Split? clone? still…

Fertilized egg?

What about eggs?

Can genetic screening be used to pick out powerful sperm? What about the eggs?


Orochimaru's eyes were bright and he was lost in thought.

Gender is not in his consideration at all, as long as he can live forever, those slight differences can be completely ignored.

It seems that in the experiment, women lived longer.

And, reincarnated through self-cultivation.

It can also cut off a lot of the disadvantages of encroaching on other people's bodies.

Embryos can be accelerated with nutrient solution and age is not an issue.

I gave birth to myself? ? ?

Orochimaru looked strange.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head and smiled and walked out of the tent.

Chapter 98 Give him to me! I have a lot of young women in my roots


Fire Room.

Sarutobi Hizan frowned, listening to the latest information on the battlefield.

"Public magnetic escape???"

"Is there really such a magnetic escape?"

He looked at Anbu in front of him in astonishment.

The Anbu face was quite embarrassed, hesitating.

"It is indeed said in the intelligence that Hyuga Satoru used the male Magnetic Dun to defeat the female Magnetic Dun of the Fourth Kazekage. This has been confirmed by Lord Orochimaru."

"Is that so?"

Sarutobi Hizan looked a little solemn.

Magnetism does not distinguish between males and females For the time being, Hyuga Satoru's performance in this war was amazing.

Originally, he thought that when paired with Watergate, it would play a big role.

Unexpectedly, Watergate has completely become a supporting role.

Shadowsuke Chiyo, Kazekage Luosha, have all been defeated by Hyuga Satoru one after another.

This kind of record is not terrifying.

Even if he makes a move, I am afraid it will be difficult to do better.

A shadow-level powerhouse less than fourteen years old? ? ?

At this age, Orochimaru just defeated Joinin.

This rate of growth...

Anbu Ninja hesitated, then continued: "According to the information conveyed by Lord Orochimaru, he seems to have defeated Luo Sha only by restraining his ability, and his own strength is not that terrifying yet."

Sarutobi Hizan exhaled a breath.

"I understand."

Whatever the reason, he had far underestimated Hyuga Satoru's talent.

Especially the kind of terrifying male magnetic escape.

Unheard of.

Now it seems that it is not metal such as Shuriken Kunai, but all metals that can be manipulated.

what does that mean?

Sarutobi Hiizhan's breathing became a little heavier.

Once this kind of public magnetism escapes blood, it will continue to spread.

I am afraid that it will become the blood step family that surpasses Hinata...

"There should be a few girls of the right age in the Sarutobi clan..."

Sarutobi Hizan suddenly groaned.

Anbu: ? ? ?

"Oh! It's okay, you go down first."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

With a whoosh, Anbu disappeared.

Not long after that Anbu left, he heard a bang, the door of the Hokage room was kicked open, and a figure walked in in a hurry.

"Rizhao, have you heard of it?"

"What he has awakened is the public magnetic escape that surpassed the fourth generation of Me Fengying!"

Danzo pressed one hand on the table, his bandaged face was full of surprises, and his saliva splashed.

"Give him to me! I want it at the root!"

"Calm down."

Sarutobi Hizan looked up at him indifferently.

"It's still unclear what the so-called male magnetic escape is. Is it a blood follow-up mutation? Or is it some kind of unknown bloodstain elimination?"

"Anyway, it's definitely stronger than the ordinary Magnetic Dungeons. Luo Sha's Magnetic Dungeons is no match for him at all. Think about it, Rijian, if such a Magnetic Dungeons can be developed and mastered artificially, who else in the Five Great Ninja Villages can stop the wood? Ye Rising?"

"Give him to me! I want it at the root!"

Danzo repeated excitedly.

"Did you forget he's a split?"

Sarutobi Hizan said indifferently.

The excitement on Danzo's face subsided instantly, as if a basin of cold water had poured over him.

Split up…

That means being completely controlled by the Zong family.

Even if he was leaving, there was no way to lift the caged bird. If the Zong family said a word, they would have to send it back.

"Then at least leave the bloodline behind."

Danzang's face was ugly, and he said stubbornly.

"He is the first generation of blood successor, blood succession ability should be inherited, I still have a few women of the right age..."


Sarutobi Hizen interrupted him impatiently.

"The age of the female ninja at your root is not less than 30, right? This is also called the appropriate age?"

"It's enough to live."

Tuanzang said sternly.

Hyuga Satoru's temptation is too great.

Don't say it's the current female ninja at the root, it's not a problem for him to call a few younger ones.

"I don't know the attitude of the Zong family..."

Sarutobi Hiizan frowned.

Danzo could not help but fell silent.

After all, Hyuga Satoru is a branch of Hyuga, even if they plan here for most of the day, the clan can veto it with a single word.

He had never hated caged birds so much.

This is equivalent to suddenly finding a gold mine and trying to mine it, only to find a talisman of a caged bird stuck to the mountain.

Claiming that this mountain was opened by me, the copyright is owned for 500 years.

You scratch your ears and cheeks anxiously, but there is nothing you can do.

Because they have their own self-destruction system, they are in a hurry, and they will give you Jinshan.

"I originally planned to pay a certain price so that the Zong family agreed that Wu's blood could be spread outside the family, but now it seems that it will be very troublesome..."

Sarutobi Hizan's face was a little ugly.

Hyuga Satoru's value skyrocketed.

It is probably unrealistic to want to rely on the previous conditions to impress the clan, and break the clan rules that have been passed down for thousands of years on Hi Xiangwu.

Those old stubborn stubborn people still don't know what they are planning.

After all, even if he was Hokage, he couldn't directly interfere in the clan rules of the Hinata clan.

Danzo's eyes darkened.

I don't know what I'm planning.

Sungai tribe.

Compared to the noise and chaos of the outside world.

It seems a little quiet here.

Hyuga Shuiyue stood with her hands behind her back, her back to Hyuga Hizu, and her eyes were looking out the door with deep eyes.

A low voice sounded.

"Sunzu, when this war is over, you will succeed to the throne!"

Hyuga Hizu's heart tightened, knowing that this was the patriarch passing the throne.

Immediately bow down to reply.


Sun Xiang Shuiyue let out a light breath, frowned slightly, and said solemnly.

"Do you have any ideas about that branch?"

Of course, Hyuga Hizu knew who the patriarch was talking about, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Sun Xiang Shui Yue shook his head and sighed.

"Unfortunately, he is not a sect family!"

Behind him, Rizu couldn't help feeling sorry.

If Hyuga Satoru was a clan, it wouldn't be so troublesome.

But he is separated.

The clan will not let a branch be born in the family that will shake its rule.

Especially an alternative like Hyuga Satoru.

"If you agreed to be my disciple at the time, maybe..."

Hyuga Hizu couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Now, the situation is no longer his turn to dominate.

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