In the morning, after tossing and turning all night, Hinata Satoru got up from the bed.

"After all, it was the first time I killed someone."

Hinata Satoru sighed.

After traveling through time for so long, he had lost sleep last night for the first time. The tragic deaths of several rock ninjas in the battle yesterday seemed to be still vivid in his mind.

After all, it would take some time for him, who had received modern education, to accept the cruel reality of the ninja world.

Shaking his head, he cleared the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Now is not the time to think about that kind of thing."

The three wars, the bird in the cage, these are like wild beasts with bloody mouths chasing him from behind, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

After finishing breakfast, Hinata Wu was about to practice when he heard someone knocking on the door.

When he opened the door, it was Hinata Hiiragi.

"Uncle Hiiragi, is there anything wrong?"

"The patriarch is looking for you."

"Oh, I'll pack up and go right over."

On the way, looking at Hinata Satoru's thin body, Hinata Hiiragi's eyes showed a complicated look.

During this period of time, Hinata Satoru's reputation as a genius gradually spread in the Hyuga clan, but he knew very well that genius was a curse for the branch family.

If it were an ordinary branch family, their whole life would just pass by like this, and it wouldn't be too painful, but if it was a genius, it would be a real torture for them to accept the numbness of powerlessness.

Hinata Satoru didn't know what Hinata Hiiragi was thinking, he was just thinking about what the clan leader's intention was in letting him go?

The door of the clan hall was pushed open, and Hinata Satoru once again saw the old man sitting cross-legged on the futon, and the young man standing next to him, Hinata Hiashi.

"Hiiragi, please step back."

"Yes." After bowing to the old man, Hyuga Hiiragi quietly left the sect hall.

""Master, clan leader." Hinata Satoru bowed slightly.

The old man opened his half-closed eyes a little, and his gaze was pressing on Hinata Satoru who was in the middle of the clan hall.

"I heard that you have always been very close to the Uchiha clan, and she even sponsored you with ninja tools for training?"

"We are just companions. We are in the same team, so it is natural for us to be close."Hinata Satoru said calmly.

"That's all." The old man shook his head and said,"I don't care whether you choose to be in the same team because you are close, or you are close because you are in the same team. I just want you to understand that the training of my Hyuga clan ninja does not require the support of other family members."

"This is related to Hinata's reputation, do you know that?"

The old man's eyes were like an invisible knife, pressing on Hinata Satoru.

Hinata Satoru said nothing.

The old man changed the subject and his tone suddenly softened.

"I understand that your savings are not enough to support your cultivation. How about this? You can receive an extra 10,000 taels from Hyuga Jido every month. Just think of it as the family's support for your cultivation."

What a big stick and carrot, Hyuga Satoru was disdainful. First, he suppressed me to make me afraid, and then he gave me some sweet talk to win my heart. This clan leader has already mastered the art of employing people.

In fact, his funds are not particularly scarce now. Even the bounty of the B-level mission he just completed is enough for him to use for a long time.

"Thank you, clan leader."

Hinata Wu thanked him respectfully. No matter what, he still had to do a good job on the surface.

"Yes."Hmm." Hinata Suigetsu nodded,"I know you have never paid attention to the practice of Soft Fist, but I still hope you can pay attention to Soft Fist. This is the secret method of Huitian practice. You go back and comprehend it for three days, and return it immediately after three days. Remember, you can't pass it on to anyone."

Hinata Wu took the scroll thrown by the old man and was surprised.

Huitian is one of the secret teachings of the main family. Generally speaking, the branch family can only comprehend it by themselves and are not qualified to practice it. In a sense, Hinata Suigetsu's behavior has broken the rules.

"Thank you, clan leader." Hinata Satoru pretended to be happy and thanked the old man.

"Well, you can go back."

After Hinata Satoru's figure disappeared in the sect hall, Hinata Hiashi beside him asked puzzledly:"Father, why did you give him the practice method of returning to heaven?"

The old man raised his head slightly, and a deep look suddenly emerged in his turbid eyes:"Hiashi, did you know that the Hokage came to me yesterday?"

"The Hokage is looking for you."Hinata Hiashi looked surprised.

""Yes." The old man nodded.

"You know that our Hyuga situation is special. Even if the Hokage wants to mobilize the branch family ninjas, he must get the consent of the main family. I originally thought that the Hokage wanted a branch family ninja, but I didn't expect it to be a genin like him."

"What does the Hokage want him to do? He is a Genin, even if he has double bloodstains, he can't play a big role, right?"Hinata Hiashi was puzzled.

The old man shook his head:"I don't know, it may be related to the Anbu mission."

"It seems that the Hokage attaches great importance to him!"

"Well, after all, he is the first double-blooded ninja in Konoha's history. Whether the Hokage wants to cultivate him or use him, the branch family will first pledge allegiance to the main family, so we just go with the flow."

Hinata Hiashi nodded slightly


After returning, Hinata Satoru began to look through the training notes of Kaiten. In the Hyuga clan, usually only the main family is qualified to practice Kaiten, while the branch family can only rely on understanding.

In the original work, Hyuga Neji realized Kaiten when he was a Genin, and was named a genius.

Because Hinata Satoru did not pay much attention to the practice of the soft fist system, he did not delve into the practice method of Kaiten. Now he has made up for this defect. The rest vacation given by Aburame Shiwei is 7 days. Today is the second day. Hinata Satoru thought about it and thought that the time was enough for him to develop new abilities through Kaiten.

The principle of practicing Kaiten is not complicated. Chakra bursts out from the acupuncture points of the whole body in an instant, and then rotates at high speed like a gyroscope to form a hemispherical chakra cover.

The difficulty lies in the technique of bursting chakra and the control of high-speed rotation.

The formed Kaiten has the ability to deflect attacks, which is called absolute defense in the Hyuga clan.

But this ability obviously does not meet Hinata Satoru's requirements. He tried to combine Kaiten with electromagnetic force.

After several days of research, he gradually developed several new uses for Kaiten.

While using Kaiten, he used electromagnetic force to construct repulsion, which greatly increased his defense ability. Metal objects would be repelled by repulsion when they were not in contact, similar to the all-round Shinra Tensei. Similarly

, he constructed gravity and turned into a human meat grinder.

Or he could use it with metal ninja tools, such as ninja swords, and use Kaiten while manipulating the ninja swords, which was the meat grinder 2.0 version. The enemy wanted to run, but because of the influence of gravity, he could only be swallowed by the high-speed rotating blade.

Hinata Satoru named these three special Kaiten as Kaiten-Yin, Kaiten-Yang, and Kaiten-Sword Dance.

Regarding the construction of electromagnetic repulsion and gravity, Hinata Satoru's influence on non-metallic objects is still limited, but if the enemy has metal objects on him, the influence will be greatly enhanced.

The upper limit of the electromagnetic force at LV2 is very obvious, but Hinata Satoru's current experience value has reached [3289/6000], which is not far from LV3.

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