"1000 taels?" Hyuga Satoru looked surprised.

Not expensive, but much cheaper than he expected. According to his previous prediction, the price was at least five figures.

"Yes." The clerk said with a smile, "The eldest lady explained that I must give you a discount."

"Is that so?"

Hyuga Satoru rubbed his chin, since people are willing to take advantage of them, he can't hurt people's good intentions so much.

"According to the previous specifications, an additional arrow is made of chakra metal."


The clerk was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong.

The price of chakra metal is not comparable to that of ordinary metal arrows before.

Hyuga Satoru laughed shyly.

Of course, he knew that chakra metal was expensive, but he could get chakra metal as a control group to test the efficiency of electromagnetic force on different metals. He still didn't want to give up this opportunity.

The clerk looked at his serious face and could only sigh helplessly.


It took a few days to customize the arrows. The next day, when Xiang Wu came to school, he found that the eyes of his classmates had changed.

Shock, envy, admiration, jealousy... all kinds of emotions were mixed in their eyes, and they came to Hyuga Satoru together.

Hyuga Satoru saw Iroha looking at him with complicated eyes, and when he realized that he was looking at him, he immediately turned his head and was unwilling to meet his gaze.

As soon as he sat on the seat, he saw Hongdou next to him curiously put his face close.

"Hey, Wu, are you really the Shuangxueji they say?"

"Of course." Hyuga Satoru rolled her eyes at her.

"I didn't expect that there would be people who have two kinds of blood follower limits at the same time. It's incredible. I thought one was the limit."

"Aren't you stupid for eating sweets every day? Wuyin Village used to have two bloodstained ninjas. Although they are rare, they are not extinct. Read more books."

If Hongdou had been mocked by Hyuga Satoru like this before, he would have immediately refuted it loudly, but now that he found out that he was a genius of double blood, he just nodded quietly and said "oh".

At this moment, Hyuga Satoru noticed that someone was walking towards here, and when he looked up, it was Rin Uchiha.

"Is there a problem?"

Hyuga Satoru's voice was not too loud. He slaughtered the other party when he bought arrows yesterday, and he felt a little guilty.

Uchiha Rin said flatly: "Have a fight after school."

Hyuga Satoru: ? ? ?

No way? No way?

Isn't it just a chakra metal arrow? As for? The big deal is that I just make up the money, it's the kind of installment.

Seemingly aware of the inappropriateness of his words, Uchiha Rin thought for a while, and said, "I was unwilling to lose to you last time. I have learned some ninjutsu again, and I will try it after school."

Hyuga Satoru breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but slandered, "Brother, you just have to compete. What is a fight?"

"Compared to Kakashi, you are a more suitable opponent."

Uchiha paused for a while and added: "If you agree, I will cover the consumption of your ninja tools in the future."

There's something going on!

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly. If you want to develop the ability of electromagnetic force, the consumption of endurance equipment is essential, and the family is unreliable. Since Uchiha Rin is willing to take advantage of it, why not do it?

After determining the time and place, Uchiha Rin returned to his seat.

On the side, Red Bean curiously brought her face closer and asked in a low voice, "God, what's your relationship with that Uchiha Rin?"

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while and said, "Supplier."

red beans:? ? ?

After school, Uchiha Rin followed Hyuga Go to the woods in the back mountain. A stream was flowing through the trees, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the dead leaves on the ground along the gaps in the treetops.

"Is this where you usually train? Why don't you train at the family's training ground?"

Uchiha Rin looked around, and while looking at it, he couldn't help but said.

"There are too many stubborn existences in the family, and training there makes them uncomfortable." Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

Hearing Hyuga Satoru's words, Uchiha Rin thought of some elders in the Uchiha clan, his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously, and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, there will always be a lot of old stubborn in the big family."

Hyuga Satoru smacked his mouth, looked at Uchiha Rin, and couldn't help but said, "To be honest, I didn't expect you to really come here?"

Uchiha Rin raised his eyebrows and looked at Hyuga Satoru.

"Why do you say that?"


"Do you know that going to the woods with male classmates, in some places, has another meaning..."

"What does it mean?"

Rin Uchiha stared straight at him with a hint of doubt in his dark eyes.

Hyuga Satoru pursed his lips, and I have to say that Uchiha Rin's appearance condition is very good, that kind of a little cold black long straight little loli.

But at this moment, a voice kept echoing in his mind.

I am not smelting copper, and I am not douluo.

Although many people in the ninja world got married at the age of 12 or 13, Hyuga Satoru still inherited the concept of his previous life, and kept a distance from this little rich woman in front of him.

"Forget it, I don't want to discuss these boring topics with you."

A hint of impatience appeared on Uchiha Rin's face.

"Just start fighting!"

Chapter 12 Fighting Uchiha Rin Again

As soon as she finished speaking, she swung her palm violently, and with the sound of swiping the air, a few Kunai quickly flew towards Hyuga Satoru, aiming at his vital parts.


After seeing the material of Kunai clearly, Hyuga Satoru's pupils shrank slightly.

Knowing that my ability can control metal, so I replaced all the ninja tools with wood?

After figuring this out, Hyuga Satoru had a dignified expression on his face, and his body rolled backwards, dodging all Kunai's attacks dangerously and dangerously.

"Even if it's made of wood, these kunai have great lethality. I said Rin, are you trying to kill me?"

