village to perform a mission, he was suddenly hit by an arrow in the knee.

Still can't find who shot it!

The mission failed, and he ran back to the village in despair.

His reputation plummeted, and he silently took on the infamy.

He was reluctant to lie down, and he wanted to stand firm.

Then he was found by Jiaodu, saying that he stole his man.


I, Luo Sha, go out with gold sand body protection, do I look like someone who is short of money?


He endured humiliation again.

Handed over all of his private money.

bastard! If I, Luo Sha, find out, which beast is in the shadow of me, I must... (50,000 words are omitted below)

Since then, it has become a dream for him.

Later, he finally made it out.

Became the fourth generation.

High spirits! Domineering side show!

I want to fly to the sky, side by side with the sun.

Ambition reward!

A war on Konoha was launched.

Then got shot.

Thirty-six top executives died overnight.

Some trousers have not been put on yet.

I hate it!

Luo Sha sighed in the sky!

He originally thought he had pulled the bow and arrow from his knee, but now he realizes...

The opponent was replaced by a cannon!

The memories gradually faded, Luo Sha stepped on the sand gold flying carpet, his eyes were bloodshot, and he glared at the group of Hyuga Gogo below.

In that row of pitch-black cannon barrels, blue lightning arcs were still beating at the mouths of the barrels.

"Oh it's you!"

He took every word and squeezed it out of the gap between his teeth.

"Oops! It's been discovered!"

The group of Hyuga Satoru looked like children who had done something wrong, covering their mouths and looking at each other.

"What should I do if I'm discovered? Kill him and it's over!"

The barrels turned and aimed at Luo Sha.

Luo Sha was also completely filled with anger at this moment, and his hands suddenly raised.

"Magnetic escape! Gold dust explodes!"


Suddenly, a large number of gold dust surges poured out from the battlefield, and they swept away toward the group of Sun Xiangwu.

Like a tsunami of gold, swallowing everything.

But Luo Sha obviously underestimated the power of the Magnetic Storm Legion.

"Second Battalion Commander!"





A huge blue light flashed by, and the gold dust surge was blown to pieces.

Like smashed frangipani.

Luo Sha hugged his head and ran away.

Stepping on the gold dust flying carpet hurriedly escaped.

While escaping, he used gold dust to form a huge surge to block the cannonballs that came from time to time.

what! its not right!

Didn't I come here for revenge?

How did you escape?

Luo Sha suddenly realized that his 50,000 words have not been spicy!

Now it has been upgraded to 100,000 words! !

Grinning his teeth, Luo Sha looked for an opportunity to fight back.

But all his movements seemed to be captured by the other party.

Whenever I wanted to make an action, I was shot by a cannon.

Forced to keep running away.

Fortunately, the shells are not particularly dense, so I can escape.

Luo Sha suddenly thought of a word.

Walk the dog.

"Korso! The naturally vicious little devil of the Hyuga clan!"

Before, I was pointed at a gun by an old sixth, and I was so angry that I wanted fifty thousand words!

Now, I'm being attacked by a group of old men with guns.

don't slap in the face...

Luo Sha had to continue fleeing in embarrassment.

This scene was also seen by countless ninjas on the ground, and they were dumbfounded.

"Is that... Fengying-sama Luo Sha? Why does it seem to be running away?"

"No way! No way! The dignified fourth-generation Mu Fengying was actually beaten up and ran away?"

"Master Fengying! Hold on! Our puppet class will come to support soon!"

Until he escaped to the sand ninja army.

Luo Sha gasped in a panic.

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