"Double...double bloodline?"

Fujino Daikichi opened his mouth in shock. In the more than 20 years he has been teaching, he has only heard of double bloodline, but never seen it.

Bloodline limit is something that can make a person stand out from the crowd if you have one, but it is too terrifying to have two at the same time!

However, the scene where the trajectory of the kunai changed before it hit Hinata Satoru was too clear. If that's the case, there is only one possibility.

"Magnetic Escape?……"

As a member of the Hyuga clan, he already possessed the Byakugan bloodline, and after awakening the Magnetism Release, he undoubtedly possessed a double bloodline.

Fujino Daikichi's eyes flickered and said,"The double bloodline is of great importance, and must be reported to the Hokage immediately.……"


There was a commotion among the crowd

"Oh my god, what is double bloodline?"

"It should be that he has two bloodline limits. I didn't expect that there would be such a ninja."

Even Kakashi, who was always calm, had a touch of shock in his eyes after hearing this word. He looked straight at Hinata Satoru in the playground. After being taught by White Fang, he knew more about what double bloodline meant than ordinary people. Iroha, who was previously injured by Hinata Satoru, covered his chest and looked at the figure standing in front of Uchiha Rin. The shock in his eyes was unparalleled.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"In the nearly thousand years of history of the Hyuga clan, there has never been a ninja with two bloodlines. The Byakugan is already one of the strongest eye techniques. How could someone awaken other bloodlines?"

He suddenly thought of the palm strike that Hyuga Satoru used to defeat him. Could it be a move developed using magnetic escape?

But he had never heard of magnetic escape having such an ability?

"Wu... is so powerful?"

Hongdou glanced around and saw the shocked expressions of everyone around her. She couldn't help but become curious.


Hokage's room.

A pile of documents were piled up on the table. Sarutobi Hiruzen was serious, holding a cigarette holder, and was busy processing documents. Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air next to the Hokage's table. He had an animal mask on his face and was wrapped in black clothes.


Without looking up, Sarutobi Hiruzen uttered a byte

"Hokage-sama." The Anbu bowed slightly and said,"The instructor of Class A of Ninja School, Fujino Daikichi, reported that a student of the Hyuga branch family he taught has awakened the magnetic escape and has double bloodline." Sarutobi Hiruzen

's hands suddenly stopped moving, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He looked up at the Anbu.

"Is the news true?"

"It's true."

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent.

Fujino Daikiji knew about it. He had been teaching in the ninja school for nearly 20 years and was one of the most experienced teachers. With his vision, he should not be wrong about this kind of information.

Then there was only one possibility.

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes slightly. That Hyuga clan student really awakened the double bloodline, but...

He frowned. This seemed unlikely.

Although ninjas with double bloodlines are quite rare in the ninja world, there are still some. There have been double bloodline ninjas in the history of Kirigakure, but this is the first time he has heard of the double bloodline of the Hyuga clan! The

Byakugan of the Hyuga clan is already a good bloodline limit. It seems that no member of the clan has ever awakened other bloodline abilities in history.

Magnetic escape... Is this the bloodline of the Sand Village?

Could it be that the child's parents……

"cough cough……"

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew he had lost his composure. The Hyuga clan never intermarried with outsiders, so there was only one possibility.

Gene mutation?

"Give me all the information about the Hyuga student, and inform the Hyuga clan leader. Since he is a member of their Hyuga clan, they will naturally investigate."

"Yes!"The figure beside the Hokage's table disappeared.

Exhaling a long puff of white smoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, biting his cigarette holder, with a trace of fatigue on his face.

"Double bloodline, if nothing unexpected happens, the future achievements will be limitless. It's a pity that the family is separated.……"


Hyuga clan land.

As soon as the test was over today, Hyuga Satoru returned home, and the branch family guards immediately found him and asked him to go to the family ancestral hall.

Hyuga Satoru remained calm.

They came really fast.