Hyuga Satoru patted the dust on his body and couldn't help but complain.

Uchiha Rin looked at him indifferently and said plainly: "You didn't use your full strength last time against me, right? At least you haven't used the bow and arrow you took last time!"

Hyuga Satoru pouted, the bow is a long-range method, how could it be used at such a close distance.

Uchiha Rin touched the ninja bag on his waist, and threw a pile of wooden kunai again. These kunai collided with each other in the air and changed their trajectory, turning into a large airtight net that swept away.

Hyuga Satoru was surprised that he actually used Uchiha's throwing technique on wood Kuwushang. You must know that the rebound coefficients of metal and wood are fundamentally different. The same throwing technique, wood is much more difficult!

I didn't get any benefit from using this trick last time, but now I've replaced the old trick with wood?

Hyuga Satoru smiled bitterly, really a scroll king.

Holding the metal kunai in his hand, he stepped back and blocked the countless shots of kunai. Fortunately, his reaction speed was greatly improved due to the activation of the current, and it was more than enough to deal with this kind of attack.

Out of the corner of the eye, I saw that the place where Uchiha Rin was standing was already empty, and there was a sound of breaking air beside him, and the slender calf swept over, and the toes were facing his chest.

Hyuga Satoru ducked sideways, his toes slid across his chest, and his legs whistled.

Are you serious?

Satoru Hyuga, who sensed the pressure, did not dare to despise it, his white eyes opened instantly, and he entered a state of battle.

The crackling sound of the physical impact constantly reverberated in the woods, and the leaves on the shaken tree fell one by one and fell to the ground.

"Why don't you use soft fist?" Uchiha Rin asked curiously.

"I don't like that thing very much. The soft fist is straight-forward and has too many limitations."

Hyuga Satoru raised his palm to block Uchiha Rin's swept calf, and his right fist hit the bottom of her thigh, forcing her to retreat.

"But if I split the boxing technique and attacked the weak points, it would be more suitable for my rhythm."

Uchiha Rin nodded. If it was a regular soft boxing, the single attack routine might not oppress her that much, but Hyuga Satoru's attack was unstructured, and every blow hit her weak spot. , but made her a little bit in a hurry.

Seeing that he couldn't get any benefit from him, Uchiha Rin took a step back, opened the distance from Hyuga Satoru, and formed a seal with both hands.

After seeing the order of the seals, Hi Xiangwu raised his eyebrows, and said with some contempt: "I advise you to use less flamboyant fireballs in the future. This thing can't burn people to death."

However, Uchiha Rin didn't seem to hear his words, he took a deep breath, and the orange-red fiery fireball spit out instantly.

Hyuga Satoru was shocked, the position where the fireball attacked was not him, but the open space under his feet!

The huge fireball hit the ground in an instant, the orange-red flames swept the fallen leaves and flew in all directions, the gray-black smoke mixed with sparks exploded, and suddenly swallowed Hyuga Satoru.

The strong stimulus prevented Hyuga Satoru from jumping back immediately to avoid it.

Was the initial observation to determine the terrain and formulate an operational plan?

Even the dead leaves on the ground were counted!

No, not even counting my contempt for the Howard Fireball.

That is, when he just exited the range of the flame explosion, a cold wind suddenly rushed from behind.

Before he could react, his slender arms wrapped around his upper body and controlled his hands together with his body, and a wooden kunai was aimed at his throat.

Uchiha Rin held the wooden kunai that was aimed at Hinata Satoru's throat, a hint of arrogance appeared on his pretty face, and his lips spit out.

"I won."

Taking advantage of my contempt for the Hao Fireball, I attacked the ground to blast the flames, forced to dodge in a hurry, and then calculated the position of my foot in advance, and went around to attack from behind?

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but praise, Uchiha Rin's fighting thinking and strength, I am afraid that it is no weaker than the general Genin.


"It's just this method that you want to beat me. Your idea is a bit too simplistic."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Have you forgotten my other bloodstain boundary?"

Uchiha Rin's pupils shrank slightly, as if remembering something, his perspective shifted slightly, and a chill suddenly rose up her spine.

I saw a metal shuriken floating in her throat, spinning slowly.


Her voice trembled a little, and she no longer had the arrogance she used to be.

"To be exact, at the moment when your arrogant fireball erupted, I used the magnetic escape to control the four shuriken floating around, as long as you appeared, these shuriken will definitely take your life, faster than the speed. If so, I'll hurry!"

Hyuga Satoru's voice was quite calm, with a hint of joy, as if at this moment he was not being hounded by the upper body, and Kuwu was holding his throat.

Hearing Hyuga Satoru's words, Uchiha Rin searched, and she found the other three slowly spinning shuriken floating around her.

"Magnetic escape... It's a terrifying ability."

"I lost…"

Kunai moved away from Hyuga Satoru's throat, and Uchiha Rin's eyes no longer had the arrogance before, only loss and blows remained.

"Hey, don't give up on yourself. After all, your Shakers haven't awakened yet. If you have Shakers, the results are really hard to say."

Worried that the other party would give up on himself, Hyuga Satoru couldn't help saying.

"You don't have to comfort me, I'm not that vulnerable yet."

Glancing at Hyuga Satoru coldly, the previous color reappeared in Rin Uchiha's eyes.

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