He who had exposed some of his abilities would inevitably be scrutinized by the family.

It was impossible that the ability of electromagnetic force would not be used. Once it was used in the future, it would be very troublesome to explain it. It would be better to use this test to rationalize the ability of electromagnetic force.

As for the consequences, Hyuga Satoru had already considered it. Because it was a branch family, Sarutobi Hiruzen might not be able to interfere, so he could only let the main family deal with it. As for Danzo... why did that old man have nothing to do and wanted a branch family?

The priority of the bird in the cage was above the root of the tongue. Isn't this the same as running naked in front of the main family?

So this time, the popular"Sarutobi, you will regret it!""Danzo, I am the Hokage!" link might not appear.

Following the branch family guards, Hyuga Satoru came to the main family ancestral hall. This was where the Hyuga clan held meetings. Only ninjas with higher status in the main family and branch families could enter.

Hinata Satoru has been traveling for so long, but this is the first time he has come here, so he can't help but look around curiously.

Compared with other places in Hyuga, the decoration here is more solemn, revealing a majestic posture. There are several mats placed under the ancestral hall, and several middle-aged people are sitting cross-legged, and there is a young man standing next to them.

The branch family guard stepped forward and knelt, respectfully saying to the man in the middle:"The clan leader, he is here."

Clan leader?

Hinata Satoru looked at the man curiously. He was wearing a white robe. Although there were white hairs on his temples, his white eyes were energetic and staring at him.

This person should be the current clan leader of the Hyuga clan. I heard that his name seems to be Hinata Suigetsu. The young man standing next to him should be Hinata Hiashi, but in the current timeline, he has not yet become the clan leader.

Hinata Satoru secretly analyzed in his heart.

Seeing that Hinata Satoru was not afraid of him at all, but looked him up and down, Hinata Suigetsu frowned and spoke first

"Your name is Hinata Satoru, right? I heard that you have awakened your second bloodline limit?"


Hinata Satoru nodded.

"Magnetic escape?"


The clan hall fell into a brief silence.

After a while of silence, Hyuga Suigetsu asked in a deep voice:"In the nearly thousand years of history of our clan, there has never been a double bloodline ninja. How did you awaken?"

The others also turned their eyes to Hyuga Satoru, waiting for his answer.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head:"I don't know either."

"When did you awaken?"

Hinata Suigetsu continued to ask

"When I heard the news of my father's death, I felt like the sky was falling and something in my head was about to explode. I stayed in bed for a few days, and when I woke up, I found that I seemed to be a little different."

"At that time, I didn't know that I had awakened the magnetic escape technique. Later, I slowly discovered that I had acquired some other abilities."

Hinata Satoru narrated slowly. Hinata Suigetsu and the others looked at each other, their faces changing constantly.

Long before Hinata Satoru arrived, all the information about him had been placed in front of them. They naturally knew about Hinata Satoru's family situation. His mother died in childbirth, and his father died while on duty as a guard of the branch family. The information seemed to mention that Hinata Satoru fell ill after his father's death, but it was not so specific.

So, he was awakened due to the shock of his parents' departure and the turbulent emotions?

Why was he the only one who awakened? Gene mutation???

Hinata Satoru's expression did not change, but he sneered in his heart. He inherited He remembered his previous life's memories, so he naturally knew that he had been ill after his father's death, which could be used as an excuse.

The Hyuga clan did not intermarry with outsiders, so his identity and bloodline were unquestionable. His parents had died long ago, and there was no evidence. In any case, the only explanation was genetic mutation.

Coupled with the caged bird on his forehead, he could not pose a threat to the main family in any case, so the outcome of this matter was doomed.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Hinata Suigetsu nodded, obviously agreeing with Hinata Satoru's statement.

Just when Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief, Hinata Suigetsu suddenly raised his head and stared at him straight.

"Since you have already awakened a new bloodline, why have you never gone to the family training ground to practice, and why haven't you informed the clan yet?"

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